One week down, 12 to go! How did we all do?
I logged in 14 miles this week, which I am happy with, although I personally thought I would hit a higher number.
I had a couple of obstacles to overcome this week. One was the weather. While my friends and family up north were digging out their sweaters and enjoying a fire in the fireplace in the evenings, we've been setting records for heat in Florida. Every day this week has been in the mid-90's, with the heat index in the triple digits. With humidity in the high 90's. After walking five miles on both Monday and Tuesday, I felt I was being crushed into the pavement by the oppressive heat. The clothes had to be left in the garage. Nasty. It is hard to motivate yourself under these conditions.
The other obstacle is just life itself. One of our five kitties got sick on Wednesday morning, and had to scrap my workout plans to take her to the vet. She wasn't eating, and she was hiding in weird places. I've been down this road before, and was prepared for the worst. Luckily, it wasn't the worst (we don't think). Some hydration and antibiotics, and we were on our way. I play golf on Thursdays, which I consider a form of exercise (especially in 95 degree heat) but I did not count it for this challenge.
My primary focus is to keep exercise a priority. Heat, humidity and rain shouldn't slow me down. My goal for next week is 20 miles.
Make sure you leave your updates with Trish at the 100 Mile Fitness Challenge website here. I have been asked to write guest posts for her now and again. Any ideas on what you would like me to babble about?
I logged in 14 miles this week, which I am happy with, although I personally thought I would hit a higher number.
I had a couple of obstacles to overcome this week. One was the weather. While my friends and family up north were digging out their sweaters and enjoying a fire in the fireplace in the evenings, we've been setting records for heat in Florida. Every day this week has been in the mid-90's, with the heat index in the triple digits. With humidity in the high 90's. After walking five miles on both Monday and Tuesday, I felt I was being crushed into the pavement by the oppressive heat. The clothes had to be left in the garage. Nasty. It is hard to motivate yourself under these conditions.
The other obstacle is just life itself. One of our five kitties got sick on Wednesday morning, and had to scrap my workout plans to take her to the vet. She wasn't eating, and she was hiding in weird places. I've been down this road before, and was prepared for the worst. Luckily, it wasn't the worst (we don't think). Some hydration and antibiotics, and we were on our way. I play golf on Thursdays, which I consider a form of exercise (especially in 95 degree heat) but I did not count it for this challenge.
My primary focus is to keep exercise a priority. Heat, humidity and rain shouldn't slow me down. My goal for next week is 20 miles.
Make sure you leave your updates with Trish at the 100 Mile Fitness Challenge website here. I have been asked to write guest posts for her now and again. Any ideas on what you would like me to babble about?
Congratulations! This is a great challenge. I hope you continue to do well and hope your kitten gets better soon. xxJ
You're doing great! I probably should join this challenge, but I'll admit I'm too tired and lazy right now. At least I'm doing my Wii Fit. LOL
Diary of an Eccentric
Congrats, Sandy! That's a great accomplishment IMO. I hope your kitty gets better soon!
That's great Sandy. It is easy to find excuses but you soldiered on. Use one of your guest posts to write about what motivates you to participate and eventually reach your goal.
Great job during your first week even with the interruptions!
We've had cold rainy weather here lately, so I haven't gotten to walk too much. Maybe today if the weather doesn't turn too cold. The high for tomorrow is only supposed to be in the 20s.
You beat me by 14 miles. I'd say you're doing great!
Sorry about your kitty-I hope she'll be ok with the meds now.
Congrats on your 14 miles. That's awesome. I sure wish we could trade some of your hot weather with my very cold one.
14 miles is most impressive, especially in that heat. I don't believe I could do that in a month, much less one week. (Is it too late to join? Exercise would be a good idea right now.) Congratulations. And I hope your kitty is better; it is horrible when they don't feel well, nearly as bad as a child, except the child can tell you--mostly--what's wrong.
Walk on, McDuff!
Fourteen miles your first week is good, especially with the obstacles you were facing.
I hope your kitty is doing better! My oldest cat hasn't been feeling his best lately, but I'm hoping it will pass on its own before I drag him to the vet.
Good luck with reaching your goal this next week!
Way to go on the 14 miles. I'm sorry your little kitty was ill. Cats don't get sick too often so when they do it's usually not a good sign but I'm happy that was not the case here!
I had a grand total of 3 miles this week :( I would be very happy with a 14 mile week. Great start!
I think you did amazing!!!!! You'll make this no problem!
14 miles is so impressive! I only did 3.5 miles but I'm happy because I feel like I'm getting into a nice routine.
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14 miles is fantastic! And you did that with some major obstacles. Way to go, Sandy! Golf is definitely good exercise especially if you walk the course. I think heat and humidity can waylay exercise plans to a degree because it's preferrable that you not get heatstroke and other icky illnesses like that while trying to be healthy! :o) Your weather a bit much for any major outdoor activity.
I hope you're kitty is okay and it's just a virus. It's so awful when they get really sick. I'm thinking positive thoughs and sending you all lots of support that kitty gets well soon.
What are you listening to? That's a great blog post that ties in with walking.
hydrate, hydrate, hydrate in that heat (but you know that!)
Hope all is well on the family/kitty front :)
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