A slightly cob-webby morning to you all my friends. The husband and I were out late at his Christmas party last night - shut the thing down nearly - so I am experiencing a hoarse voice from too much talking, sore feet from heels I'm not used to wearing, and a foggy brain from one too many glasses of wine. We also had an all-day track meet yesterday prior to the party, so I think today is going to be one where I lobby to sit on my butt.
In thinking about my week, nothing stands out much. A little bit of reading, a little bit of golf, some shopping, and normal drudgery like cleaning the house, doctor's appointments, shuttling kids to places...but you have heard all of that before. The husband went to an event up in New York for a couple of days, at THE PLAZA no less, so I was slightly annoyed that I was stuck here tending to my children who have been slightly rotten. My parents ARE down in Florida now for the winter, sort of. My mom is still dealing with her poor eye, and is recovering from her third detached retina surgery, so she will have to go back to Indiana at least once for a check-up. But it is so nice to have them here.
I've been working on my "best of" lists for the year, and I have noticed a couple of things. First, it seems like it wasn't as hard to narrow them down this year, versus last. I'm really happy with what I have read, but there were fewer five star books. Or maybe I'm just getting picky? And it also feels like I've run into a nest of "bests" here at the last minute. Affinity, The Book Thief, The Lotus Eaters. I've been on a real roll. I'm also going to split my list into non-fiction, audios, YA and regular fiction, just for fun. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's picks, and probably adding fifty more books to my TBR.
I suppose I also need to tie a bow around my year of reading challenges as well. It looks like I will hit about 140 books, give or take a book or two, for the year. I won't finish my TBR Challenge, but I think I will have finished the rest of them. So hear me now. NO. CHALLENGES. NEXT. YEAR. James did suggest that he might double dog dare us to only read what is on our shelves for a few months, and that could be fun. I just want to be carefree, and read what I want. We will see how long that lasts... I have no willpower.
So I did finish "The Book Thief" on audio. While I was out walking. Never a good thing when you're crying like a baby. I haven't written my review yet, because I'm not sure I can. It has to be one of the most PERFECT books I've ever listened to. I can't wait to see what our book club thinks next Tuesday. I also listened to Samantha Bee's "I Know I Am, But What Are You", just for a few laughs after all that WWII business. And I am now listening to "Ape House" by Sara Gruen for January book club.
I am still reading "The Lotus Eaters" for the TLC tour, but I think I'll finish it today. I'd read good reviews about this one, but nothing prepared me for this read. Absolutely. Freaking. Amazing. I just pray that the last forty pages are as good as the rest of the book.
One of the ten billion things I have going on next week is my kids' book fair at Barnes and Noble on Thursday. So if you are pondering a book shopping spree soon, hold out until Thursday and your purchases can count towards our proceeds (you just have to give them the code #10183903). Or if you buy online Thursday through the 14th, that can count too. I have a scheduled post with more info forthcoming on Wednesday, but I just wanted to give everyone a head's up. Any bit of help would be appreciated!
Hope everybody has a nice relaxing Sunday. I have to rest up for next week, as it is going to be busy. Two book clubs, a book fair, an Adult Literacy League meeting, a high school open house, and Lord knows what else because I'm too lazy to get up and look at my calendar. I'll have lots to talk about next Sunday! Have a good one...
I read The Lotus Eaters for the tour too. After the first chapter, I had to drag myself kicking and screaming back to the book, because it was so painful! But of course am glad I did. And am glad I got a book out of the way that you will tell me I have to read, but HAH, already did! :--)
I love it when all the year-end lists start popping up! Can't believe you've read 140 books.. I could never choose from that many. We've got a B&N book fair going on this week, too.
I swore off challenges for a while, but I'm back on the challenge wagon. I think I'm going to take it easy and only sign up for a couple in 2011.
140!!! I may not make it to the 100 level this year. I don't know what happened.
