A very nippy but happy Sunday morning to you all! Well, so much for global warming, huh? You know the end is near when it snows in Florida, and yesterday it did just that. It seems that not only has a blanket of snow and ice has covered the US, but has invaded the entire earth. Gotta build back those glaciers and keep the polar bears alive.
Well, I am afraid this week was pretty one-dimensional. Generally the only thing on my mind was The Game On Diet. My entire life seemed to be focused on drinking enough water, eating the right things at the right times, exercising, decluttering (my new healthy habit) and e-mailing with my Game On gang via about twenty or thirty messages a day. It is amazing how life tries to interfere with our good intentions. We suffered from a variety of obstacles, including general malaise, frustrations with the scales, swine flu, sick husbands, sick pets, allergic reactions, you name it. We all counseled each other through the difficult first week though, and are holding strong! Everyone involved is losing weight and feeling the benefits, even after only 1 week.
The very positive benefit from this diet business is my exercise routine. Now, in the past, I've been a three or four-day-a-week exerciser. With Game On, you are required to at least get your heart pumping 20 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Well, it all adds up. On Friday, when I turned my mileage into Trish for the 100 Mile Fitness Challenge (Part Deux), I had accumulated 30 miles! Wowee! At this pace, I will hit my 200 miles by the end of March for sure!
On a bookish note, the kids and I started the fifth Harry Potter audio, which will take a dog's life to finish at 23 discs. We only listen in the car to and from school, and while running errands, but it sure makes the commuting a whole lot of fun! I finished the audio "Got the Look" by James Grippando (a gift from Kathy @ Bermudaonion), and started "The Cemetery Dance" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (won in a giveaway). I attempted to listen to Murakami's "Blind Willow/Sleeping Woman" on audio, but I crashed and burned after a couple of discs. Murakami is meant to be read, I learned. I read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein, and went through about a box of tissues, while on the elliptical, thank you very much. I'm now reading an ARC entitled "Home is Where the Wine Is" by Laurie Perry. No, I'm sure you aren't all that surprised I'm reading a book with this title, are you?
A little excitement in the library delivery schedule...after being on the wait list for about three months, the audio of "The Girl Who Played With Fire" has finally arrived! Narrated by Simon Vance! I can't stand it! My goal is to start the fun toot sweet!
This next week, I'm looking forward to my monthly Book Club meeting, where we will be discussion my choice "The Help". I had already read the book, but just really needed this group to enjoy probably one of the best books released in 2009.
Lastly, if you didn't catch my post yesterday, I am assisting the Adult Literacy League this year with their annual fundraising event "Reading Between the Wines". I have been charged with collecting as many author-signed books as possible for their silent auction. If any of you would be willing to donate one, or know someone who might have access to a secret closet full of them, please let me know!
That's it for this week folks! Stay warm and have a fantastic Sunday!
Another fun filled week, Sandy! Congrats on the diet and exercise!
I have go to get my hands on The Help and can not wait to here what you think of The Girl Who Played With Fire.
I don't have any author-signed books to donate but good luck with the silent auction. Have a great week.
Learning a new way of eating is definitely all-consuming! I hope all those other obstacles were group-wide and not confined to your family! That would put anyone in the grave!
It sure seems like everyone has fun with the Game On Diet! Glad to hear you're doing so well with it.
I think I can come up with a couple books for you auction, but don't want to jinx anything by giving details beforehand.
Great post Sandy! I'm so glad your Simon Vance audio came in: you'll love it!
Wah? You had snow in Orlando? Hubby swore we had some snow on the roof but I think it was just heavy frost. Anyway, here on the west coast it is 30 degrees this morning. Yow!
Congrats on doing so well with the Game on Diet.
Glad you scored The Girl Who Played with Fire. Have a great week and happy reading/listening!
Happy Sunday, Sandy -you've had a busy week! I have an award for you:
Snow in Florida -- oh my word! I was wanting to come down, help you put tabs in your header, and enjoy the warmth :)
You should give yourself a pat on the back for Game On --- you have had a GREAT week.
I struggle with drinking enough water all the time. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day.
You're right, some books just don't work well with audio, as I discovered last week with Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.
Good luck with your exercising and with the adult literacy league! I wish I had some books to donate. I have already given away the signed copies that I'm willing to part with, but I'll take another look through my shelves just in case I missed anything.
