I have been blogging for about 8 1/2 months now, so I am guilty of still checking (and caring) about my stats on a daily basis. Up until mid-June, my daily hits have been steadily increasing, which is encouraging! People are actually reading my drivel!
When I left for Poland for 2 1/2 weeks in mid-June, I scheduled almost daily posts to publish while I was gone. Now, granted, Blogger put the old screws to me and failed to post at the scheduled times, but I was able to manage through it without too much lost. Since this time, I've noticed that my stats are waaaay down, by at least 20% or more. And they have not rebounded since my return.
So for all you veterans, my question is this: Do readers abandon blogs when they know the author is not at the other end participating in two-way communication? Is everyone on vacation, and the timing just a coincidence? Or did everyone decide en mass that I really didn't know what the hell I was talking about and decide to move onto greener pastures? My loyal commenters have not gone away, so it must be the lurkers that jumped ship.
Any ideas?
When I left for Poland for 2 1/2 weeks in mid-June, I scheduled almost daily posts to publish while I was gone. Now, granted, Blogger put the old screws to me and failed to post at the scheduled times, but I was able to manage through it without too much lost. Since this time, I've noticed that my stats are waaaay down, by at least 20% or more. And they have not rebounded since my return.
So for all you veterans, my question is this: Do readers abandon blogs when they know the author is not at the other end participating in two-way communication? Is everyone on vacation, and the timing just a coincidence? Or did everyone decide en mass that I really didn't know what the hell I was talking about and decide to move onto greener pastures? My loyal commenters have not gone away, so it must be the lurkers that jumped ship.
Any ideas?
That is an interesting observation. I hope your visitors come back soon. I have never been away, so haven't experienced this before.
If I follow someone's blog I don't mind if they go away for a while and don't stop following them, even if I don't know when they'll be back.
Have you lost subscribers or just search engine traffic?
Search engines put you closer to the top if you've posted recently, but I don't think 2 weeks would cause you to lose many places.
I hope they come back soon!
I've been reading a few posts about the summer "lazies" and not blogging as much. Maybe this has something to do with it. Personally, I am doing more reading for pleasure without commitments to posting reviews. It still seems that summer should be more laid back and I think this has a lot to do with it. Hang in there, kid, I never left you. I might not always comment but I do visit frequently.
Glad you're home safe and sound.
Jackie - no my followers are still there. It is the other traffic...search engines and those that don't "follow" by just stop by now and again. And even though I was gone, I had posts coming out generally every day, except for those four or so days that I wasn't able to get online.
Kaye - I wondered if it might be just the way things go in the summer. Since I wasn't blogging last year at this time, I wasn't sure. So glad you are still here!
I lose followers when I go away even with scheduled posts. I think it's because they don't see *me* commenting on *their* posts - at least that's my theory!
Hello from a lurker. I've noticed a lot of book blogs are quiet recently- I just assumed people are away for the summer or otherwise busy. Sometimes when I'm away from blogging for a time, my number of visitors go down, just because I'm not visiting other blogs and commenting as often. At least, that's what I think.
I'm still here and I love you!
I do think blog activity drops off in the summer months probably especially July.
I read in a post about tips for blogging once, that January through April is actually the busiest blogging time! I tend to go strong except for the end of the year. ;)
I'm sure it will pick up again, soon!
Sandy - I've been blogging for four years, and things always slow down in the summer months. They usually pick up right around the time school starts back up - which is when I have less time, since I homeschool!
But I'm still here and glad you're home!
I've found that the more I focus on stats the more insane I become. Be patient and things will improve. I don't know if it was because of your vacation or because others are on vacation. I know that I haven't been reading blogs much recently because I've been so burned out with life in general.
You did win one of my contests while you were gone, so maybe that will keep your mind off stats for a second or two. LOL! http://literatehousewife.com/2009/06/we-have-our-winners/
People who subscribe and read your blog in a feed reader will usually stick with you, since basically you come to them whenever you post. In my experience, it's unusual for search-engine traffic to stick. And as others have said, traffic seems to fall off generally at this time of year - people are away from their computers more.
Don't worry, they'll be back - and new ones will turn up, too :-).
