Saturday, April 10, 2010

24 Hour Read-a-thon: Hour 15 and Brain Dead

Hour 16 and counting. It is 11:15 at night, the kids just retired and I will probably not last much longer. The mini challenge was clever...too clever for my muddled brain. So I will give one last update for the evening, go to sleep and see when I wake up.

According to my record-keeper Emma, she has read 323 pages, and is still reading The Purloined Boy. She wanted to finish it, but it wasn't meant to be. Ryan hasn't read anything in ages...he made it to 160 pages, which is really a miracle for a non-reading child. I am currently at 321 pages and have about 60 more pages to read of Knots and Crosses. The book has what you need in a crime thriller...a good and damaged protagonist, heinous acts of violence, and as of yet, an unsolvable mystery. I'm going to try my darnedest to finish it, but I'm faltering.

I took a hot bath, but that just made me tired. Then my record-keeper offered her foot massage services, but that made me tired too.

I wish you all the Red Bull you can handle, and hope you make it later than I!


Tammy said...

What an awesome record keeper! Good job! Have a wonderful night!

Anonymous said...

You're daughter makes an awesome readathon assistant! You should hire her out. :-D

Melissa said...

You did a great job ... congrats!

Cheryl said...

That is my job at home, my husband and daughter beg for my foot massages! Here to cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

Come on I know you can do it!!! =)

Anonymous said...

A story is a special thing
The ones that I have read
They do not stay inside the books
They stay inside my head.
(author unknown)

Looks like you're having a great read-a-thon.

Sleeps sounds good to me, too.

Jennay and Luke the Pup said...

Nice reading assistant...a foot massage, too!

Wow, you're doing amazing job and surrounded yourself with great people. Hope you're having fun!!!

HAPPY readings and Go Team Wordsworth!!!
*shakes pom poms*

bermudaonion said...

I'm coming to read with y'all next time around if foot massages are part of the fun!

Cath said...

I love your updates with the darling pictures! A nice twist on a familiar meme.

Serena said...

Love the foot massage photo! LOL