If you meander about the blogosphere, you know that there isn't much I can say about Mockingjay that hasn't already been said. Third and final installment of The Hunger Games series. Some people loved it. Some hated it. And some were just apathetic. I don't intend to spoil the plot, so if you haven't read it, please don't be scared. I'm just going to chit chat a little.
The kids and I listened to all three books on audio. With Mockingjay, by the time I remembered to get in line for it at the library, I was close to number 50. This would never do, so I actually bought it from Amazon. There was much excitement in the Nawrot household when it arrived.
I refused to get bogged down by all the opinions out there. I went into it with an open mind.
And I was sorely disappointed. Katniss seemed to have lost her spunk and vitality. She had been through alot of trauma in the first two books, so that is understandable, but her ability to pick herself up by her bootstraps and fight the good fight was what we loved about her. She seemed to be perpetually uncertain and high on pain-killers. The plot drug on, and on, and on. I was so bored I could cry. Oh sure, there was a body count, but it felt forced.
The last third of the book, the pace did pick up. We saw a glimpse of the Katniss we all knew and loved. Then she retreated again. We were halfway through the last disc, and I wasn't seeing a viable ending. Then, Collins hastily wrapped it up with a big fat bow, threw it at us, and ran. I passed it off to my BFF, wished her luck, and moved on. *grumble, grumble*
The audio was 10 discs long, and it took the kids and I a good solid month, maybe even slightly more, to get through it all. So while the kids would tell you they were "OK" with the story, they weren't begging to listen every time we got in the car. There were times when they even forcefully told me to turn it off.
All that being said, if you have invested in the trilogy, then you have to finish it. Just don't get your hopes up.
If you want to see the book summarized in the most brilliant way imaginable, please go visit my blogging buddy Jennifer @ Literate Housewife, who chose to write her review in Haiku form.
2 out of 5 stars
I agree. This last book was very disappointing. I skim read a lot of it as it was so terrible. I haven't even been motivated enough to review it on my blog. Such a shame as The Hunger Games was so good.
You said it all...
I too was disappointed with the book, and also in Katniss. I felt I no longer knew the characters in this book too; it was as if they have all became another person. Despite this, I'm hoping Suzanne Collins will have a new series out soon, and hopefully she'll come up with a more unique and exciting premise to fill us in.
It's a shame you couldn't get this one from the library, especially since you probably won't be listening to it again! :--)
I thought it was a stinker too ... and I wasn't all that invested in the series to begin with. Too bad you bought it.
Yep. Very disappointing series overall in my opinion.
I hated this book, and actually got angry when it was time to sit and listen. My husband kept wanting to push through and a lot of the time we were just sitting there staring at each other, mocking the audio. It was terrible, and I had a hard time with this one. So boring, and was evil Peeta really necessary? I am so glad it is over, and we have moved on to better things!
You know, this series just never caught my attention. I'm not sure why. But now, knowing it doesn't end well, I guess I'm glad I didn't invest the time.
I can't believe the series ended with such a bummer of a book. All things aside, Collins should have at least stayed true to the characters.
I enjoyed MOCKINGJAY but I don't think it lived up to the first two books. Having said that, it would be very hard for an author to do so!
I haven't read any of the trilogy yet but I always hate to think of a trilogy that starts out strong and then ends on a disappointing note. Bummer!
"She seemed to be perpetually uncertain and high on pain-killers."
Oh, I'm with you -- where did our fiery Katniss go?
aw, I'm sorry you didn't love it like I did. Only because I love to share the love of a book.
I agree with you that Katniss' spark was gone in this book! I thought it was realistic though.
This wasn't my favorite either, but I agree that you do kind of have to finish the series once you start it. :) I had to know what happened.
This is exactly how I felt -- I was so very disappointed, and quite honestly, I felt the true magic of the series was only truly captured in The Hunger Games.
Two stars...that is bad.
I am yet to read it and not feeling hopeful.
I felt the same way, and gave it a 2 star too. My review:
I'm sorry you were disappointed in this one, Sandy. I enjoyed it myself and thought it was a fitting ending but I know I'm in the minority there.
I completely agree with you! I was really disappointed with this one, especially since Katniss was missing so much of the action - and because she was, so did we. Huh!
I absolutely loved this book and the entire trilogy. The first book was my favorite. Like Wendy, I might be in the minority as well.
I'm going to be the minority here too - I really enjoyed the last book. I thought the first two books were awesome - hardcore and amazing. Yes, the last had more down time, but I found it to be more real. After she witnessed all of those deaths, of course she'd be uncertain and lacking in flair. She was traumatized, and didn't know who to trust at all. As for the ending, I dont' think it was wrapped up in a bow at all. The characters were still tortured, still in pain, suffering fro post traumatic stress. It was a painful ending, that left me a bit emotionless for a while! Regardless, I thought it was a great way to end the series. Painful, yes, but honest.
I agree Katniss wasn't the same Katniss we grew to love in the first two books, but I was okay with that given all she'd been through. I really enjoyed Mockingjay, though.
I can't imagine listening to this one. Thanks for the shout out!!!
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