Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is in honor of Labor Day - finding a job, getting a job, losing your job, loving your job, hating your job - you get the drift. Again, I'm unfortunately going to have a little overlap with the Bumbles, but there are some movies that cannot be ignored:
Baby Boom - I may have mentioned this already, but this is one of my all-time favorite movies ever. I've got to watch it at least a couple times a year. I think it struck a chord with me when I was trudging away in the workforce. It was my ultimate fantasy. Thumb your nose at the boss, quit and move to the country with the kid, and start your own organic baby applesauce business, fall for the local (and dude-ish) veterinarian. Yeah, baby!
Falling Down - I think every red-blooded American saw a little of themselves in this movie about a guy that just can't take it anymore. A nerdy weapons designer hates his job, the traffic and life in general, abandons his car in the middle of a traffic jam and goes on a one-man rampage.
Office Space - this is the perfect movie for anyone who has had to endure the soul-sucking curse of the cubicles and jammed copiers.
The Devil Wears Prada - my old job had absolutely nothing to do with fashion, but had everything to do with a boss like Meryl's character in this movie. Only Meryl could take a fluffy chick flick and give it a delicious edge that was a delight to watch (and gave me de-ja-vu!).
Clerks - Kevin Smith's classic movie about the dead-end job. Should be required reviewing for all kids who think they don't want (or need) to go to college!
Strike - OK, you guys knew I would throw one in here that was off the radar. This is a fabulous (but no so totally accurate) movie about a female welder working in the Gdansk shipyards who single-handedly fuels the strike that starts the Solidarity movement. Based on the true story of Anna Walentynowitz, a compatriot of Lech Walesa. The cherry on top is the soundtrack by Jean Michele Jarre.
So I imagine by now you know how I feel about work! What are some of your favorites?
Clerks is awesome! And EEK! I feel so sorry for you for having had to put up with a boss like the one in that movie!
Great choices!
My first thought was Norma Rae. I love that movie!
My second thought is...how in the world do you find time to watch movies with all the reading you do?!! LOL
Nymeth - yes she was something. I wouldn't have been a bit surprised for her to ask me to get the most recent unpublished Harry Potter manuscript either.
Susan - we don't watch nearly the number of movies we used to, but is usually an evening activity that my husband and I enjoy!
Clerks is one of my son's favorite movies! (He's in college, by the way.)
Fun list! Baby Boom will be on mine when I get it up.
When it came out, 9 to 5 was a hoot.
Falling Down was rough. Once thru it was enough for me.
I enjoyed Baby Boom, The Devil Wears Prada was okay, and I don't think I've heard of the others.
Also, I have an award for you here!
Empire Records - best job movie EVER!
Kathy - that movie is definitely cultish to that generation! I see he took the hint after watching it and got an education! Good guy!
stacy - it is such an '80's movie, but I never tire of seeing it!
Beth - I loved 9 to 5, but didn't list it because I didn't want to copy the Bumbles TOO much! Yes Falling Down did take a dark turn, didn't it?
Carolyn - thank you! I will get that posted soon!
Lauren - I don't think I saw that one! Oh! And just this moment I remember "Be Kind Rewind" - another funny one!
You have some nice movie picks today. my Monday movie
Falling Down was a tremendous movie. I've seen it many times, and it is a bit dated now, but the overall theme still rings true. Michael Douglas was great in that one.
A great list, Sandy! Office Space was one of the first ones that came to mind. My husband is a huge fan of Kevin Smith's and has enjoyed all his movies, including Clerks. I don't think I've ever seen Strike.
Kaye - you've got a load of good ones! I guess when you think about it, movies about work are more abundant that you first would imagine!
Bumbles - I can just remember when that movie came out, and all of my work colleagues thought that was just the ultimate "I'm pissed off at my work" movie.
Wendy - I doubt that 99.9% of the population has seen Strike. I always find it fun to include one of those on my lists. Still, worth watching big time!
Great list! I've only watched The Devil Wears Prada and I'm glad my boss isn't like her!!!
Hands down, Office Space. That movie is just too funny... Or should I say sad as it really captures some of the crazy that happens in the corporate world?!
Falling Down! I'd forgotten about that one. Great choice!
Here's two documentaries:
The Take In the wake of Argentina's economic crisis, a group of unemployed factory workers decide to take over their closed factory and start production on their own. Written by Naomi Klein, author of No Logo and Shock Doctrine.
Workingman's Death Five locations (Ukraine, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, Nigeria) - five jobs. Absolutely jaw-dropping aestheticized look at manual labor. Not for the faint of heart.
If you want to see Meryl's inspiration for The Devil Wears Prada, you should check out the new documentary on Anna Wintour called The September Issue. It is amazing how similar it is to TDWP.
I also love The Devil Wears Prada. It's very inspiring--it should be titled How-To Manual on Getting and Keeping a Good Job When You're In Your Twenties. But that probably wouldn't be as catchy. :P
I also like Working Girl, because Harrison Ford is in it. ;)
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