Good morning friends! I come to you from a unseasonably cold Florida, and it doesn't seem to be thinking about leaving any time soon. Although I'd like to complain, it is better than going into the holidays with 80 degree weather. I'll bundle up and like it!
This past week was beyond insane with busyness. Two book clubs, one to discuss "The Book Thief" and the other to discuss "Cane River". I snuck in a few mornings of walking and almost froze my nose off. I had my first meeting with the Adult Literacy League, planning for our big fund-raising event next spring. A thrilling meeting with my son's teachers to discuss how he can live up to his potential (!?). Our Barnes & Noble book fair, which KICKED ALL KINDS OF BUTT. Thanks to anyone who supported our effort! Visiting a friend in the hospital, and a nice variety of errands.
In the middle of all the running around like a nut, my iPod pooped out on me. I got a mysterious message when syncing (to pull in Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation!!) and everything on my iPod disappeared. Major freak out, day was ruined. I did finally get it back in working order, but in the meantime I had to borrow my mom's Walkman (yes they actually still do exist) to listen to the one audiobook I had on hand - "The Island" by Elin Hildenbrand.
This past week was beyond insane with busyness. Two book clubs, one to discuss "The Book Thief" and the other to discuss "Cane River". I snuck in a few mornings of walking and almost froze my nose off. I had my first meeting with the Adult Literacy League, planning for our big fund-raising event next spring. A thrilling meeting with my son's teachers to discuss how he can live up to his potential (!?). Our Barnes & Noble book fair, which KICKED ALL KINDS OF BUTT. Thanks to anyone who supported our effort! Visiting a friend in the hospital, and a nice variety of errands.
In the middle of all the running around like a nut, my iPod pooped out on me. I got a mysterious message when syncing (to pull in Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation!!) and everything on my iPod disappeared. Major freak out, day was ruined. I did finally get it back in working order, but in the meantime I had to borrow my mom's Walkman (yes they actually still do exist) to listen to the one audiobook I had on hand - "The Island" by Elin Hildenbrand.
Before the crisis, I did manage to finish the audio of "Ape House" by Sara Gruen, and I was really disappointed. I really don't know what she was thinking with that plot, but I just had to shake my head. If it hadn't been a book club read, I would have DNF'd it. I've also been working on Alice Sebold's "Lucky" in print to finish off a reading challenge. This is a biography of the author, and now I better understand how she could have written The Lovely Bones. That poor woman.
I am attempting to write my "Best Of" lists, to be published that last week of December. I am struggling to crank out all those posts, plus try to catch up on my reviews. And I'm also failing to keep up with all of the blogs. I really am sorry. I am trying but this time of year is getting the best of me. I've not abandoned you, I've just checked out for a little while, all alone in my little happy place!
So on Friday, in the mail, surprise surprise! I got a package from my secret santa in the Book Blogger Swap! I put it under the tree, but on Saturday morning I decided I couldn't wait and opened it. Here is what I received:

Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls, Matched by Ally Condie, and a bag of Ghiradelli chocolate! Yay! All received from Michelle of See Michelle Read! I'd never visited Michelle's blog, but now I have. It is exciting to find a new friend. Thank you Michelle!
So more busyness next week. Doctor's appointments, hair appointments, Christmas pageant, Christmas party for my golfing group, BUT the last week of school for the kids before a two week vacation. Then maybe perhaps I can get my act together. Ha!
I hope you all have a relaxing cozy Sunday. What are you all up to? I am hoping to wrap up the rest of my Xmas shopping, and maybe sneak in a little time for reading!

I am attempting to write my "Best Of" lists, to be published that last week of December. I am struggling to crank out all those posts, plus try to catch up on my reviews. And I'm also failing to keep up with all of the blogs. I really am sorry. I am trying but this time of year is getting the best of me. I've not abandoned you, I've just checked out for a little while, all alone in my little happy place!
So on Friday, in the mail, surprise surprise! I got a package from my secret santa in the Book Blogger Swap! I put it under the tree, but on Saturday morning I decided I couldn't wait and opened it. Here is what I received:
Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls, Matched by Ally Condie, and a bag of Ghiradelli chocolate! Yay! All received from Michelle of See Michelle Read! I'd never visited Michelle's blog, but now I have. It is exciting to find a new friend. Thank you Michelle!
So more busyness next week. Doctor's appointments, hair appointments, Christmas pageant, Christmas party for my golfing group, BUT the last week of school for the kids before a two week vacation. Then maybe perhaps I can get my act together. Ha!
I hope you all have a relaxing cozy Sunday. What are you all up to? I am hoping to wrap up the rest of my Xmas shopping, and maybe sneak in a little time for reading!

