Well, folks, the three months are up! At the beginning of Trish's 100 Mile Fitness Challenge, I wasn't even sure if I could walk/exercise 100 miles in this time period. When I crunched the numbers, though, I realized it was totally doable. In fact, I set a personal goal of 150 miles, and a stretch goal of 200. How did I fare?
Well, I am happy to report that I accumulated 178 miles through both walking and exercising on my elliptical machine. Until a couple of weeks ago, I was pretty confident I would reach 200 miles, based on the fact that I would be at my parents' house for a week, unencumbered with housely duties. But here is the deal. I haven't actually stepped foot up north in the winter since 1998, so I grievously underestimated the impact of the weather. Sleet, freezing temperatures, wind and snow does not a walking experience make. I tried, I really did, but my plan of covering the last twenty miles did not materialize.
The good news is that Trish has decided to host another 100 Mile Fitness Challenge running January 1st, 2010 through the end of March. Except for a week-long trip to Hawaii in early March (woo hoo!) I should be home and entrenched in my routine, so I should be able to hit the 200 miles this time around. This should be especially helpful during the month of January, when I participate in the Game On Diet!
I have found that the accountability of reporting into Trish weekly, and posting my progress on my blog has been a huge motivation to stay active, even on those days where I would have rather stayed home. I think this is the key for me, and plan on making it part of the routine.
How did you all do? Are you going to sign up for the next challenge?