Why don't we all pause for a moment to applaud Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings for hosting this most excellent challenge! This was my first experience with the RIP reading extravaganza, and I lost my head a bit. First of all, I got all excited and jumpy and immediately signed up for the four book deal, thinking it was a year-long challenge (I know, I know, it makes no sense). But as I like to say, in for a dime, in for a dollar. What the hell.
I had a long list of books just sitting around, waiting to fulfill my RIP duties. As it turns out, I did not read four books for the challenge, I read NINE. Granted, not all the reviews were posted by the end of October (the last one is scheduled to be published November 13th) but I read them in the proper time frame, so I figure it counts. Do you think Carl would do another RIP in April? And make it last for four months? Better yet, maybe he COULD do one for a full 12 months! Here were the books I read for the challenge:
Meggie's Remains - Joanne Sundell
Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier (Discussions here and here)
The Seance - John Harwood
The Seance - John Harwood
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
The Uninvited - Steven LaChance
The Angel's Game - Carlos Ruiz Zafon (coming 11/10)
Her Fearful Symmetry - Audrey Niffenegger (coming 11/12)
The BoneMan's Daughters - Ted Dekker (coming 11/13)
You were an over-achiever on this one! Way to go!
Congratulations on reading so many books! I would love it to be a year round challenge too! Spooky books are good at any time of year!
Yes, claps for Carl V. for hosting such a great challenge!
You did great with the challenge. Did you have a favorite book?
Congrats on finishing the challenge and reading so many books, Sandy!
I hope Carl will do this challenge again soon!!
Didn't you love Rebecca? I mean, didn't you just want to plan on reading it again sometime? It's one of my favorite reads of all time. The Shadow of the Wind, not so much. And, I'm glad that you liked The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo so well. ;)
Sandy, that looks like a lot of reading when you list the books out like that. Over double the required number? And great books. And you hosted the Rebecca readalong ( which was loads of fun!). I think that "over-achiever" is a deserved descriptor here!
Congratulations on all the books and on such an interesting list!
Kathy - yep, that's me, at least with scary stories!
Jackie - I think we just came up with a new goal for Carl!
Iliana - Carl's the man! Oooh, it would be hard to pick a favorite. I suppose Rebecca, but with Shadow of the Wind and Girl With the Dragon Tattoo a close second!
Melody - I just found there were WAY too many things I wanted to read for this in a two month period. I have at least a dozen more on my shelves that were ignored!
Bellezza - I so loved that book, and it was my first time. I will most definitely read it again!
Frances - Yeah, I got a little over excited, didn't I? But so much fun!!!!
Jill - thank you! Overall, the books were excellent!
Hurray for Carl! What a fabulously fun challenge R.I.P. is. I already have it in my calendar for next year.You did a great job with all those books. I want to hear about The BoneMan's Daughters.
Three cheers for you--that is an impressive array of books, and you were a terrific readalong host!! Well done, Sandy!
Fantastic Job, Sandy! I am impressed with the number of books you read but not surprised. I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge. I'm looking forward to your reviews!
Nine books - way to go!! Sounds like this is your kind of reading. I'l be looking forward to your thoughts on Her Fearful Symmetry.
Congrats on finishing -- you really went crazy!
Wow, you did go crazy! Congrats on finishing the challenge
Geesh woman! You just got back from a cruise and you managed to post your wrap-up. I'm impressed. I am so bad at challenges but I actually completed this one and have yet to do a wrap-up and to be honest, I probably won't! Too much going on right now.
I couldn't figure out the theme. RIP? The authors weren't dead. I'd read a few but not all of these but didn't think there were dead characters necessarily. Regardless, I am enjoying your blog.
CLM - I'm sorry I guess I take it for granted that everyone knows the gist of the challenge! RIP stands for Readers Imbibing Peril, so the challenge really just requires you to read a book that is scary in some way. This is an annual thing, so I shall be participating again!
Congrats on completing the challenge and going above and beyond!
Diary of an Eccentric
I too read Meggie's Remains for the challenge and really liked it.
RIP IV Wrap-up
Wow, Sandy, you totally rock! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for R.I.P. V!
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