- Today my family and I are leaving for our trip to Poland to see the in-laws. We'll be away for about two and half weeks, and will have very limited Internet access. This will be a true test of my stamina, and could determine whether the damn thing is a true addiction! Cold turkey, people!
I guess I wouldn't expect our house-sitter to take care of our animals AND write my posts. That would probably be asking too much, don't you think? So I have scheduled all of my posts in advance, with the help of my blogsitter, The Bumbles, who are the greatest blog friends ever! Here is my game plan: - I will continue to participate in the Monday Movie Meme. Molly has kindly provided me the topics in advance! I will also continue my Wordless Wednesdays.
- While I am away, I will participate in the Tuesday Teaser Meme, with teasers from the books I hope to read while I am away. I'll also participate in the Thursday 13 Meme - the Poland editions. Each Thursday I'm away, I will list 13 things I love about Poland, 13 things that drive me crazy about Poland, and 13 things we will see on our trip.
- Molly will add the links for these memes in the comments section of these posts each week.
- I will feature guest posts each Friday from bloggers in the community. This will be a great opportunity for you to get a sample of the talented, creative folks I follow on a daily basis.
With 17 hours of travel time coming and going, and lots of free time there, what ever will I read? Here is what I have loaded on my Kindle:
Free downloads:
- Great Expectations
- The Woman in White
- Little Women
- Jane Eyre
- Anna Karenina
- The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
- The Problem with Murmur Lee - Connie May Fowler
- When Katie Wakes - Connie May Fowler
- The Mascot - Mark Kurzem (for WWII reading challenge)
- Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl (for WWII reading challenge)
- Say You're One of Them - Uwem Akpan (for TBR reading challenge)
- Sashenka - Simon Montefiore (for TBR reading challenge)
- Assegai - Wilbur Smith
Don't forget the iPod! Here is what I have loaded for my listening pleasure:
- The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
- The Fiery Cross - Diana Gabaldon
- Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - Jamie Ford
- Gone Tomorrow - Lee Child
- The Given Day - Dennis Lehane
- Wicked Prey - John Sandford
- The Little Stranger - Sarah Waters
- The Wordy Shipmates - Sarah Vowell
I haven't made any final decisions on what I will dive into first. I will let inspiration and mood be my guide! This is a peek inside my psyche; this is really how I live my life. I am guilty of "stocking up" on things...food, makeup, shoes, just in case of an emergency. God forbid I should need something and not have it on hand. Books are no different.
I will miss you all! See you back on July 3rd!
Sandy, you're so thoughtful to have the posts lined up for us! I'll miss you. Have fun in Poland and I look forward to your return, with a detailed post about your trip plus pics as well! :P
Those books sounds good! Have fun reading them all!
Have fun. And I hope you enjoy Man's Search for Meaning. :)
Have an amazing time in Poland, don't worry about reading too many books - they'll all be here when you get back!
I'll miss you, but look forward to hearing all about Poland on your return.
Have a great birthday!
Have a great trip!
Safe travels!!!!
Shadow of the Wind is super on audio. I hope you get a chance to listen.
Have fun, be safe!
have a great trip and we hope to hear all about the trip overseas when you get back...I hope there will be loads of photos!
Have a wonderful time!
You have taken along an impressive list of books.
I am surprised by the inclusion of "The Mascot" by Mark Kurzem. Just be advised that serious questions have been raised about the veracity of this tale, so read it with a grain of salt.
Have a wonderful, safe trip! We'll be here when you get back. :)
Have a wonderful time with your family! You better have some pictures for us too - I'd love to go to Poland one day!
Of course will definitely miss your posting but looking forward to hearing stories from your trip :)
Have a great and safe trip Sandy! I'll miss you!
Have a great trip Sandy! I'm looking forward to your special dispatches from Poland!
Is it a stretch to imagine that you might find your way into some internet cafe in Poland to read these comments?
Have a wonderful trip! It sounds like you've got a lot lined up to keep the activity here going while you're away :)
I can't wait to hear all about it!
Take care, travel safely and have a wonderful time in Poland!
Have a great trip.. it seems you got some great reads with you.. we will be awaiting all the reviews after you are back :)
You're so organized! I hope you have a wonderful trip, Sandy. I look forward to reading all about your trip.
Have a great vacation - enjoy it!
Have a great trip!
I forgot about "Little Women". What a wonderful story!
And I'm sooooo glad you explained your book hoarding...I was in shock that you would read this many books in a 2-3 week period of time, especially while abroad, visiting relatives, and with children/husband. This is something I could NEVER live up to!!
Can't wait for your return to hear all your news and view your pics!
I hope you have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear about the trip when you come back. You sound like you're well stocked, book wise. Hope you get a chance to read and relax.
Diary of an Eccentric
Yay! I am online for a short time. We arrived in Gdansk on time and tired, saw some cool things there, and are now at my in-laws in Wroclaw (hence the Internet access). Thanks for your well wishes. I am a little disappointed in my reading productivity, despite all of the traveling. I'm not even through my first book yet!
Hope you have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.
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