And a happy morning to y'all! Well you know you're getting old when you sit down to talk about your week, and you can't think of a single thing you've done. Of course, at top of mind is the Game On Diet. The routine is getting a little easier, except for the deprivation of wine, chicken wings and chocolate. (What a combination, huh?) But we're seeing results, which is all that matters. Team Ho Ho was every so slightly behind the Twinkies and the Ding Dongs after week 1 points were tallied, but we've got our eye on the finish line. Those other teams had better watch out! We are hungry for the win (uh, literally).
Again, stellar week in the exercise category. I racked up another 23 miles, bringing my 100 mile Fitness Challenge total to 53 miles. My three month challenge should be completed by the end of January! Not to worry, though. I shan't stop. I'll set my sights on the 200 mile mark after that.
We had book club this week, discussing my pick, The Help. It gave me a happy heart to see the group embrace this book and love it. What's not to love, really? The next book selected was Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I've read enough reviews to know I'm probably going to like this one. Hats off to my friend Marianne for choosing it!
Because of the Game On Diet, and the requirements for daily exercise and daily decluttering, I've been reading less I think. I don't feel I've been all that productive. (On the bright side, my house is shaping up!) I finished the ARC "Home is Where the Wine Is" by Laurie Perry, and started in on "Brooklyn" by Colm Toibin. A number of people mentioned this book in their top reads for 2009, and at about the halfway point, I am really enjoying it. The kids and I continue to plod through Harry Potter 5 on audio. I finished "Cemetery Dance" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child on audio, and plunged into the heavenly bliss of "The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Stieg Larsson. There aren't too many audios where I've wished the listening experience would never end, but this series is one of them. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that it is narrated by Simon Vance, who is like ear candy. Read the telephone book to me, Simon baby! Just let me hear you speak!
I have been overwhelmed with the response from you all with regards to my mission for the Adult Literacy League, and collecting author-signed books. I have even received two already in the mail. The event isn't until early April, so please keep us in your thoughts. If you make contact with an author, ask them if they wouldn't mind donating a signed book. Every book makes a difference!
Hope you all have a nice, relaxing Sunday and ramp up for another awesome week! Hey, tomorrow is a holiday in the US, so in addition to honoring MLK, we get another day to play! Jury is still out for the Nawrot activity - it is a tossup between the movies and Universal. Most likely, everybody and their nephew will be at the theme parks, so chances are, movies will win. How are you all planning on spending your day off?

I hope you see a good movie!
when i noticed the photo below this post I scrolled down and found out your friend who lives in the Treasure Coast must be fairly close to me here in Vero Beach! When I was younger I did a lot with plants and veg. gardens too.. but now I live in an apt. with other old folks but foudn your friends blog interesting.. i marked it and will check in and read it now and then!
Just the exercise and meal planning sounds like a busy week to me! So tell me, were you relaxed with your "non-busy" week, or were you antsy? hehe
Congrats on doing so well on your fitness challenge! I was businer than I thouht I would be this past week, but unfortunately didn't get a lot of exercising done.
<a href="http://bookbirddog.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post.html?>Book Dilettante</a>
So happy you're enjoying Brooklyn! Enjoy the rest of the weekend...
My goodness - Simon Vance is ear candy? I've got to find an audio book that he's narrated!
You are totally rocking the 100 mile fitness challenge! Way to go!
Can't wait to hear your review of the telephone book!
OH wow --- it never dawned on my that one of your everyday activities could be going to Universal studios or Disney! That is our dream vacation (slight gree-eyed jealousy here)
I am very impressed with your exercise dedication. I have consistently done 7 miles a week (had hoped to do 10 when the New Year started) - but I have to be satisfied with that.
I need to get to the next Larssen book too. I love Simon Vance's voice too.
I haven't been reading as much as I normally do either, but the house looks great (go Game On).
Oooh...ear candy. Maybe I should make him my first reentry into audiobooks. I've only listened to two in my life and the last one was probably five or six years ago.
