Good morning all! Excellent news on the pig front. After nearly three weeks of medications and hand-feeding, and a few days away from making that fateful trip to the vet, the Miracle Pig meandered out of his igloo and began munching on hay and kibble. I nearly fell out of my chair. Now I realize that he could regress, but right now, he seems determined to live. This is the best news we could have ever had. Yay pig! My heart is happy.
But as a result from all the pig-nursing, I didn't venture too far from home. I cleaned the house, cleaned the pool, worked out, went to an ALL meeting, aaaand that was about it.
In my head, though, I am ramping up for a few big events coming in the next handful of weeks. First, the Adult Literacy League Reading Between the Wines silent auction (featuring Carl Hiaasen!) is coming April 6th. Hey ho! Come one, come all, there are still tickets left. Come see me at the book table! Right after that comes the Dewey 24-hour Readathon, which I am SO EXCITED about. I have a huge stack of books set aside for this, even though I know I'll be lucky to get through two or three. I'm not sure yet if my daughter will be participating with me or not...depends on homework, she tells me. A week later comes the UCF Book Festival, which looks like it is going to be loads of fun, will feature over 50 authors, and will have six author forums throughout the day. I've been invited to the author reception on the evening prior, as well. I'm going to be a blogging fool in the month of April!
As far as reading anything in print, I've been a big old slug. I did finish one book this week called "XVI", a young adult book that seems strangely like Lauren Oliver's Delirium (only not as good IMHO). I just started Lisa Black's "Trail of Blood", a book featured at the UCF Book Festival. I am also grotesquely behind in writing reviews. My goal is to be caught up with everything by the Readathon.
On audio, though, I sorta rocked. Something about spending four plus hours on the kitchen floor with a pig and a syringe! I got all the way through "Heart-Shaped Box" by Joe Hill, completed "Oogy" by Larry Levin, and am about 3/4 of the way through Joe Hill's "Horns". I'm very much enjoying what Hill has to offer. His brand of literature seems to be what I've been needing (sick and twisted stuff, in other words).

In my head, though, I am ramping up for a few big events coming in the next handful of weeks. First, the Adult Literacy League Reading Between the Wines silent auction (featuring Carl Hiaasen!) is coming April 6th. Hey ho! Come one, come all, there are still tickets left. Come see me at the book table! Right after that comes the Dewey 24-hour Readathon, which I am SO EXCITED about. I have a huge stack of books set aside for this, even though I know I'll be lucky to get through two or three. I'm not sure yet if my daughter will be participating with me or not...depends on homework, she tells me. A week later comes the UCF Book Festival, which looks like it is going to be loads of fun, will feature over 50 authors, and will have six author forums throughout the day. I've been invited to the author reception on the evening prior, as well. I'm going to be a blogging fool in the month of April!
As far as reading anything in print, I've been a big old slug. I did finish one book this week called "XVI", a young adult book that seems strangely like Lauren Oliver's Delirium (only not as good IMHO). I just started Lisa Black's "Trail of Blood", a book featured at the UCF Book Festival. I am also grotesquely behind in writing reviews. My goal is to be caught up with everything by the Readathon.
On audio, though, I sorta rocked. Something about spending four plus hours on the kitchen floor with a pig and a syringe! I got all the way through "Heart-Shaped Box" by Joe Hill, completed "Oogy" by Larry Levin, and am about 3/4 of the way through Joe Hill's "Horns". I'm very much enjoying what Hill has to offer. His brand of literature seems to be what I've been needing (sick and twisted stuff, in other words).
As of this past Friday, we are officially on spring break. Nothing planned really, but now that piggy is eating on his own we have a little more flexibility. Perhaps a day trip to the beach, a pop-in to Universal, school projects (thanks teachers), and maybe a movie or two. On the kids' wish list are Sucker Punch, Adjustment Bureau, Source Code, and Insidious (yes, they inherited my love of horror). And maybe maybe I will get some reading done! I'm thinking happy thoughts!
What are all of you up to today? Are any of you on your break? Reading anything compelling?
What are all of you up to today? Are any of you on your break? Reading anything compelling?
Yay! I'm so pleased that Rufus pulled through! Congratulations on all your hard work looking after him.
All your booksih events sound fun - especially UCF. I look forward to hearing all about them. Enjoy :-)
Hooray! So happy to hear about Rufus :D Fingers crossed that he continues to get better!
Yay!! Rufus!!
I'm so jealous of all the book festivals so many blogges have in their states. I've been searching and I swear Mississippi does not have one :p I know that's difficult to imagine that Mississippi would be behind in something :( Don't even get me started.
We've already had Spring Break...but I wish i could have another one...enjoy your time :)
Yay on the Rufus front! He's so adorable too!
I'm ready to go on an XVI chat - just let me know! :--)
I have Hill on my TBR list for the same reason - sick and twisted stuff! Glad the pig is doing well!
Yay pig! Man, those pets put us through the wringer.
if it ain't bacon, it ain't a pig. ;-)
as to reading, I was up half the night (and then wrongly set my alarm clock and almost missed Mass) reading Night Road. Talk about tearjerker..and I mean that in a good way.
Great blog! I truly love how it’s easy on my eyes and the details are well written. I am wondering how I could be notified whenever a new post has been made. I have subscribed to your rss feed which ought to do the trick! Have a nice day!
Yay Rufus! We have quite a few piggy friends around school this year, and I have a newfound appreciation for them after seeing how beloved they are by the children and how tolerant they are when it comes to the often excited love they receive.
Hooray for Rufus (and for you--four hours on the floor with pig & syringe daily is no fun)!!! I can only quote a famous spider: that is "Some Pig" :D
Have fun with your kids and Spring Break, and with all of your bookish events.
So glad your piggy is doing better. :)
I stayed up way too late last night finishing Wither - it is made of awesomeness.
Hurray for Rufus!!!!!
Your pig is so cute!! Makes me want one! I hope all is well!!
Great news about Rufus! He's very cute!
Great book events coming up for you! ENjoy!
I'm happy to hear Rufus is up and about. Now you can get back to your usually crazy schedule!
What happy news! I am as surprised as you are, too. Good for Rufus. That little piggy shall have roast beef!!!
I am so glad that Rufus seems to have turned the corner!!! All that piggy nursing paid off! Yay!!!
I'm so happy to hear that Rufus is doing better!!!
Aww, good news about Rufus! And congrats on your audiobook progress! :-)
Yay for Rufus! That's such great news!
I wish I could come to the ALL auction - it feels near and dear to my heart.
Yay! I'm so happy for you and the pig! :)
We're done with spring break and the kids are heading back to school tomorrow. Big grins over here.
Great to hear that Rufus pulled through. I was wondering but didn't want to ask in case the news was bad. Is that an actual pic of him? He looks great!
I saw your post on Sunday but didn't have time to read it then. I was so excited when I saw the headline though - I ran and told Andy that "Sandy's pig Rufus is gonna make it!" I think he thought either you or I or both of us are a bit nuts. I then explained that Rufus is not of the Wilbur variety. Glad your little buddy has improved.
He's so cute! So excited your little pig is doing much better. That is great news!!
You are going to have one wild April. Looking forward to all your posts about the bookish happenings!
I'm so happy for Rufus! You did so well caring for him. I envy you for all the books you've read (or done listening to).
I broke my all-time movie-watching activity. I watched FOUR movies in March, thanks to my carpool buddy. We watched The Adjustment Bureau, The Fighter, Battle LA, and Unknown. I loved The Fighter. Bureau was quite good too.
I'm so glad piggy is better! And it sounds like you did great with the audios too!
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