It's going to be easier to make my own top 10 list this year, too. Not just because I read fewer books either. I've just had a bit of an off year, this year.
I hope you'll join in my little TBR Dare even if it's just for a day. I'm not going to triple dog dare you yet, but it's coming...
"I'm really happy with what I have read, but there were fewer five star books."
You know, I started to think about my list the other day and I noticed the same. There were many books I really, really liked, but other than Dorothy Sayer's novels I'm not sure what I LOVED.
Have a great week, Sandy!
I had very few five star books this year too. So far only two. One of them being The Lotus Eaters. :-) I look forward to reading your thoughts on it, Sandy. As well as on The Book Thief--that was my favorite read last year. Amazing book.
I hope you have a great week!
I've found far fewer 5 star reads this year than last. I think I've only read 3 this year. I do wonder if I'm getting pickier though :-)
I'm so pleased that The Lotus Eaters is so good - perhaps it will end up as my 4th 5 star read of the year?
I have The Lotus Eaters on my shelf. I look forward to your thoughts on it.
I'm not joining any challenges this year. I'm doing my own. I have a whole list of series that I want to read that are off my own shelf and that's what this year is going to be about.
Hope you have a relaxing day and recover from that party.
I loved The Lotus Eaters (and consider it one of my favorites of the year) so I'm glad to see you like it so much.
I hope your mom's eye continues to get better. I can't even imagine three eye surgeries.
That TBR Dare has me excited and extremely anxious. I know I should join, and it would feel very satisfying, but holy mary I do so love new books. :)
I felt that way about The Book Thief when I read it! I finished it in bed one morning and just sobbed through the entire end. I bet the audio is amazing. I'll keep it in mind for next time I want to read the book!
I need to take a look of the books I read this year for that "best of" lists for the year; and I share the same feelings with you on the fewer five star books.
I've heard a lot of great reviews on The Lotus Eaters, and I can't wait to read yours. I think I need to add this book onto my wishlist!
I am on the tour for The Lotus Eaters as well, and am so looking forward to starting it. I have heard that it is simply an amazing read. I also need to get off my butt and read The Book Thief, which I have long had in my possession.I have never posted a year end best reads list, but hearing everyone talk about it may just push me into doing it as well. I will have to think on this... Have a fantastic week and enjoy some good times with your parents!
You've been bookish busy! I was cleaning and wiping down my apartment all the way up until 2 a.m. on Sunday and then continue on the following day with a couple of other things, including bookish stuff I did. :D
Like JoAnn, I love year-end lists and I can not wait to see yours. Sounds like a busy week ahead, I hope it is not too stressful!
I'm wiped out today too. I was invited to celebrate Thanksgiving at a friend's house and the said friend got stuck at work and then a messy traffic situation so I, along with HER husband cooked the entire meal! Not what I had planned but I'm glad I could help.
Can't wait to see your best list .. I always love them.
And I thought about not doing ANY challenges for 2011 but then decided to just do "small" ones that only ask for 5 or 6 books and I have to find the books in some fun way (like the What's IN A Name Challenge.) We'll see ... I have no willpower either.
I'm glad I read your post today because I have to buy a couple of books and would love for the proceeds to go to you! I'm also putting The Lotus Eaters on my TBR list and reminding myself to remember to read The Book Thief!
I'm glad your mom & dad are near you now and hope the warm weather contributes to your mom's healing in some way.
140 books is fantastic! You are a power reader & listener! I'm looking forward to your lists!
~ Amy
Oh yes, I can't wait to go back and see what my year in review looks like. I think this is going to be a not very good reading year in terms of books read but that happens.
Hope you have a great week ahead Sandy!
I've totally run into a nest of bests the last few months too. For November I just gave up and chose 4 books as my 'pick of the month.'
I cried my eyes out reading The Book Thief some two years ago. I didn't write a review even though I loved that book. It's one of the best I've ever read. But I just can't write the review. I'd like to read yours if you do write it.
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