I am so pleased to have just recently received this award from Carolyn at Book Chick City. Now before we go any further, we must give some love to Carolyn. The girl started her blog in July, people, and she has already put me to shame. Dozens of ARCs every week, author interviews, nominations for BBAW...I could go on. I'll just shut up and encourage you all to go on over and check her out.
I have many many wonderful commenters on my blog. If it weren't for them, I'd think I was talking to myself, give up and go home. But today, I want to honor one of those commenters...the Bumbles. This duo consists of Molly and Andy, two very cool people who always have very humorous and interesting things to say here at You've GOTTA Read This. They have got it all going on over there at their place. Avid photographers, readers of fine literature, a weekly feature about their lives and the Red Sox, and of course, the hosts of the ever-popular Monday Movie Meme. So in honor of Molly and Andy, I leave you with a rather frenetic but beloved song by the Dropkick Murphys, a favorite up there on the eastern seaboard, singing "For Boston". (I have this ring tone in my phone for some other friends of mine that are Bostonians.) Enjoy!
I have many many wonderful commenters on my blog. If it weren't for them, I'd think I was talking to myself, give up and go home. But today, I want to honor one of those commenters...the Bumbles. This duo consists of Molly and Andy, two very cool people who always have very humorous and interesting things to say here at You've GOTTA Read This. They have got it all going on over there at their place. Avid photographers, readers of fine literature, a weekly feature about their lives and the Red Sox, and of course, the hosts of the ever-popular Monday Movie Meme. So in honor of Molly and Andy, I leave you with a rather frenetic but beloved song by the Dropkick Murphys, a favorite up there on the eastern seaboard, singing "For Boston". (I have this ring tone in my phone for some other friends of mine that are Bostonians.) Enjoy!
Congratulations on your award, Sandy! I "met" Carolyn during BBAW and I can already tell I'm going to love her blog.
Congrats on the award. I too met Carolyn just this week and she's already in my reader!
And oops! Just woke up Mr. BFR, who was planning on sleeping in this morning! Hee hee....
Congratulations on your award! We all appreciate you and the fact that you read our blogs!
congratulations, I enjoy reading and being visited by the bumbles. Thanks for passing it on to them
Congratulations on your award, you deserve it!
Yeah! Congratulations!! Love Molly's blog...very cool. :)
Congratulations, Sandy! I love reading your comments--as bermuda said, we ALL appreciate you!!
Have not "met" Carolyn--will go visit. And I do love those Bumbles.
Happy weekend!
Carolyn is a star, but so are you! ;)
You. Rock. Sandy!
Thanks for the props and the video. Did you know that the Dropkick Murphys song - the one from the movid The Departed (I forget the name of it) - is what Sox Closer Jonathan Papelbon makes his entrance to the mound to each time? They played on a flatbed trailer during the 2007 World Series parade and Papelbon rode along with them dancing along in a kilt. What a nut job.
Thank you for introducing me to Carolyn across the pond. She. Rocks. Too!
My 7 yr old LOVES Dropkick Murphys - he was so excited to hear the song when I was reading your blog.
Congratulations on your award, Sandy!
Congrats on your award, Sandy! You know I love reading your blog, and you're a great commentator!!
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