A few weeks ago, JoAnn @ Lakeside Musing participated in the meme "What's On Your Desk Wednesday?" and invited her readers to jump on the bandwagon. Why not? Never mind it isn't Wednesday...I don't like following rules. Here is what it is all about:
What's on your desk Wednesday? is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Sassy Brit of Alternative-Read.com. Check her blog out each Wednesday for the post titled What's on your desk Wednesday?
You can do one of two things or both!
Grab a camera and take a photo of your desk! Or anywhere you stack your books/TBR pile. And no tidying! Add this photo to your blog. Tag at least 5 people! Come back here and leave a link back to your photo in comments.
List at least 5 BOOKISH things on your desk (I'm thinking your TBR pile or books you haven't shelved...) List at least 5 NON BOOK things. (I'm thinking some of some of the more unusual items on your desk/table?) Tag at least 5 people to do the same. Come back here and leave your link, so we can come and visit your blog. Or add your answers in the comments if you don't have a blog.

So here we are at Chez Nawrot. My husband would say this is where I spend my life (not true!). This is where I do all of my blogging. (Just as a FYI, I've also included a picture of my reading chair, which is where I read of an evening.)

Book wise, what I keep at my desk are the books soon-to-be-read. In this case, it would be:
Laura Rider's Masterpiece - Jane Hamilton
What's on your desk Wednesday? is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Sassy Brit of Alternative-Read.com. Check her blog out each Wednesday for the post titled What's on your desk Wednesday?
You can do one of two things or both!
Grab a camera and take a photo of your desk! Or anywhere you stack your books/TBR pile. And no tidying! Add this photo to your blog. Tag at least 5 people! Come back here and leave a link back to your photo in comments.
List at least 5 BOOKISH things on your desk (I'm thinking your TBR pile or books you haven't shelved...) List at least 5 NON BOOK things. (I'm thinking some of some of the more unusual items on your desk/table?) Tag at least 5 people to do the same. Come back here and leave your link, so we can come and visit your blog. Or add your answers in the comments if you don't have a blog.
So here we are at Chez Nawrot. My husband would say this is where I spend my life (not true!). This is where I do all of my blogging. (Just as a FYI, I've also included a picture of my reading chair, which is where I read of an evening.)
Book wise, what I keep at my desk are the books soon-to-be-read. In this case, it would be:
Laura Rider's Masterpiece - Jane Hamilton
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
Mating Rituals of the North American Wasp - Lauren Lipton
Run at Destruction - Lynda Drews (ARC)
Plus don't forget my Kindle, in the purple leather case, for those impromptu purchases. On top of my Kindle you will see the ever-important calendar, with my life spilled out everywhere. Under the Kindle and the calendar are magazines and papers with lists of books that I have to read someday. (There are a couple of brochures for beach rentals there too I think.) Also within reach is my iPod to my left, and my phone to my right.
To my right is an empty glass, that held orange juice earlier this morning. My husband brings this to me each morning when I am catching up on blogging. To the right of that are a couple of computer games of my son's, a Polish-English dictionary and the Polish Rosetta Stone. May I someday be able to speak fluent Polish...
And of course, don't forget Casper. He loves to sit on top of the desk and look at birds and squirrels outside, but as soon as the camera was turned on, he freaked out. Away he goes.
Like JoAnn, I'm not going to play tag, but invite anyone to play along!

Plus don't forget my Kindle, in the purple leather case, for those impromptu purchases. On top of my Kindle you will see the ever-important calendar, with my life spilled out everywhere. Under the Kindle and the calendar are magazines and papers with lists of books that I have to read someday. (There are a couple of brochures for beach rentals there too I think.) Also within reach is my iPod to my left, and my phone to my right.
To my right is an empty glass, that held orange juice earlier this morning. My husband brings this to me each morning when I am catching up on blogging. To the right of that are a couple of computer games of my son's, a Polish-English dictionary and the Polish Rosetta Stone. May I someday be able to speak fluent Polish...
And of course, don't forget Casper. He loves to sit on top of the desk and look at birds and squirrels outside, but as soon as the camera was turned on, he freaked out. Away he goes.
Like JoAnn, I'm not going to play tag, but invite anyone to play along!

NICE! I like your rolltop! And that chair looks extra comfy, but I would have to have an ottoman to stretch out my long legs. They don't fold up as easily as they used to! :)
I lov seeing bloggers reading spaces. I love that chair. Definitely can curl up in it.
Susan - the good news about my reading/drinking chair is that it is a Lazy Boy, so the foot thingy kicks out, and will almost lay flat if I want. It could be my sleeping chair too!
Nicole - Yeah, the chair is great. It is big enough that sometimes my daughter and I both get in it and read.
I love your desk, especially with the descending cat! But the best part of your post is the description of how your husband brings you your orange juice every morning. Wow! Very impressive! :--)
Your reading chair looks SO comfy!! Also love the big rolltop desk with all the essentials...computer, cell pnone, ipod. I didn't notice the kindle until I read your words - the purple cover must have thrown me off. Thanks for playing along!
What a fun idea! You have a pretty tidy work space, Sandy. My own is... well let's just say a little less tidy. You are inspiring me to go clean out the paper clutter. Thanks for the share.
I love that Casper had to get in the picture. Thanks for sharing!
A rolltop desk, a comfy chair, and a husband who brings you your orange juice?! Dang, lady, you have it ALL--and deserve it, too. Thanks for sharing; got to go clean now...
Your reading chair looks so comfy...now I know how you get so many books read. I'm afraid I would do more napping than reading if I had a similar one! Happy Saturday!
I have the impression that cats are always attracted to books! They like to linger around keyboard and writing desk. Casper is sooo cute! My desk has been such a huge mess since school started and I can hardly find anything there other than the keyboard. I leave my current books on the night-stand so they are within reach! Hope you enjoy The Art of Racing in the Rain. :)
Aw, I wish I had a kitteh on my desk. :)
Your reading chair looks so comfy!
I could never share photos of my desk and whats on it its shameful the mess! Oh dear!
I LOVE Casper's pose :D
I love computers in roll tops. My grandmother had a classic roll top and whenever I see them today with computers in them I think of it as a melding of the old and the new.
Don't give up on your Polish. I know learning another language can be tough work but it's definitely worth it. I got my Rosetta Stone through www.cbcwebcollege.com for only $180 and have been trying to use it every day. It's really an awesome way to learn a new language.
The chair looks inviting. Do you have before pictures? I wanted to take a picture of our big comfy chair when we first got it and then one after it had some quality sitting time after a year or so. It's funny how they say owners look more like their owners as time goes on when I think it's even more true of comfy chairs. The chairs start to match their owners' silhouettes much more so.
I love seeing bloggers reading spaces too!
Wish I've that reading chair! It looks so comfy!
I have a big desk in a Red Sox themed office but I never go up there. I blog and read in an oversized chair in front of our TV. That way I get to watch the games and hang out with Andy. The laptop saved my marriage ;0)
Your husband is totally sweet! It's wonderful to be able to catch a glimpse of your life especially in blogging and reading. Thanks for sharing, Sandy!
Love the desk and Casper. Thanks for sharing :)
Very nice Sandy. Love your desk. I really should get mine cleaned up and set up all my stuff there. I'd probably be less likely to lose it all like now. lol. Your chair looks like the perfect place to curl up with a book-nice and comfy.
I love the kitty on your desk! Mine is so uninspiring, tucked in the corner of the guest room. I like your little computer, and the desk its on. Maybe Santa can bring me something besides the behemoth on which I'm currently writing.
Caspar is a cutey and that chair looks cozy!
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