Monday, September 14, 2009

War Through the Generations Anyone?

As you probably all know, our beloved War Through the Generations 2009 Reading Challenge, hosted by Anna and Serena, was short-listed for the BBAW Awards "Best Challenge". I immediately joined this challenge at the beginning of the year, because I have always been fascinated (bordering on obsessed, if I were to be honest) with anything remotely related to WWII. Any review posted by a participant of the challenge is likewise posted on the War Through the Generations Website, in order to introduce great reading options to the rest of us. Anna and Serena also on occasion will publish guest posts from authors in this genre, newsworthy articles, and other interesting factoids on the website. If you have any interest in this time period, this challenge is where you need to be!

Why the sales speech, you ask? Well, in honor of this most awesome challenge, there will be a special challenge-wide giveaway for anyone who would like to jump on the bandwagon. Even though the challenge started January 1st of this year, there is still time to join before the challenge ends on December 31st, 2009. All you have to do is read five books relating to WWII before the end of the year. You've already read three so far this year, you say? That's great! You can still count them. Just publish a post on your blog with your list of five books (more if you are so inclined), and officially sign up at the War Through the Generations Challenge site. Then, leave a message here telling me you're in! You also don't have to have a blog to join. Everyone is welcome here!

So what's in it for you? If you sign up for this challenge this week, you will be entered into a giveaway for one of three copies of "War on the Margins" by Libby Cone. (See the four-star review of this book by Rob Around Books.) This great opportunity will last all BBAW, and will close on Sunday September 20th at midnight. This is an international giveaway, so come one, come all. What are you waiting for? What's one more challenge?


Unknown said...

Great sales pitch! Unfortunately I have too many challenges and don't have the same passion for war books as you. I might squeeze one book in, but four is too many - I hope you get a few new takers though.

Unknown said...

This sounds like a fantastic challenge! I'm not sure if I'm for it thoug but I want to be. I'm going to think about it & do a little research. I'm definitely intrigued by the idea!


Literary Feline said...

How exciting! I'd love to see more people join. This is one of the very few challenges I hung onto when I made my decision to cut loose several I'd signed up for.

Anna said...

Sandy, thank you so much! I hope your readers will consider joining us for the rest of the year.

Diary of an Eccentric

Iliana said...

Serena and Anna have done a great job with this challenge and I'm sorry I didn't join this time around but I'm hoping they'll host it next year. I gotta work on some of my other challenges for now so I have to pass.

Serena said...

Sandy you should be in PR!

Great post and I hope a ton of new people join up!

Its a great challenge and so easy to accomplish especially with so many great books out there.

Literate Housewife said...

If you haven't joined this challenge, this book would be great. I read it last year and found it really interesting. Now, I've got to get off my keister and read the two I have left - you were talking to me when you said you've already read three, right? LOL!

J.T. Oldfield said...

I can count some I've already read this year? Awesome. I am so in.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hi, Sandy. Serena at Savvy Verse and Wit (and War Through the Generations) asked me to post about this over at Win a Book.

So, I did. No need to enter me for anything -- but feel free to holler if you do future gives.

Anonymous said...

I signed up for the challenge earlier this week and forgot to come here to tell you. I received an email from the challenge site and they told me I should comment. I would love to read this book. I have identified 5 other books for the challenge and this one would add to my TBR list.

Thanks for the giveaway.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot nt

avalonne83 said...

Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

avalonne83 said...

Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

Strangelove said...

Count me in, please!

carlos_durao AT hotmail DOT com

Edu Chico said...

You say International and I'm in!

educhico AT gmail DOT com

Jafantunes said...

This will make for a wonderful read!
Thank you for the giveaway!


RM1(SS) (ret) said...

Just found out about this yesterday. I've already read three WWII books this year; three more won't be a problem. 8)

Anonymous said...

Hi Yes I just joined as a participant committing to read 5 books by yearend. So please count me in. Cheers. MarionG. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com