* After a week's worth of football practice, my son could barely walk and I feared his foot might have gotten a stress fracture. Ran him to Centra Care for a quickie x-ray and all was fine, just a sprain. (FYI, when he was in Kindergarten, he played baseball for two weeks on a broken arm. I really don't want to earn that award of Bad Mommy ever again.) He now must be drugged up and taped up before practice every day.
* Techno geeks had to come to our house to fix our media center after everything was blown out by a storm. All has been restored, our butts are back in our seats (nests) and movies are back on the agenda.
* My daughter had not seen her friends all summer, so a last-minute sleepover had to be arranged, including shopping at the mall. My son and I drug our rear ends around behind them, sat on benches and read our books. It actually was much more pleasant than I had anticipated.
* Daughter's dermatologist appointment was up on Wednesday, then a last minute decision for the the kids and I to go see The Help. Phenomenal movie. I'll talk about it a little more tomorrow. Then we had to race home to meet the appliance guy so he could fix our dishwasher, which sprang a leak earlier in the week.
* First day of school Thursday. Being an officer of the Home & School board, I got to serve coffee and attend the New Parent Welcome Meeting. Also scurrying around getting ready for our big school-wide meeting next week, Powerpoint presentations, and preparing budget for the year.
* Following daily football practice, a Saturday of picture-taking, scrimmages, and a pep rally at a local burger joint. The heat index was only 115 so, you know, it was really pleasant and we all smelled really nice!
So basically, NOTHING else got done this week. Reading? Bah! Well, I did finish Nesbo's "Nemesis" and I LOVED it. I started Alma Katsu's "The Taker" but after four days or so, I'm on page 80. (We will be speaking to Ms. Katsu at SIBA, so I wanted to experience her work.) So there ya go.
I've also had some very lame and inconsistent blog hopping. I swear, if you are still here, reading me, I will be back. Give me a week or two of organizing myself, you should see improvement.
The one good thing that did occur was an uptick on the audio listening. I am only a few discs away from finishing "East of Eden" and it is just a glorious experience. Kathy has to be the nastiest bitch I've ever seen in literature. It is so much fun to hate her! Antagonists like her are good for the adrenaline. This will be a fun book club discussion.
I also spent a little time updating my audio reviews on the Audiobook Jukebox website, which had been neglected over the summer. The exciting news about this website is that it now offers a selection of audios each month that are available for review through the Solid Gold Reviewer Program. You should definitely check it out if you are a lover of audios.
I also am offering, thanks to Macmillan Audio, an audiobook giveaway for "Iron House" by John Hart. Get your name in the pot if you are interested.
I have extremely high hopes for a slightly calmer week next week. My husband is out of the country for most of the week, and there are two significant meetings at school, and my daughter starts basketball practice, but it WILL be better! Today I am hoping to lay low and get some reading done...maybe float around in the pool a little.
Have a great Sunday!

No wonder you listen to so many audiobooks with all the running around you have to do! I'll start The Taker today so I can have you to talk about it with!
I am in total chaos with four birthday parties in three weeks plus back-to-school, karate, soccer, dance, piano, voice lessons, etc. so I know exactly what you mean...
You have had a busy week!! And what was up with that storm?! We got hit pretty hard in my neck of the woods as well with that North Florida monsoon!
Gee, you were busy. My students return next week, so I'm just now gearing up. We drove up to Lakeport on Friday, spent much of the day wine tasting. That will have to count for our vacation this year.
Best of luck with the start of school.
Whew! That was some week. I don't have to worry about packing and moving the CS till the end of the month...
Best of luck with the beginning of the school year!!
Isn't Cathy just awful? When I read that book I was constantly amazed at how realistic and bad Steinbeck had created her. Just an amazing book, and the only Steinbeck that I have ever read. I do have a few others on my shelf, I just never seem to have the time to peruse them.
It does sound like you've got a lot going on right now, and I am in admiration for you being able to handle it all with such fervor! Next week is going to be a doozy for me with a few big church events planned and a wedding to attend over the weekend.
I hope you are enjoying The Taker. It's a really weird story, but I thought it was rather well done and sort of amazing the way that Katsu braids so many stories together like that.
Have a great week over there!
You just don't know how glad I am to be past the days of school and running kids around. I know this sounds selfish, but I'm so happy to have some "me" time these days. I loved The Help too, but there's controversy around it now - I swear if something's popular, someone has to be down on it.
This is such a crazy time of year. I feel your pain. I'm back home after a week's vacation and will spend the next couple of days getting caught up with work and getting my son ready for his last year of high school. School starts this Thursday and then all hell will break loose. It is nice to know that I am not the only one going crazy right now!
My goodness you have been busy! I'm still lollygagging around putting off back to school shopping. I don't envy your hot weather. Here we are in mid-August and we still haven't had a 90 degree day. It's been the coolest summer I can remember (and I'm not complaining). :)
You are always so busy that I hardly notice a difference!! ANd I need to check out this Audio Jukebox thing.
You are always so busy that I hardly notice a difference!! ANd I need to check out this Audio Jukebox thing.
Sandy, with all of your to-do's I'm amazed you find the time to blog! Don't worry about the blog hopping. Make sure you get some reading and relaxing after all that running around!
And, your poor son, that sounds painful. Glad it is just a sprain.
wow, and i thought i was busy. ha. i guess if i add a bunch of kiddos to the mix then i'll know the real definition. i'm gearing up for school myself but we don't go back until after labor day here in new jersey. wishing you a more relaxing week ahead. i'm enjoying fallen--thanks again!!
Life certainly is wild right now. Hope this week is a little easier! My poor blog has been totally and completely neglected for a week :-(
Your week has been crazy! I'm glad you're getting farther into East of Eden. Isn't Kathy just wonderfully awful!
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