This week's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles should be my shining moment. They have asked us about movies that feature or spotlight books, libraries or other literary topics. (Not to be confused with movies adapted from books, mind you.) Of course, I should be able to rattle off a dozen from the top of my head, but my head has gone missing these days, so there is that. Here are my paltry few. Please feel free to jolt my memory:
1. The Outsiders, featuring "Gone With the Wind" - I love the story of The Outsiders, and I love Gone With the Wind. Add them together, and the idea of a street punk reading and obsessing over this chunkster is a beautiful thing.
2. Inkheart, where you can be "read" into a novel - don't let it's target audience of tweens and teens put you off. The book (and the series) as well as the movie is very clever.
3. Capote, where Truman Capote is collecting research for his book "In Cold Blood" - I actually watched this movie twice in a row, I was so taken with it. It may have something to do with the fact that ICB is one of the best true crime novels of all time, but also Phillip Seymour Hoffman was amazing to watch.
4. Twilight, featuring Bella's favorite book "Wuthering Heights" - I know I'm pushing it here. I remember WH being mentioned in the book, and I am assuming it is mentioned in the movie as well, but can't remember. I'm not willing to watch the movie to see for sure. But it figures that a girl who never smiles and her mouth is always hanging open that this would be her favorite book.
OK let me have it. I know I have missed some obvious ones, that I haven't listed here or were already used by the Bumbles.

Neat topic! I thought of:
Hannah & Her Sisters featuring ee cummings
The Hours featuring Mrs. Dalloway
I remember watching Sleepers (or am I remembering the book more? Ugh, I don't know) but the kids read The Count of Monte Cristo while in juvie, and it made me want to read it.
Capote is an excellent choice!
One mustn't forget the classic of all movies about libraries, "Party Girl" with Parker Posey. I rent it about once a year!
I love The Desk Set with Hepburn and Tracy. She plays a reference librarian and he's the guy with the new computer system.
We enjoyed The Name of the Rose at Yale on movie night this summer. It takes place in a medieval monastery with a huge secret library.
Jill stole one of my two choices - Party Girl is excellent. And then of course, The Name of the Rose. The tears well up every time I see that library burn.
"In Cold Blood" -- good one!
My selections are here.
I will go with The Jane Austen Book Club, but I love your choices as well, and The Outsiders was one of my favorite movies as a teen!
You are good at this meme, Sandy!
The Outsiders is an inspired choice! I myself for not thinking of it because I love the book and movie.
Capote is a terrifc one, too.
Ummm, thereis no evidence here that you "drew a blank"! Movies like "You've Got Mail" are on several list but you picked some unique movies!
I love it when characters in books talk about their favorite books- especially when I've read those, too. But right now my brain is empty and I can't think of any to share...
It's the beginning of Daylight Savings Time and my brain is not firing on all cylinders, so I can't think of a single one.
wow, that is a hard question this week...you did way better than I would have for sure.
Hm. This is a really tough one. Maybe... The Never-ending Story?
I freeze up on questions like this too!
I can only think of The Jane Austen Book Club. That one made me want to read all of Austen's work. Of course I haven't done it...yet!
And why is Kristin Stewart's mouth always in the open position? Quite annoying... :)
I really loved Inkheart, it's such a brilliant idea.
I like Twilight the book and the movie was not bad...
In The Princess Bride Peter Faulk is reading the story to his grandson.
Khan quotes Moby Dick in Star Treck: The Wrath of Khan
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