Happy Sunday all my friends! I'd love to report that I had a better week than last week but that would be a lie. It started out fairly normal, and I actually got some productive walking done. But then we noticed that our sweet little guinea pig Rufus was not eating or drinking, and thus began Operation Piggy. Did you know that if you do not seek medical help for your pig when you notice a problem, they can slip into liver failure within 24 hours? Guinea pigs (and rabbits) cannot generally "snap out of it" and their bodies cannot self-correct without veterinary care. This googled fact freaked me out, and at a late hour Tuesday evening, I ran him to an emergency vet clinic, followed up by a regular vet appointment on Wednesday (and again on Friday). The result was me providing meds and a four-hour hand-feeding rotation for my favorite pet, praying that he would get his appetite back. As of today, that hasn't quite happened, and I'm not really sure what to do. How much money am I willing to pay to keep him alive? Can I really turn my back on a pet that has given us so much happiness over the years? I do realize there are bigger problems out there, but this has derailed me. I don't take well to the thought of losing my animals. Thus went my week.
There was alot of other stuff going on this week as well, but it all took a back seat. My daughter and I saw "Beastly" at the theater, having read the book awhile back, and it was pretty horrid. I got a chemical peel on Thursday, and now my entire facing is flaking off and I look like I am a leper. I had prayer group, I got my hair highlighted, I worked in the library, my daughter had a dermatologist appointment, and had a double-header football game on Saturday. I've got a cousin in town from Denver. So it goes.
Although I did quite a bit of sitting and waiting for various things, I didn't get much reading done...too preoccupied. I'm about halfway through "Amaryllis in Blueberry" for my Skype book club next month, and while I am enjoying it, it seems to be slow-going. On audio, I finished "The Weird Sisters" for Books, Babes and Bordeaux and loved it. I also listening to the highly entertaining Jocelyn Jackson narrate her own "Between, Georgia", and just started Kate Morton's "The Distant Hours".
Starting this week, every Friday between now and the UCF Book Festival on April 16th, I will be highlighting and reviewing one book that will be featured at the event. 2010 was the inaugural year for the UCF Book Festival, and the powers that be are really working hard to make it a notable occasion. Over the next five weeks, you will see that the authors and books featured are going to be a huge draw, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. Stay tuned!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

We've had rabbits and no matter what's wrong with them, it's almost always an emergency because they do get sick and die ridiculously quickly. Sometimes that's not even fast enough - my mom's rabbit, just 1 year old, went from perfectly healthy to deathly ill in the space of minutes and even rushing her to the vet didn't save her. Out of our other four, though, two stopped eating and did get better and lived to old rabbit age. It's a small matter in the face of things, but quite devastating even so. =/ I hope Rufus recovers soon.
I hope your next week gets better!
So sorry to hear about your little guy. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Ummmm hate to say it but the April book is A Hundred Thousand Kingdoms ... I think. Oh shoot, I'd better check.
I loved Between, Georgia and Weird Sisters and need to get to my Distant Hours ...
Here's hoping for a calmer week ahead.
Hope Rufus improves! Sounds like you are reading some good books. Having a different viewpoint is not a bad thing, it gives more perspective!
So sorry to hear about your guinea pig's health problems. I'm sure whatever you decide will be for the best. I've heard so much about Kate Morton's books, I really should check her out. Have a great rest of your weekend :)
Wow, what does a chemical peel do (besides take off your face)? I wouldn't mind having a different face! :--)
Hope Rufus is improving today....
Here's to a better week ahead.
I hope your little guinea pig gets better! It's so sad when a pet is sick. We've been through a dying hamster and a missing cat in the past few months- quite enough pet trauma. How old is your guinea pig? do they live a long time? I don't know much about them. I felt like our hamster was pretty old at two years, so we weren't terribly surprised at his passing, but it was still sad.
Hope Rufus is doing better; it is horrible to watch our pets suffer and not know what to do for them. I'm sure your prompt action saved his life.
Hope you have a better week upcoming!
Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear about Rufus! Keeping my fingers crossed that he recovers. Hugs to you and your family.
Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry about your guinea pig. I hope he starts to feel better soon and gets his appetite back. It's awful when a loved pet is sick.
The UCF Book Festival sounds great. I'm looking forward to seeing what books you review for it!
I hope you can relax a bit today and that this week goes better for you.
I learned that about rabbits the hard way. I was shocked at how upsetting it was, too. Really threw me for a loop.
But now I see my current two rabbits as having already lived five or six times longer than they would have in the wild. My rabbits, and I'm sure your Rufus, have a very good life. We have provided them that.
I hope Rufus recovers soon.
I didn't realise that guinea pigs needed to be rushed to a vets so quickly. I really hope that your little one pulls through.
Sounds like you had quite a weekend! Hey I'm really glad you're following my blog now- I love yours too! As far as Pulitzer Prize winning books go, don't beat yourself up. you're not an idiot! :-) Sometimes one prize committee's taste is not yours and THAT'S FINE!
Hope Rufus is getting better!
And I look forward to your reviews soon!
I hope Operation Piggy has a happy ending. And the words "chemical peel" sends shivers down my spine. Is looking like a leper normal or unexpected? And you ALWAYS seem to have chaotic weeks.
Poor Piggy! I hope things get better. You're due for some good!
soooo hoping that your guinea pig recovers...we are pet lovers and I know how hard this can be. I had no idea that guinea pigs and rabbits could get so sick so quickly.
I just put The Weird Sisters on my TBR. Was it a good audio?
I hope your pet is doing better! It's so hard to know what to do for an animal - too bad they can't communicate with us.
Oh Sandy! I am sorry about the problems you are having with your guinea pig. I had one as a child and loved her to death. Her name was Jenny, and when she died I was just heartbroken. I know what it's like to have a sick pet and not know what in the world to do for them. I hope that this week is a lot better for you and that your little pig gets better quickly.
Poor Rufus. I feel for you. Their little hearts are so precious to us it is so hard to wait and see when all you want to do is just wave a wand and make it better.
It's so difficult to have sick animals. It's hard to know what is wrong and how they feel and if they are getting better.
How's Rufus doing today?
A "real" pig and I would be thinking bacon....
Oh Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about your pet! Sending good wishes his way and hope he recovers soon. Keep us posted ok.
Sandy, I already told you in an email how sorry I am that Rufus is sick. I do hope and pray he'll turn around and feel better. You know I understand how you feel right now and ultimately you'll do what's right no matter how hard it is. If you trust in your vet, then trust what he tells you. In the meantime, nothing is more important than taking care of him. Hugs and prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about Rufus. Our pets become such a big part of our family. I can't stand when mine get sick. I hope things are better now.
I hope Rufus is OK now. Is he?
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