The weather is weird, everyone is freezing, as in FL, and in WI here our weather is normal for this time of year... I have 2 kids living in FL and one in NC and they are freezing?? poor things hehehe.
I loved the book Help, I read it early this past summer on my eReader and should have bought a copy. My review of The Help is on my left sidebar at http://www.celticladysramblings.blogspot.com
Have a great day!!!
It snowed here too today! :D Sadly not enough for a blanket of snow, but I'll take what I can get :P
My book club picked The Help too. We probably won't get to it until April at the earliest. Curious how your group's discussion goes.
BTW - What a great idea for a fundraiser. Hope it meets everyone's expectations.
I hope that your book group enjoy the Help and that you like listening to The Girl Who Played with Fire.
I think that your charity has the best name ever! I really hope that it is successful and apologise for not being able to donate any books.
So THAT'S how you're logging so many miles with Trish! Well done!! I'm in the process of snagging a signed copy of Emeril's TV Cooking from my husband...he's not easily persuaded, so I'm not sure I'll be successful, but I'll try!
I just read your post about the 100 mile fitness challenge and I just joined. Thanks! I have to get back in shape and challenges always help me.
Where do I send my signed book for your auction?
hope that you love The Girl Who Played With Fire.
Did I mention that I have the third and last book in hand, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest? I ordered it from England because I can not wait until May to read it here... lol
Another full week Sandy. Now you've got the cold weather and I'm pretty warm here for this time of year. I'm trying to watch my diet as well. I'd probably drink a whole lot more water if I wasn't so busy drinking coffee. Have a great week Sandy!
Well you made it through Week 1 of Game On diet. It's about all I thought about too -- it's kind of all encompassing!
All of that, and snow too! OY! Congratulations on your diet and exercise progress, as well as the reading successes. Can't wait to read your thoughts on the Girl Who Played with Fire!
I may be able to help a wee bit with your silent auction...
Have a great--and much warmer--week!
Stay warm, Sandy! How I wish we have those snow here!
You're doing well with the Fitness Challenge! Keep it up!
Speaking of Harry Potter, I need to finish the fourth book soon! I admit I'm taking my time in reading it, and I think part of the reason is because I've watched the movies for so many times!!
I hope you've a great week ahead!
We're listening to Prisoner of Azkaban in the car right now. :) It's not quite as long as #5.
The audio version of The Help was mentioned in this week's Entertainment Weekly magazine as something not to miss - I am looking forward to listening as soon as I finish the two audiobooks I'm currently working on.
Sorry to hear about your cold weather but sounds like you had a great week and are doing good on the Game On Diet! That is so awesome...keep up the good work!
Wishing you continued luck with the game on diet. I spent the weekend de-cluttering and I have to say that I am pooped and still have more to go!
Food and water is right. And our week was wrought with stress but this week has to be better.
I'll look and see what I have on the book front.
You rock, Sandy!! Although I do have to admit that my mom keeps watching your miles and considers you her competition!! :P We went to the gym together yesterday and she said, OK how many does that Sandy lady have? LOL!
Would you be interested in writing a post about how you get your motivation or how you fit in your workouts throughout or how you avoid exercise burnout? LOL--I know you can provide some great motivation for us. Let me know if any of these spark ideas that you'd be interested in?!
It's been really cold here in Central Texas too but at least it's been sunny so that helps to make things a bit better.
You are doing great with all that exercising. I need to get myself to the gym for that treadmill but it's so hard to start that up again after you haven't been doing it for a while isn't it. Grr...
Anyway, keep warm Sandy!
Hasn't it just been beastly outside lately? I liked it for the first few days, but now I feel as though enough is enough! I hear we will be having warmer temperatures by the end of the week though! My daughter is loving the weather. She keeps putting cups of water out on the porch to see if they will freeze overnight! I am glad to hear that you are doing so well on your fitness challenge and hope that you are able to continue in your success! I am also amazed at the amount of audio books you listen to!
Have fun with the book club meet! I've been wanting to read THE HELP but still couldn't find a copy of the book in my bookstores. If I still can find it soon, I'll have to buy it online as I always do. :D
Looks like the The Game On Diet is doing all of you a lot of good. Seeing results is the best and most satisfying! Well done, Sandy!
Great week, Sandy!
The Game On Diet does kind of dominate your life, doesn't it? You are rocking it though! Go go go!
23 discs?!?! *GROAN*
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