I recently bought this book at Sandmeyer's Book Store in Chicago, with the intent of reading it for the RIP Challenge. I just received an e-mail this evening from Molly @ The Bumbles, asking if I wanted to join her in a group reading of this book starting October 1st. Of course I said "heck yes!". I remember that a number of you have indicated a desire to read this book for RIP as well.
So...who's in? The more the merrier!
So...who's in? The more the merrier!
That's a great book for the RIP Challenge. Let me give it some thought. I may just have to join you. :)
I'm listening to it now on CD, does that count?
ME ME ME! I'm in!
I'm in - just put it on hold at the library.
I'm in!
I've been wanting to read this for a while. I am sure I'll love it and it would be great to share the reading experience with you!
I'm in! Loved the shared reads! Works so much better for me personally than the broader challenges where we all read different titles. Thanks for the idea.
I've read it several times, so my answer is: you all must read it! I'm going to pass.
If I hadn't read it just a year ago I'd definitely be joining. Have fun, everyone!
I wish I could be! I am way behind with blog committments and there is no way I could fit this in. :(
No worries everyone, if you are bogged down. I can relate. This is amazing...so we will have at least four, maybe five, plus Molly and I. (And you mom, I know who you are even though you come through as Anonymous! And yes, the audio counts!) What fun this will be! I'll send out a quick reminder when October 1st draws a little closer. Thanks guys!
I wish I could. :-( I hope you all enjoy Rebecca! Eventually I will read it. Just not anytime soon.
You good little doobie you! So organized. How shall we do this? We each just post our reviews as we finish and link back to you or should we come up with discussion questions or what? I'm very excited! I don't know if I could be as brave as your mom and listen to this one - creepy!
Molly, I'm not sure. I did a Wuthering Heights read along awhile back, and came up with questions that everyone independently answered and posted on. But it required some serious coordination to make sure we all read it and finished at the same time. I'd say that we all read and review, and link to whoever has already posted. Anybody have an opinion?
I agreed to read this with Molly on Goodreads.com so I'm in.
Hello, I'm Donna by the way!
Oh this is one of my all time fav's I hope that you love it!
Count me in! Have a copy, and been meaning to read it for ages.
Looking forward to sharing thoughts:)
I really liked the way we did the read-along with Wuthering Heights - I liked the questions at the end of each section - or quarter - or whatever. I just needed a little longer time to get through each section that what we were allotted. I don't know how long Rebecca is, though - but I remember from when I read it years ago that it seemed to be a quicker read.
OK! So we have at least seven or eight readers! I am so excited! In a couple of weeks, I will do a post listing all the participants. I will also break the book into two parts, and leave maybe a week for each part...that should be enough time, shouldn't it? Then I'll post some thought-provoking questions. This should be fun!
Hi Sandy! I'd love to read this book together with you and the group. Do I just wait until October 1 to do this? :D
I have this book in my TBR. I'm trying my best to whittle down my TBR and what better way to do it than what you're suggesting here? *GRIN*
Alice - we will officially start on October 1st, but if you want to get a head start (I think my mom is listening to it right now on audio!) we won't hold it against you! I'm so glad you could join us!
I have had this book on my bookshelf for years now but haven't gotten around to reading it. I know it's a classic, I need to just pick it up! Need.more.time.to.read.!!
Oo, this is so tempting. Do I have to decide now??
Gavin - no, no need to decide right now. I will post on this a handful of days before October 1st, just so everyone knows who is involved. Just let me know within the next couple of weeks!
Love this book. I won't be joining but can't wait to hear how you liked it! Have fun :)
Sure! I've actually been wanting to read it for a while. :)
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