4. The Philadelphian, Richard Powell (1956)

In 1959, at the age of 9, I spent many hours every week in our beautiful 1920’s neighborhood library. Out in the sunlit center, on the terrazzo floor, were long wooden tables in the section for those 14 and under: the rest was off limits. I couldn’t stand it, since I was hot to trot when it came to books. I got my parents and my teacher, Mrs. App, to speak with the librarian. I was given an adult library card and a letter that allowed me to take adult books out of any Allen County Public Library. Now I could browse for hours in the formerly forbidden stacks. In my first month, I flipped through Powell’s novel, found some passages that were very puzzling, and checked it out. I read the book twice, absorbed in the family saga from nineteenth-century poor Irish immigrant girl to the powerful, brilliant twentieth-century lawyer. That all made sense, but what intrigued me most were the non-explicit sex scenes—non-explicit from an adult standpoint, but very mysterious to me. This led me to a search for understanding of human behavior that has dominated my life. Even now, fifty years later, I find the ways of human beings quite mysterious.
5. L’Étre et le néant / Being and Nothingness, J. P. Sartre (1943)

Sartre’s phenomenology opened my mind and my heart to the meaning of freedom when I first read this in English translation in 1965, at the end of freshman year in high school. Freedom had been just a word with American mythological meanings attached. Now, the radical nature of consciousness, our absolute freedom to construct a mode of being-in-the-world, became evident. My so-far unsuccessful struggle for authenticity in every part of life dates to that first reading. While a student in Paris, I finally read Sartre’s essay in French, and later, in the late 1970s, in Polish translation obtained from a public library in Wrocław.
6. The Penguin Elizabeth David Cookery Book Set (1971)

While studying in Paris in the early 70s, I spent an occasional afternoon in the English-language paperback section in the basement of Brentano’s on the Avenue de l’Opéra. There I found and browsed through this set. I was intrigued, but the little box was a little rich for my budget. A week later, I found it at a much lower price at W. H. Smith, just north of the Tuileries, and snapped it up. I started what I thought was going to be a slow slog, but I zipped through. David made food writing alive, sensual, and let me know that I, too, could cook like homemakers in France and Italy with simple, fresh ingredients. The 1971 reprinting includes Mediterranean Food (1950), French Country Cooking (1951), Italian Food (1954), Summer Cooking (1955), and French Provincial Cooking (1960). Thanks to David, I began to pay attention to the beautiful foods I was eating every day, to the ways I could prepare them, and to food memories from my family. I am a decent amateur cook today, thanks to my parents’ and grand-parents’ cooking, and thanks also to Elizabeth David who liberated my culinary impulses and showed me how to unleash them, unafraid.
I love Elizabeth David too. I haven't got the complete set, but I have a few of her books - they are great for anyone who loves cooking.
I really like his story about getting the adult library card. What an interesting glimpse into someone's reading life :-d
Who could not love Elizabeth David!!!
Jackie - shame on me, I have none. My Christmas list is a mile long at this point, and we're still months away!
April - I feel the same way. With this series I've been doing, I'm learning things about people I have known forever.
Beth - OK, that is two votes. I'm putting her on my Xmas list!
Here's vote #3 for Elizabeth David....What an interesting perspective Kevin provides on the changes in the American educational system. He read Sartre at the end of his freshman year of high school in 1965; I read him for the first time as a freshman in college twelve years later. Hmmmm.
ds - I'm not sure it is very representative of the educational system, but just of Kevin himself. He has always been on a higher plane than most!
I was waiting for the second installment! What a wide-range of books. Can you imagine reading the Sartre at 15 or so?! I still haven't gotten around to him yet!
Reading Part III of Kevin's favorite books I realized I missed Part II! I am putting the Sartre on my list, he's another author I always mean to read but keep putting off.. I really enjoy reading cookbooks, some of them are so beautifully written and illustrated. Kevin's story behind and description of Elizabeth David's books and and the several votes in her favor convinced me that The Penguin Elizabeth David Cookery Book Set gets a spot on my Christmas List!
Kevin writes beautifully...has he written anything himself Sandy?
Sandy, please ignore my silly question about whether Kevin has written anything himself...as soon as I hit send I realized that I knew that he was published from Part I of his favorites, I just didn't remember what he'd published so I went back and read Part I! (I think I need more coffee!) Thanks for some intereasting, inspiring posts!
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