Don't worry, Sandy, we won't feel abandoned! This time of year is just crazy for everyone.
And awww, how sweet of Michelle! Enjoy your books and chocolate :D
What a fantastic gift from Michelle! Lucky you!
Like Nymeth said, don't fret --we're all in the same boat -- busy, busy, busy.
How awful about your IPod! I'm glad you got it working again!
I'm with you (i.e. running around in a sort of acid trip of busyness). I can barely keep track of whether or not I'm wearing clothes I have so much on my mind in December! Just think of those lovely days in the week after Christmas though; I love those lazy hours. We shall prevail!
Wowee, that's a busy week! I sympathize with your iPod troubles. Sometimes I freak out over it, too...until I realize it's just a dead battery :D I've heard similiar griping over Ape House. Isn't it funny how polarized the reviews are compared to Water For Elephants? I'm definitely going to check out the Alice Sebold book as The Lovely Bones is one of my all-time favourites. Have a great rest of your weekend :)
What a bummer about Ape House! I have wanted to read it but I will definitely be keeping an eye out for reviews to see what others think, as I don't think it will have the same popularity as Water for Elephants.
This is certainly a crazy-busy time of year! We got dumped with snow this week, so some plans got cancelled...that will just make the upcoming week even more hectic though. Too bad Ape House was a disappointment. The plot sounded pretty weird to me!
Everything is busy this time of year, isn't it? We're having a relaxing day - it snowed a ton last night, but is raining today and making everything sloppy-wet. So the boys and I are watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. :)
That's disappointing about Ape House, because I loved Gruen's Water for Elephants. Bummer.
Great Secret Santa loot, too!
What a terrific holiday gift! It is hard to get everything done at this time of year. I'm having a hard enough time just chasing a dog. lol. Hope you get some reading time in all that busyness.
That's a wonderful gift from Michelle!
December is definitely a busy month, so we're all in the same boat, lol.
Hope you've a great week, Sandy!
What an awesome Secret Santa present! Glad you didn't wait .. the chocolate was handy to deal with the iPod crisis I'm sure!
I am actually loving the weather right now, and like a nut, have every window in the house open, while lying under a cozy blanket. I am not sure why I am doing this crazy thing, other than the fact that it is so rare to get this kind of weather that I am trying to savor it all day long! I love your Secret Santa gift as well, and hope that you enjoy the book. And don't you just love those parent/teacher conferences? I know I do!
Congrats on the book fair showing! And my one Gruen read was not a very good experience for me. I would not even attempt this one.
Enjoy the season and ignore all the craziness! You deserve fun not stress.
This cold is crazy! I drove home from Alabama today and it was snowing in Atlanta in December. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself.
Wow, I can't believe the temperatures you are having. Like everyone else says, we are all super busy this time of year. Enjoy the season and your new books!
Love the Secret Santa package! If it makes you feel better, Minneapolis MN had a blizzard yesterday and today and they are snowed in and schools will be late tomorrow.
I want to come to Florida :)
I have a lot going on this week too, including a school holiday show, a school restaurant "fun"raiser, and a few other things that I can't seem to remember.
We'll go crazy together!
I know how it feels like, Sandy! Don't worry. Have a great week and happy reading!
Hi Sandy, I feel bad that I have never popped over here before. I keep seeing your picture come up when I make comments on other blogs and I have been meaning to come over here for ages. You have a fantastic blog and it sounds like you have had a busy week.
Now you're making me glad that I sent the Ape House audiobook back to the library without listening to it. I wasn't in the mood at the time.
Great Santa gift! I didn't wait until Christmas to open mine either.
So glad you liked the books! And I'm happy to have found you too!!
way chilly here...it will not reach 30 today. but give me a choice between 80 and 30..and 30 will always win.
I have many, many things to do, holiday-wise, and I am not motivate to do a one of them today...
Woo! A great Secret Santa haul. And I'm totally with you on the holiday season getting the better of us... every time I think I'm "done" with my holiday shopping, I think of something else I need/want. And I still have tons of wrapping and baking to do!
This time of year is a challenge, isn't it? I'm going a little more nuts everyday as I add things to my list of things to do and realize how far behind I am. Hawaii was awesome but put me 10 days behind!
You have a really cool Secret Santa! What a great gift! I'm contemplating taking a break from blogging until after Christmas. So busy at work I think I could flip...
I still haven't read Water for Elephants, but I think I will read that one before Ape House!
looks like you got some great books...and chocolate can never be turned away!
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