Friday, December 4, 2009

100 Mile Fitness Challenge Update: November 27 - December 3

Long time, no update, I know!  I skipped my fitness update last week for one reason only...guilt.  Yes, I know, it was Thanksgiving week so I have the built-in excuse.  The kids were home with me, so no long walks...I turned to my elliptical trainer instead and logged in a pathetic 9 miles.

This week, the kids were back to school, so I reclaimed my personal space.  Still, I only accumulated 10 miles, in a week where I needed to walk about 30 to work off all the food consumed on Thanksgiving.  The good news?  I got all my Christmas shopping finished! 

Just to make myself feel better, I will tell you that I do not count all the miles I walked shopping at the mall, and the walking I do when I golf!

So that brings me to a total of 130 miles to date.  I believe I will more than meet my uber-goal of 150 miles, even if I slack off, with almost four weeks left in the challenge.  (The question is...will I make 200?)  I will be traveling to Indiana for the holidays, and that is my favorite place to walk.  My parents' farm is beautiful, and snow or no snow, I will be out in the mornings doing my thing. 

How are things going with you?  Did you kick the Thanksgiving blahs to the curb, or are you struggling like me?  Don't forget to check in with Trish to get credit for all your hard work!


Kathleen said...

I think you are AWESOME! And I think those mall walking miles should definitely count! This week has been a rough one for me with lots of family stuff going on so I've not hit the gym once. I'm hoping to get back on track this weekend.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I sure could use walking a "pathetic" amount like 9 miles! LOL

Sandy Nawrot said...

Kathleen - Thanks! I considered wearing a pedometer when I went to the mall, but honestly it isn't all that aerobic! Since I've got all my "stuff" done, I'm hoping next week will be a good week!

Jill - haha! Well, it feels pathetic to me, as I've been hitting the 15 and 20 mile mark!

bermudaonion said...

You totally rock with your walking! I know you can reach 200 miles.

Alice said...

Sandy, you're awesome and Kathleen is right. I should be the one who is guilty because you know what, I haven't been updating even though I did walk. Hmmm... 200 miles? You can do it!

Anna said...

You're doing waayy better than me on the exercise front. After work, I'm just too tired, and I'm certainly not getting up at 2 or 3 am before work to exercise. I think you're making a lot of progress with this challenge!!

Diary of an Eccentric

Jenners said...

You are kicking serious butt!

Serena said...

you're doing really well. WOW. Congrats on finishing the Christmas shopping. Fantastic.