Molly and Andy Bumble are nothing if not avid sports fans, and who can deny the insanity of March Madness? Especially this season, with all number one seeded teams out of the tournament, and seemingly sure winners fouling with one second on the clock. Sheesh, I've never seen anything quite like it. ANYWAY, in honor of March Madness, the Bumbles have decided to talk about madness in the movies. This could be anything ranging from stone cold psychotics to silly madcap stuff. Surprisingly (ha) I'm going for the hard cord folks. Might I just add that Molly already took my favorite movie in her examples, The Shining. Boo! 1. Batman: The Dark Knight - chills just ran down my spine when I saw Heath Ledger's rendition of The Joker. It just doesn't get any crazier than this, and it makes me sad to think of all this young man could have accomplished had he lived. 2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - this is my answer to having The Shining stolen from me! You have not lived until you've seen this movie. It is Nicholson at his absolute best, but the whole cast is just pure fun (except for Nurse Rached, who you love to hate). 3. Repulsion - this movie is definitely getting some serious plugs from me lately. It is an older movie that was recently remastered, and is akin to watching a thirty-car pileup in slow motion. Catherine Deneuve plays one seriously messed up chick. 4. Pi - brought to you from the same fellow who messed with your head in Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream. Our protagonist (and unreliable narrator) thinks that everything in life can be linked to mathematics, and specifically pi. It is a head trip to live in this guy's head for an hour and a half. 5. Donnie Darko - this is one of those times when you have to love the psycho. I mean, how can you dislike a kid who is as cute as little Jake Gyllenhaal and has visions of a giant, walking talking (and slightly sinister) bunny rabbit? Either way, it is totally worth watching just to hear Mad World at the end. 6. Fatal Attraction - and today's lesson for all you ladies men? DON'T CHEAT, lest you bed someone like this. Lesson two...lock up your rabbits and your kids. This one was fun huh? I'm not sure what it says about my movie tastes when insanity is an easy one for me to discuss. So let's have it! Who are your favorite crazies?

Too bad Molly took The Shining! There is hardly ever I time when I get out a big knife in the kitchen that I don't turn to my husband and make that music from the movie!
What a great list! And Darren Aronofsky definitely messes with your head!
I would say Black Swan was something that I liked that would fit this category, but I loved your inclusion of Donnie Darko. It's one of the first movies that my husband and I saw when were dating. I also loved that you added Fatal Attraction. I just added Repulsion to my Netflix queue, and set it to the top position. I have heard you say so many great things about it that I can't ignore it any longer!
Great list, Sandy, we seem to have been on the same wave length at times! I'm not familiar with Repulsion so will have to check it out!
I love the "Donnie Darko" movie but completely spaced on including it, glad you did!
Love this list. Donnie Darko is such a wonderfully creepy movie. I'd add Benny and Joon, both characters are a bit crazy and so, so loveable.
I agree with you on The Dark Knight. I couldn't take my eyes off of Heath Ledger whenever he was in a scene.
Nina in Black Swan, Girl Interrupted, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
I'm happy to see Fatal Attraction here - I forgot it about it before posting and hoped someone would list it. I knew I could count on you!
P.S. - If you don't want me to steal all of the good ones all you have to do is guest host :0)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest--classic on page and screen. I sometimes feel that Heath Ledger's death was almost inevitable, the way he threw himself so deeply into playing The Joker.
Great list, as always Sandy!
You know, I watched Donnie Darko a looooong time ago and I remember not understanding and getting freaked out by the bunny rabbit. Heh heh. I think it's time for a re-watch. Thanks for reminding me about this one!
Batman is a great choice! Heath's Joker was truly disturbing. And you might as well add Lack Swan to the list! She was seriously messed up!
I want to watch Batman after the stellar performance of Christian Bale in The Fighter. I want to watch American Psycho as well.
I forgot all about Donnie Darko, good choice!
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