Happy Monday morning! For this Monday Movie Meme, Molly Bumble was inspired to discuss weight issues today, based on her cookie rampage at her niece's birthday this weekend. What kind of weight topics do we see in the movies? Certainly we know that actors are willing to gain and lose tremendous amounts of weight for the sake of their role, and often they are recognized with an Oscar nod. The first and most memorable for most people is the 60 pounds that Robert De Niro gained for his leading role in Raging Bull. There is also notable weight loss as well...how about the 50 pounds Tom Hanks lost for his role in Castaway? Makes my desire to lose 20 pounds a little wimpish!
But I digress. Here are some movies where weight, either too much or too little, is at the heart of the plot:
1. The Machinist - Christian Bale is one of the masters of weight management, but he went way over the line in this disturbing movie about the deteriorating world of a man who hasn't slept in a year. With the 60 pound weight-loss, Bale looked like a victim of a concentration camp, and inspired much controversy over the extremes at which an actor will go for the sake of a role.
2. Super Size Me - the documentary that put Morgan Spurlock on the map, he not only ponders the negative influences of fast food on our society, but also explores the physical consequences of eating McDonalds for an entire month. Makes you give that Whopper a second thought.
3. Bridget Jones Diary - let it be known that I really can't stand Renee Zellweger...she always looks like she smells something bad. But I will admit to being charmed by this British chick flick about a single woman trying to spruce herself up and battling her weight while looking for love (Colin Firth adds to the charm I might add). Side note: Never mind that I would take that fatness anyday...what is she, a whopping size 4?

Well what about Raging Bull just based on all the weight DeNiro had to gain to play the role?!!
Ahhhh The Machinist, great choice! ugh! Christian Bale was soooo skinny in this movie. whew!
I have Bridget Jones on my list too. I had trouble with this topic.
Super Size Me is another good choice, fits perfectly!
I would have to say that Natalie Portman in Black Swan looked very thin and I think she lost a good deal of weight in preparing to take on that role. Her boobs were totally nonexistent. Have you seen that one yet? Scary movie.
Supersize Me! Ahhh, yes. Right before our very eyes.
I also thought of dear Bridget.
My choices here.
I still haven't seen The Machinist and yet I love Christian Bale (think he's a really good actor). Super Size Me totally got me OFF of McDonalds. I never eat there anymore. That movie convinced me that eating there was killing me a little at a time.
Minnie Driver gained a lot of weight for Circle of Friends.
I love Bridget Jones DIary as well... and laughed at your assessment of Renee Z. I thought she was going to ruin the story when they first cast her, but she actually did a good job!
I had to watch the trailer for The Machinist, now I want to see the movie!
I thought about including The Machinist, and am glad you chose it, as it's a compelling film! Great choices :)
I can tell that you don't eat at McDs because you said "McDonald's and Whopper" in the same sentence!! Ha!
I saw that documentary and it deterred me from grabbing fast food for a few months. However, with the food allergies and all, I really can't eat at any of those places anymore. It was a good flick!
I love Bridget Jones's Diary & think anyone who sees her as fat has a serious problem--hellooo, she's normal! I'm blanking on any further suggestions for this theme...must be the Monday brain cramp :D
"looks like she smells something bad"...too true and too funny...lol
Ditto to number 3. I think Colin Firth is why I like it.
Only by Hollywood standards is Renee fat in that movie.
And Christian Bale always amazes me what he does for a role ... even if it makes him an a-hole sometimes. I remember him in Little Women and just LOVED him and it is hard to view him as the same person in that movie.
Good choice on Super Size Me too.
Totally with you re Ms. Renee. Your description is perfect!
I loved Bridget Jones Diary too. Although I agree, seriously, you're "fat."
Renee annoys me too, but I also liked her in this role.
I recently fell in love with Christian Bale after watching The Fighter last night.
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