Howdy Ho, Sunday Saloners! As you may have noticed by my sluggish and spotty comments recently, I arrived home Thursday from almost a week of fun and frivolity with my high school friends. It is almost impossible for me to express my feelings about this trip in words. Bonding 24/7 with three other ladies who knew me back when I was an idiot (and still love me) was something close to a spiritual experience. Add in the Bahamas, shopping and just a wee bit of imbibing, and it doesn't get any better. I came home mellow and at peace, and feeling slightly lazy. And none of this would have happened had it not been for my mom flying down to take care of the kids while I was away. Thanks mom!

Shari, Me, Kim, and Julie "assuming the position" at the bar
In between all the talking and drinking and eating, we did put in 15 miles towards Trish's 100 Mile Fitness Challenge, bringing my numbers up to 66 total miles. At this point, unless I break my leg or something, I think it is safe to say that I should hit the 100 mile mark in about two or three weeks. The question then becomes...can I hit 200? I might be able to motivate myself to hit this number if we could get a tiny break on the weather. We're setting records again here in Florida. Trick-or-treating in the high 80 degree heat is just plain wrong.
I brought my iPod with me on the cruise and never touched it. Too much yakking. I am in the middle of listening to "The Night Watch" by Sarah Waters, and to be honest, it really isn't tripping my trigger. I will forge ahead, though, and maybe it will turn around. I did have some time to read, and finished "Mating Rituals of the North American WASP" by Lauren Lipton for my Random Reading Challenge. This was a cute, light book that was perfect for my current state of mind. I also started "Laura Rider's Masterpiece" by Jane Hamilton (also for my Random Reading Challenge) and am about halfway through that.
While I was away, I celebrated my one year bloggiversary. I'm still amazed that I'm still sitting here reading and typing away a year later. My husband shook his head at me when I originally approached him with the idea of blogging, and he is still shaking his head now. He thinks I have balance issues. He's probably right. I received William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" as a bloggiversary gift from my blogging buddies Molly and Andy (The Bumbles), as it is one of Molly's favorites. This was such a sweet gesture, and I'm touched!
Also while I was away, I received "The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood" by Sy Montgomery from the library. I'd read a couple of reviews and I just couldn't help myself. I raised pigs when I was young, and they were a constant source of amusement. Pigs are full of spirit and mischief (unlike cows which are really dumb), and I knew I would get a total kick out of this book. It is next on the list.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

Shari, Me, Kim, and Julie "assuming the position" at the bar
In between all the talking and drinking and eating, we did put in 15 miles towards Trish's 100 Mile Fitness Challenge, bringing my numbers up to 66 total miles. At this point, unless I break my leg or something, I think it is safe to say that I should hit the 100 mile mark in about two or three weeks. The question then becomes...can I hit 200? I might be able to motivate myself to hit this number if we could get a tiny break on the weather. We're setting records again here in Florida. Trick-or-treating in the high 80 degree heat is just plain wrong.
I brought my iPod with me on the cruise and never touched it. Too much yakking. I am in the middle of listening to "The Night Watch" by Sarah Waters, and to be honest, it really isn't tripping my trigger. I will forge ahead, though, and maybe it will turn around. I did have some time to read, and finished "Mating Rituals of the North American WASP" by Lauren Lipton for my Random Reading Challenge. This was a cute, light book that was perfect for my current state of mind. I also started "Laura Rider's Masterpiece" by Jane Hamilton (also for my Random Reading Challenge) and am about halfway through that.
While I was away, I celebrated my one year bloggiversary. I'm still amazed that I'm still sitting here reading and typing away a year later. My husband shook his head at me when I originally approached him with the idea of blogging, and he is still shaking his head now. He thinks I have balance issues. He's probably right. I received William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" as a bloggiversary gift from my blogging buddies Molly and Andy (The Bumbles), as it is one of Molly's favorites. This was such a sweet gesture, and I'm touched!
Also while I was away, I received "The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood" by Sy Montgomery from the library. I'd read a couple of reviews and I just couldn't help myself. I raised pigs when I was young, and they were a constant source of amusement. Pigs are full of spirit and mischief (unlike cows which are really dumb), and I knew I would get a total kick out of this book. It is next on the list.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

