"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
In turn, I will share the love with a few of my blogging friends (who are so cool, they have probably already received this award, but I'm gonna do it again!). There were a few more that I would have listed, but Melody already got them! Here they are:
Jackie from Farm Lane Books
Michele from A Reader's Respite
Carrie from Books and Movies
Molly and Andy from The Bumbles
Matt from A Guy's Moleskin Notebook
James from Ready When You Are, C.B.
Thank you! I love your blog too! Do you think I can work an award post into my blog post bingo some how?!!!
Thank you so much! I just love the book blogging community, and discovering you and your blog have been a joy. Here's to online friendships!
What Carrie said! And FYI - we are finally getting around to the Happy Tag meme you passed along the other week. Look for it on Wednesday!
Thanks. I love awards. It has been fun working with you on Wednesday Wonders and your comments always brighten my day.
The award is well-deserved, Sandy! And thank you so much for mentioning my blog! :)
Thank you very much for the award. It's been great fun to read your comments everyday! It's karma time again... :)
Thanks you guys, you're the bomb! All of you are such faithful supporters, so it is the least I can do to pass along some love!
Congrats on your award!!!
Oh Sandy, thank you SOOOOO MUCH! That is so nice of you! Sorry it took me a few days to get back here....work has been crazy. I keep telling them we need internet on the plane, but they seem to think that would only be for the passengers. Party poopers, if you ask me.
You're the bestest!
Beth - thank you! I would have sent this award to you, but Melody got you first!
Michele - Aren't your employers interested in your mental well-being???? You need internet like you need food, and depriving you of it causes a lack of oxygen to the brain, hallucinations, stunted growth and a bad rash!
Sorry I haven't got round to posting the award on my site yet - I'll try to do it soon!
PS. I was looking at your profile, and just spotted that we are both gemini horses - what a coincidence!!
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