We all know and love James (Ready When You Are, C.B.) and for this reason alone, I must support him. He has thrown down the ultimate challenge in the form of a dare: to only read from our TBR stack. For one day, one week, or through the entire first three months of 2011.
Now generally, I am off challenges in 2011. I began to feel irritated towards the end of this year because I just wanted to read STUFF, and not worry about the challenges I needed to finish. But this one I can get behind 100%. No new books for three months baby.
Funny though, because as soon as I decided I was going to take James' dare, I started buying up books...real ones, from a bookstore, and ones on my Kindle. I am such a mess.
One disclaimer. I don't buy audiobooks, I rent them from the library. So those don't count!
Are you ready to take the dare? Let's prove we can do it!

I figure those books are in my TBR stack because they are waiting for The Perfect Moment that draws them to me. So naturally I can't do a challenge and risk interfering with the Karma of the Moment!
LOL - I bought two more books since signing up for the dare!
So far I've held off on purchasing new books, but I have a feeling that after Christmas will be a different story. At that point, I'll know which books are left to buy after presents. :)
Best of luck to everynoe doing this. There's NO way I'd make it though.
Glad to have found your blog, looking forward to seeing more posts!
Yah! I'm going for it, too. Not buying any more books for myself, and hoping gifts don't count as new additions (although any of those will probably come in before January).
Oh my, I definitely need to take up this one. I've been so bad lately.
Happy dare to you! I can't wait to see how long we all make it :) Good luck!
I decided to take the dare, too. No idea how long it will stick, though. But if library books don't count...
Have fun and good luck! I'm not going there.
Welcome aboard the TBR Dare. I think it's going to be fun to see who can last the longest.
I should do a post clarifying that you can make exceptions for book clubs and that audiobooks are in the TBL pile not the TBR pile.
And, there's no rule against buying books. You just can't read them until the challenge is over.
Hmmmm...I could do this. I should do it. I think I will do it (even though I'm swearing off too many challenges this year ... I felt just like you.)
Now this is a challenge that I can get behind, and I bet my husband would love it if I joined this one too! Thanks for letting me know about this!
I should do this but am not sure I can last more than a month. I can't go 3 months without buying a book!
My congrads for backing away from the challenges.
But this is one I could do since I am pretty much reading mostly books from my TBR pile in recent days.
Wait - so you aren't going to do any audio books for 3 months?!
I have two challenges I've signed on that will last me until some time 2011 but apart from that, I will not be signing up for more. I'm taking the approach which I have started a few weeks ago i.e. no more buying books unless they're something I want to read IMMEDIATELY. I want to read those in my existing pile.
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