Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to dig yourself out of a rut...

  • Do you ever feel like your life is over-scheduled? Do you know what you are reading for the next three months? Typical to my nature, I seem to have gotten myself into a little bit of a reading rut. Not that what I'm reading isn't marvelous, but I have my reading life planned down to the point where my calendar is filled. So when I saw this challenge pop up, I knew I needed it badly.

    Caribousmom is hosting the Random Reading Challenge, which runs from August 1, 2009 to July 31, 2010. There are several levels of challenges to meet everyone's needs, but I'm taking the Level III, which is a 12 book commitment. Here is how it works:
  • Arrange a large pile of some or all of your TBR books, and number them.
  • Use a random number program to select a number. That is the book you get to read. Books should be selected one at a time, as you read them.
  • Absolutely no lists! This is meant to get you out of your planning rut!
  • No reviews required, but if you would like to share, the host site will add a Mr. Linky after August 1st.
  • You don't need to have a blog to join.
  • There are prizes!

    It really doesn't get any easier guys. We all complain about the growing height of Mt. TBR, and this is the perfect way to force ourselves into the thick of it. Come and join me in the fun, and comfort me in the insanity of joining another challenge!


Juliann said...

That is what I thought - this one is too easy to pass up. Enjoy

Iliana said...

Sounds like a fun challenge! I am not in a rut but definitely have been reading more at whim this summer and I love it. No deadlines for ARCs, blog tours, that sort of thing.

caite said...

I don't have to worry about being over organized since I am not organized enough to have a list to start with....

Beth F said...

Heee heee. Who could resist? Glad you joining in.

Unknown said...

Okay, sounds fun. I could just roll some dice to come up with a number without making a special stack. I'll have to get 15 dice to get a number big enough to cover all of my TBR books, though.

Wendy said...

Yay! Glad to see you joining in :)

Carolyn @ Book Chick City said...

Just thought I would pop by and say thanks for leaving a comment on Maw Books about my post. I have also left a comment there too, so take a look.

Unknown said...

I'm still thinking about whether to join this one or not - I love my lists too much!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Juliann - right! What's not to love with this one!

Iliana - I seem to have gotten myself into some hard, fast commitments and deadlines. ARCs are great and a relatively new thing for me, but I thought this challenge would be good to mix things up!

Caite - good for you! I think that's healthier...

Beth - you're responsible!

James - Glad you joined in. Dice sounds like a fun way to do it.

Wendy - I have no willpower.

Carolyn - thanks for coming over! I couldn't find your comment at Natasha's though.

Jackie - I'm pretty structured too, but I figured it would be good for me.

Darlene said...

Uggggh, I really don't need another challenge since I'm doing so miserably on all my others but this does sound like a handy one. It could actually be used to help me read some of those books for challenges. Good luck Sandy!

Melody said...

Hmm...I'm still thinking about this one though. It sounds so much fun! But I'm so afraid of looking at the list of challenges I joined!! :P

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sandy, I have never scheduled books to read. Although, like my social life, I'm sort of a one-track gal who doesn't venture far from the known.

I've just recently fond Jeffrey Archer and am jazzed that he has a lot to choose from. But I find I can't commit to reading books whose authors are unknown to me.

Sounds like a growth area, huh?

Melissa said...

Hmmm, this one sounds interesting! And since some of my challenges are wrapping up it's hard not to sign up for more.

Anonymous said...

I think I've been very random with my reading lately and that I might as well join this challenge. Have you come up with your first random book yet?

Sandy Nawrot said...

Matt - no I haven't! But I will! I just got home yesterday afternoon, so I haven't set up my stack yet! Not that I'm going to be able to start reading my selection on August 1...I have some commitments.