Welcome back, Sandy! Looks you you all had a great time...any plans to make this an annual retreat/event??
My sister has started doing a 'spa weekend' with her high school friends and I'm just a wee bit jealous. My reunions tend to be evening adventures when everyone is in town visiting parents.
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip with your old friends! I'd love to hear more about your adventures with pigs!
Looks like a good time with friends! I had a blast too with friends and family - catch me at Sunday Salon
You should be able to get some miles in today. It is gloriously cool here this morning and I'm only about 1 1/2 hours NW of you. 68 degrees! Hallelujah, I can breathe again. A/c is off and windows open. Enjoy!
You're welcome, and remember, I wanted those kids born, I think, more than you did!! Love being with them.
It is great to have you back!
It is lovely to see that your Mom has commented on your blog - I hope she comes back here again soon.
I'm sorry to hear that you aren't liking Night Watch. I haven't read that one, but had hoped it would be good.
What fun and welcome back! And yay Mom! Amazing how much you need one no matter how old you get. Not that we are old of course! :) But you know what I mean. Happy reading!
10 years ago my entire class of 5/6th graders did a huge project on the Bahamas for Geography week. I let them pick the country. I've wanted to go there ever since.
BTW - I just read a book about a 16th century girl who kept a pet pig that she let sleep in her bed. I have spent some time around picks, I spent a summer on a farm that had them. I don't believe it. What do you think. Would anyone let their daughter have a pet pig they could sleep with? Not one of those little pot-bellied ones but an actual, farmyard pig?
Glad to hear you had a great time. Missed your comments.
I am so glad you had such a wonderful trip! It is great to have you back all mellow and relaxed.
It is wonderful being part of your community and to think it has only been a year! Thank you for your comments and caring.
The bar looks like fun! Welcome back, happy 1-year... and have a wonderful Sunday!
I'm very happy to hear you had such a good time! But also very sad you're not enjoying The Night Watch :P It's such a dark and depressing book, though, that it might not have worked for me either during a dream trip with a group of good friends :P
Welcome back! How fun to have spent such a good time with old friends! And how great that you kept up with the fitness challenge on the trip! Very impressive!
Well you know how envious I am of all your girl fun and now I am envious of you getting that pig book. I saw a wonderful review of it and it sure caught my attention.
Looks like you had an absolute blast! That would be so much fun. :) Welcome home, and I hope that mellow, peaceful feeling lasts well into the month.
JoAnn - yes, we actually would love to do this annually. There are a few more ladies that want in on the action, and we feel it is the least we can do for ourselves! Unfortunately, I've never actually been to a class reunion, since I live so far away!
Kathy - oh, the pigs. They are their own animal, and will not be trained TOO much. They get that little gleam in their eye when you try to get them to do what you want, and off they go!
Book Bird Dog - I'm off to check out yours!
Kaye - I don't think the cold front reached us today. Around mid-day it was 92 degrees. Hope it comes soon!
Mom - I know, you did want grandkids pretty badly, but wanting them, and dealing with pre-teens is two different things, no? Still, you handle their drama quite well!
Jackie - Mom has been on here as "mom", "bookworm" and "anonymous"! She is a shape-shifter! As for Night Watch, I know, my heart is slowly breaking over it. I sure hope it picks up, but I'm about 3/4 through and no dice. *sigh*
Frances - we have virtually no support system down here, but despite this, my mom is always a plane ride away!
James - oh, the Bahamas are so beautiful. The water just can't be described, and the people are so friendly. And NO I would not let my daughter have a pig sleep in her room!
Gavin - we will see how long the relaxed thing lasts! ha!
Sheri - thank you! It is scary how quick that year flew by!
Nymeth - it is pretty dark, but I don't think that is my issue. After listening to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game, it is just incredibly sloooooooow.
Jill - well, we started out motivated. By the end of the trip, it was all we could do to take showers and make it to dinner!!!
Ti - I believe time with good friends heals the soul of just about anything. That, and a good book about pigs!
Carrie - thanks! And yeah, we will see about my zen state. I give it a day!
Welcome back!! Bask in the glow of your adventure for at least a week...you earned it (and you were missed)!
Welcome back, Sandy! We missed you! I'm glad to hear you all had a wonderful time!
I look forward to your review on "The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood"! ;)
Start with the piggy book. Save Faulkner for a more serious frame of mind ;0)
Welcome back! Looks like a great time ("assume the position!"), connecting with old friends ... those who, as you say, knew you when, but love you anyway.
"tripping my trigger" is a new-to-me expression. I'm going to make an effort to use it this week.
Welcome back from your wonderful trip! It is so nice to connect with the people who knew us before we became who we are now. Girlfriends are the best!
It sounds like you had a blast on the cruise, Sandy! I'm so glad you got the opportunity to go and visit with your childhood friends.
I'm sorry you aren't particularly enjoying Night Watch. That's one I've been really wanting to read for awhile now.
Congratulations on reaching your first year blog anniversary!
I hope you have a great week, Sandy!
Welcome back, Sandy! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful time with your friends. Have a great week ahead!
I'm so happy you had a great time with your friends! Great photo of you all at the Bar. I love that you are going to be reading a book about pigs, I think they're adorable!
I'm looking forward to your reviews. How are you liking the Jane Hamilton book? I haven't read anything by her in a while but I always liked her books.
Well, happy blogiversary! that is no small accomplishment!
And your cruise sounds DIVINE! You are so lucky to have been able to have that opportunity. I'm so glad for you. : )
Great to see you back Sandy! Looks like you and the girls had lots of fun.
I'm glad you had a great time! Have a great week!
I'm so glad you had a good trip!!! I sure missed you, but times like that are priceless.
I'm glad to hear you had such a great trip!!
I have that pig book somewhere...I should dig it out. I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned it.
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