Jack Reacher (author Lee Child). Lucas Davenport (author John Sanford). Joe Pike (Robert Crais). I am addicted to the anti-hero. The strong, silent rogues that defend the underdog, have questionable ethics and tempers, and can take care of business, whether they are faced with one bad guy or thirty. With them, you are safe. Granted, there are other series that I follow that feature women, but it's the bad boys that bring me back time after time, whether the plot is memorable or not.
OK, so may I introduce you to one of the objects of my desire, Joe Pike. Joe always wears sunglasses. He doesn't talk much. He's a hardbody. He used to work for the LAPD, but left to become a mercenary for hire. He has a handful of loyal friends that would take a bullet for him, including sweetheart P.I. Elvis Cole (who has a few books of his own where Pike takes a supporting role). Not sure I could have an intelligent conversation with him, but it would be good to know the guy.
Synopsis: While Pike is gassing up his Bronco at a random station in LA, he observes two gang members suspiciously entering a Po' Boy restaurant across the street. Pike intervenes, kicks some ass, breaks some bones, and one miscreant is apprehended. He becomes acquainted with the store owner and his beautiful "niece" Dru Rayne, to whom Pike takes a shine. Being the defender of the common man, Pike has a little chat with the leader of the gang to ensure the future safety of Dru and her uncle. Only it doesn't get better, it gets a whole lot worse, and suddenly Dru and her uncle have disappeared without a trace. Like a dog with a bone, Pike sinks his teeth into this case, but he begins to get the feeling Dru has not been completely honest about herself and her circumstances.
From the very beginning, we also meet a psychopath named Daniel, who appears to be some kind of an assassin for hire, and possibly a schizophrenic. Although it isn't spelled out, we know he is on a mission to find and kill Dru and her uncle. We don't know why, and thus is the mystery we are here to unravel. We also know that inevitably this psycho is going to butt heads with our man Pike, and it is going to be fun to watch.
My thoughts: Back a few weeks ago, when I reviewed Pray for Silence, Trisha made a comment about overlooking faults due to ease of familiarity with these series. I really think there is something to that. Most of my anti-hero books don't individually have plots that are all that memorable. If I were to just pick one up for the first time, I don't know if I would feel the love that I feel had I not known them since they were first born on paper.
It also doesn't hurt that Robert Crais is possibly the most delectable writer EVER, and in my mind's eye, IS Joe Pike realized in flesh and bone. Hmmmm...

If only he had some sunglasses. Oh wait, here we go...ahhhhh. (A moment of silence for his handsomeness.)

That all being said, while this is probably not the best Joe Pike novel, it entertained me. It was fast-paced and held my attention throughout. I did scratch my head at Pike's sudden weakness for a woman he barely knew. This isn't like him, and it showed something soft in him I've never seen before. Why her? She didn't seem all that special to me. Our bad guy Daniel, while lethal, sure, came across as a bit of a goofball. He talks to voices that sound like they have a half a brain between them, and he got excited when visiting New Orleans because he wanted to see a zombie? Am I supposed to be afraid of this guy? Still, the guy does leave a body count, so I guess he needs to be feared.
It really doesn't matter though. I'll still be here waiting, Mr. Crais, with a tiny bit of drool on my chin, waiting for your next installment.
A word about the audio production: Our narrator for this book was Luke Daniels, who is an old hat in this business, and one I've heard once or twice before. He is pleasant to listen to, and has a great way with accents. In this case, Hispanic accents. It was great to have him back in my ears.
3 out of 5 stars
I have never read a book by Crais but I think based on this review and charming photo I am going to pick up one of his books!
Hmm, he's going to be at the Tucson Book Festival, and I hadn't planned to go see him, but now upon seeing his picture.....
I know you are going to find this ridiculous, but Joe Pike sounds a lot like one of the characters from the soap opera that I watch while exercising. He is a rather solemn and handsome hardbody who doesn't have a whole lot of extensive dialogue. He mainly just kicks ass and takes names, and I always get rather excited when I see him come on the screen. I may have to read these books just so I can superimpose his face on to Joe Pike! I really liked this review, Sandy, and am glad to hear that you are continuing to enjoy the books, even though the plot situations are not ones that remain vividly in your mind.
Oh he reminds me of H on CSI Miami - man of few words, always with the shades, kind hearted but ready to take down the bad guys. I'd rather watch this author though portray that role though!!!
I find a lot of series books are that way - great entertainment but after a while they all blur together. I've never tried Crais's work, but I have this book and one other one.
I'll have to give one of these a try.
I've never read one of his books but have to agree with you that he is very easy on the eyes.
I'm getting all hot and bothered just reading this post. He is quite a delectable author.
The name Joe Pike though. Ugh. Sounds awful.
And I love the line "It was great to have him back in my ears." In the context of the post, it sounded a little naughty.
I don't think I've read anything by this author. Need to check out his books!
For eBay.com members & Robert Crais fans, I have just listed THE SENTRY in hardcover, First Edition, with Dust Jacket on eBay for a low Buy It Now price of only $15.00, with FREE shipping in the USA! Retail price is $26.95 (+ tax)! If an eBay member and interested, then do a search for item # 300535398460 or for seller ID of longliveneil, to find the listing. Book was listed this morning, March 10th, don't believe it will be available for long at such a low price. Book is in like new condition and comes from a non-smoking home. It's the 3rd JOE PIKE novel, published Jan. 11th 2011. Cheers, Andrew
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