Rhapsody - I was wondering about that. I'm pretty responsive, and even though I could check my e-mails, wasn't able to respond. (Long story, but my Polish computer had a virus that freaked out if anything was typed...)
Jeane - I've seen you before. I like your kitty picture. I think it is a combination of both perhaps...me not responding, and everyone being on vacation...
Sherri - I love you too!
Amy - Well, this is my first summer so next year I'll be prepared! And I wont' get my feelings hurt.
Carrie - I'm glad you're still here! I shake my head at the thought of homeschooling AND blogging. Really, hats off to ya.
Jennifer - Yay! I'll be right over to check it out! I know, stupid stats. I should just ignore them, but I can't.
Florinda - I'm glad to see you here! And it is good to know that things should turn around.
Still here :)
I agree with Carrie K., I've been blogging for five years and the summers always seem a bit "slower" with comments and such. I'm sure they'll all be back soon Sandy - you just keep posting your fabulous reviews!
Like several of the others have said, I think it may be the result of the summer season. You're stuck with me. I may not be able to visit the day you post, but I usually will try and stop by later in the week to catch up.
Sandy, like Literate Housewife said focusing on numbers will just drive one insane. Best to focus on friendships and faithful followers, I think, of which you have many!
You know I do notice when I don't comment on other blogs that people stop visiting. I visited while you were gone although I remember I was having trouble commenting sometimes. Like today, blogger is being nasty. Anyhow, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I love your blog too much!
I'm still around, Sandy!!! :P I like reading your blog! Keep up the good work!
Sandy, having blogged for over 3 years and having taken long sabbatical (like 5 weeks) I totally understand what you mean. I have had the same pattern in declining readership. I cannot offer any explanation for this behavior. I can see how maybe my absence, which means not being able to attend to comments, might make people feel that I don't care for what they have said?! I would take into account that this is the official summer as kids are out of school and families are taking trips that would drag book bloggers away from their computers. Usually the readership and traffic would bounce about a week after I have returned from vacation. I don't want my readers to feel that their comments have been neglected. Also I try to make way around reading all the blogs on my blogroll.
I think everyone's stats go down at certain times of the year, like around major holidays. This is my first full summer blogging and I think the summer is affecting stats too - people are busy outside and with their own vacations.
I don't have anything new to add (I was away for 3 days myself!), but I think that the summer is slow. Just blog away and know that we are still reading. I think your stats will go up again.
I don't check my stats much, if at all, so I don't know if this is widespread, but I think a lot of it is people are busy and on vacation a lot during the summer.
I just got back from a two week vacation myself - I had such good intentions to schedule posts while I was away, but didn't manage to write any at all! I did post occasionally while I was gone, though. I'll have to remember to check my stats next week and see if anything's changed from this time last month!
I suspect, though, that a lot of people are on holidays and your readership will start climbing right back up there in a few months!
Someone told me that you were in need of traffic, so I checked out your blog and I agree that it should get more readership, and of course, more comments.
On Site Traffic, a Matt's Musing
I am a freelance writer, and the most heartbreaking thing for me is to lose my audience, blogging or otherwise. So I added your blog to my blogroll so that perhaps I can bring some more readers to your blog.
Please consider linking back to mine if you feel inclined; I love readers and comments just as much as you do.
Good luck!
Thomas :)
I have been away a lot this summer, so yes, I have not been reading the blogs I follow, like your, as much as usual.Even though I had my wee netbook and usually had some internet access, I am just too busy when on vacation...doing nothing as much as possible.
Now if I followed the stats on my own blog, no doubt I would see a drop too.
That is interesting. I have not left yet for any amount of time since I have started blogging more and being more involved in the giveaways and reviewing. However in November I will be in Honduras for 10 days and have wondered even with laying out posts for while I am gone how that will work.
Keep on going - I would think it would turn around (I think Summer would cause a decrease too- more action on line probably in fall and winter)
AND this is my first time here! Newbie for you! :)
Sheila - thanks for stopping by! I love to see new people on here. I guess the decline in readership isn't enough to make me stop blogging, but it does cause me to pause and wonder. I'm hoping it is just a summer thing and will pick back up!
I can only echo what others have said ... it must be summer slowdown. I know my time online has decreased due to more commitments (i.e. kids!) at home, and more time out of the house (vacation, out in nice weather)
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