I've always known that we bibliophiles are cut from a different cloth, and I think it is safe to say that we are quite proud of that fact. However, this morning I had to step outside myself and really closely analyze my reaction to a minor issue that arose last night.
I was 30 minutes away from finishing Pride and Prejudice on audio book. I'm into the romantic finish and schmaltz up to my knees. I pop the earbuds into my head to finish out the book while making dinner. And the iPod freezes up. I mean, it's done. It doesn't respond to my frantically smushing buttons, plugging it into the charger, or my attempts to sync. I'm screaming to myself "No, No, No!" First things first, I sat down at the computer, pulled up iTunes and listen to the end of the book, foregoing dinner preparation. OK, now and I at least breathe. But then my mind starts to erratically race in various directions. I need to make an appointment at the Genius Bar on Friday to get it fixed. OK, done. What if I have to buy a new one? OK, money is no object in this case. What if they need to send it off to fix it? It could be weeks. What will I do? How will I clean the house? How will I exercise? I HAVE "DRAGONFLY IN AMBER" (all 33 discs) LOADED AND READY TO ENJOY!!!!!! I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT JAMIE!!! I start to get the shakes. The kids are talking to me, and I won't respond. I keep jabbing the iPod buttons. I very quickly sink into a malaise. I do remember that I have an old iPod Mini that will hold a gig of stuff, and I transfer the first three discs of Dragonfly onto that. OK. At least I'm not totally stranded. But I'm still depressed.
My husband comes home from work to find me sullen and untalkative. After he hears about my crisis, he quickly reminds me that the financial world is crumbling around us, there are people starving in Africa, innocent people dying in religious wars in the Middle East, and to straighten out my priorities. I remind him that he is the one that bought me the super duper iPod and is his fault I am addicted. This goes nowhere.
This morning, the iPod had lost its charge, which was expected. I plugged it in to charge, and after I few minutes, I found it to be in normal, working order. My funk was gone, just like that. The swing of my mood was so extreme, it almost made me dizzy. This cannot be normal. Should I seek help? Am I bipolar? Is my need to read out of control? I seriously scare myself.
I was 30 minutes away from finishing Pride and Prejudice on audio book. I'm into the romantic finish and schmaltz up to my knees. I pop the earbuds into my head to finish out the book while making dinner. And the iPod freezes up. I mean, it's done. It doesn't respond to my frantically smushing buttons, plugging it into the charger, or my attempts to sync. I'm screaming to myself "No, No, No!" First things first, I sat down at the computer, pulled up iTunes and listen to the end of the book, foregoing dinner preparation. OK, now and I at least breathe. But then my mind starts to erratically race in various directions. I need to make an appointment at the Genius Bar on Friday to get it fixed. OK, done. What if I have to buy a new one? OK, money is no object in this case. What if they need to send it off to fix it? It could be weeks. What will I do? How will I clean the house? How will I exercise? I HAVE "DRAGONFLY IN AMBER" (all 33 discs) LOADED AND READY TO ENJOY!!!!!! I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT JAMIE!!! I start to get the shakes. The kids are talking to me, and I won't respond. I keep jabbing the iPod buttons. I very quickly sink into a malaise. I do remember that I have an old iPod Mini that will hold a gig of stuff, and I transfer the first three discs of Dragonfly onto that. OK. At least I'm not totally stranded. But I'm still depressed.
My husband comes home from work to find me sullen and untalkative. After he hears about my crisis, he quickly reminds me that the financial world is crumbling around us, there are people starving in Africa, innocent people dying in religious wars in the Middle East, and to straighten out my priorities. I remind him that he is the one that bought me the super duper iPod and is his fault I am addicted. This goes nowhere.
This morning, the iPod had lost its charge, which was expected. I plugged it in to charge, and after I few minutes, I found it to be in normal, working order. My funk was gone, just like that. The swing of my mood was so extreme, it almost made me dizzy. This cannot be normal. Should I seek help? Am I bipolar? Is my need to read out of control? I seriously scare myself.