Congrats on all the fitness accomplishments. I'm still having a hard time getting my chunky self off the couch and onto the elliptical!
I understand how hard it can be giving up chocolate! I still eat it now and then in small doses, but it's been a struggle.
It sounds like you are doing well with the Game On Diet. There's a big weight loss competition going on at work right now. I should have joined, but the way their doing it makes it sound too much like a crash diet. Something I'm not interested in. The Game On Diet at least sounds healthy and encourages good habits.
I am glad your group really enjoyed The Help. That's one I need to read. I also want to try and read Sarah's Key this year. I look forward to hearing what you and your book club think of it.
Enjoy your weekend, Sandy! Have fun tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you while I'm at work. :-)
With all of the walking you're doing, I hope you took a "before" picture and will take an "after." I'm sure it would be impressive.
How am I spending MLK? As always, scrambling to keep up with my commitments. Glad for a day off to catch up. Leaving for Hawaii on Sunday but no, I don't have time to leave a clean house. It will wait until I get back. Happy Weekend!
Congrats on all of your progress with the Game On Diet and the Fitness Challenge! I know that my house could definitely use more of my attention. :)
It sounds like you've got some good reads going right now. I hope you have a great time on MLK day! We haven't decided what to do yet either, but may go for a hike.
Isn't Simon Vance the bomb? I love him. How are we going to wait until May to finish this series?
You're funny - asking Simon to read you the phone book!
Focus on your diet and exercise is a full time job - and an important one. You are right - it will become more of a routine and second nature. I am intrigued by the idea of combining organization in your home with health improvement tasks - that's cool.
I loved The Help too. I bought it for my sis-in-law for X-Mas to spread the love.
My book club is finally discussing The Help in March. Hope I remember it well enough to talk about it but I'm glad that I have that month to get another book read. Sarah's Key is on my reading list for this year.
Glad you're doing well on the diet Sandy. I think I might die without my potato chips-although I'm thinking of giving them up soon for the sake of losing a few lbs. You know I still haven't felt motivated to read Stieg Larsson's books yet. Have a great week!
Playing catch-up...Sounds as though your week was most productive--hope you and the kids see a great movie! "Ear candy" is a great way to reduce the symptoms of chocolate withdrawal ;)
Keep rocking those challenges!
Brooklyn really sounds like a beautiful book. I look forward to your final thoughts on it!
I'm dieting, too. It sucks. I gave up wine/booze for 6 weeks and I'm two weeks into it. I've already lost 10 pounds and am down 1 size. But, I miss my wine with my books!
Have a great week.
I've added The Help and Brooklyn to my TBR list but I need a break after The Children's Book and Wolf Hall. I think I'll grab a couple of good mysteries!
A movie sounds like fun for Monday. I'm hoping to visit a friend and her new twins! Have a great week, Sandy.
Sounds like you had a busy and productive week! Can't wait to hear what you'll think of those books you read, Sandy!
Ah ah ah... I think you were very productive during the weekend. I did some decluttering as well. I took out a year's worth of SHAPE magazines and went on a culling spree. I cut out useful articles, filed them, and tossed the balance away. I managed to do "revisions" on them as well. It felt good! LOL
I am a huge Preston/Child fan and I read Cemetery Dance as an ARC but it was ridiculous! At least in my opinion. I can't even imagine how it sounded on audio.
I totally forgot that I've a book I was going to send you. I'll get it in the mail tomorrow or later this week.
It's an old copy of Elsa Lanchester's autobiography. She played the bride of Frankenstein as I'm sure you know. ;-)
You are walking up a storm there lady!!! WOW!
And I'm intrigued by this Simon Vance. : )
So, so glad to hear that your book club is shaping up! I hope the trend continues upward! And I wish you a lot of success with all your Game On Diet challenges, I know you will end up on top!!
sounds like you had a busy week to me! Keep up the great fitness and diet work.
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