So. Are you sick of hearing about audio books yet? Thanks to Jen @ Devourer of Books, we celebrated the magic of the spoken word all week long. We posted audio reviews, and participated in daily discussions and memes. We had giveaways (BTW...Gayle, if you are out there, I need an e-mail from you in order to contact you and send you The Cemetery Dance!). It was gloriously fun for an audio geek like me. The highlight? The interview of Simon Vance over at The Literate Housewife. I was green with envy, but it didn't stop me from lingering over every word.
Not much else going on here, I'm ashamed to say. I celebrated my birthday on Monday by pulling weeds and supervising my children in various household chores so they can earn extra money. I went out to dinner (The Melting Pot!) with my friend Susan. We decided that the next time we go, we're sticking to cheese and chocolate. The rest is just a distraction. My friend Marianne and I took the kids bowling. I ordered a super-duper helmet for my son so he won't get his brain scrambled in tackle football this fall. That about covers it. I feel I am failing you in my lack of adventure.
I made up for it in my readings, however. I finished Elizabeth George's "This Body of Death" on audio, and started...(drumroll) "The Girl That Kicked the Hornet's Nest". Is it acceptable to let the kids forage for food while I sit huddled in my closet listening? My audio time isn't quite what it is when they are in school, but I commit to finishing it next week, one way or another. We also are working our way through "The Hobbit", the beginning of our journey through the LOTR.
I finished my second Vietnam novel called "A Hundred Feet Over Hell", which was absolutely amazing. I then started "The Monster of Florence", a gift from my husband and a book on my TBR Reading Challenge list. True crime heaven! A brief intermission was required when I received the graphic novel version of The Stand, Volume 1 (a birthday gift from The Bumbles). I sat outside by the pool until that one was finished. This was a particular highlight of the week. My BFF gave me a gift card to Barnes & Noble for my birthday, which is earmarked for more Stand Graphic awesomeness and of course the audio of Mockingjay, which at this point I am two million people in line at the library and there is no way I can wait.
We ended the week, appropriately I think, with our friends Mike and Ginny, enjoying good wine, good food and good music, and dancing when the mood felt right. It is what life is all about, it is not?

Well, Happy(belated)Birthday, Sandy! Now how many is that? Thirty?
I think your week sounds more like a normal person instead of the Human Dynamo, per usual. I also think letting your kids forage for food creates healthy independence! They'll thank you for it when they're in college. :)
I had no idea there was a graphic version of The Stand! I was absolutely glued to this book when it came out and I think it's King's finest.
Have a great week!
The Stand was way too much for me to read in books form, but I think I might like to try the graphic novel. I listened to The Monster of Florence on audio and found it to be truly chilling. I had a little trouble sleeping one night.
Happy (Belated) Birthday!!
And I've been meaning to try the Melting Pot ... I'll just skip the cheese though and go right for chocolate!
Happy belated birthday, Sandy!
You've been busy with books as usual! :-) I hope to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo soon.
I hope you have a great week, Sandy.
Happy Belated Birthday! I love the Melting Pot. There are days I wish Claire was old enough to forage. :)
Belated birthday wishes, Sandy! Have heard good things about The Monster of Florence...
Yes, it's fine to let your kids forage for food while you listen to your audio book! It's all about priorities after all. LOL
I read The Monster of Florence a few months back. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it!
Maybe I should have tackled the graphic version of The Stand....I'm still slogging my way thru the long version. Grrrr.
It's still your birthday month for a few more days, so enjoy! I firmly believe in birthmonths instead of birthdays. :)
I don't need any spooky reads! And what? you're 25? Yeah, right! Plug in that audiobook and pretend you can't hear anyone talking to you.
Happy B-day, Sandy! It sounds like you have some great books lined up for the next week.
Happy Bday! I went to the Melting Pot for the first time last year and it was fantastic! Never had a fondu meal before then.
Pulling weeds on your birthday?! There should be NO pulling weeds on your birthday!
Sounds like a wonderful week! And I agree about the cheese and chocolate at the Melting Pot - yummy!
I'm going to listen to Girl With the Dragon Tattoo soon - I'm dying to hear this voice you keep raving about. :)
Happy belated birthday, Sunday! I missed the day itself thanks to my Adventures With Mark All as Read :\
Also: "Is it acceptable to let the kids forage for food while I sit huddled in my closet listening?" Thank you for making me laugh :D
Happy belated Birthday!! Yes, it is acceptable to let the kids forage for food; after all, it's for a good cause ;)
A great week to you!
Happy belated Birthday, Sandy!
Did I ever tell you that I'm in awe of your super multi-tasking skills? :P
Hope you've a great week ahead!
You are always such a busy lady. Where do you get your energy from? Can you share some with me? I go through the motions and get a lot of stuff done but I always feel a tad bit scattered while doing it.
Ooh I want to read or listen to The Girl That Kicked the Hornet's Nest. This has become a mission for me!
Happy belated B DAY! :)
Happy belated Birthday, Sandy! It sounds as though you had an awesome time celebrating and that you got some really great gifts! I am very curious about The Stand in graphic novel form, and I will be interested in hearing how it is. I hope you get to take it easy this week and get lots more great books read!!
Well I am ever so glad that you did like the first graphic novel in The Stand series!
I read The Monster of Florence I think it was last year? I liked a lot of it but there were other parts that grated on my nerves. The American writer especially. He's quite full of himself I think. I wanted to hear more directly from the Italian reporter near the end of the book. Interested to hear what you think of it.
Happy Belated Bday, Sandy! Well, it looks to me like you still had plenty of adventures :)
How are you enjoying the Larsson book? And, I didn't know about the Stand graphic novel. I've never read the Stand but a graphic novel sounds fun!
sounds like even though the kids are out of school you are still getting a lot of reading done! Wow, what a great week of audiobooks from you and everyone else.
I love the melting pot, but I agree that sticking with the Cheese and chocolate is the best option, though the dinner food at ours is pretty good.
I think your week sounds lovely - a great birthday dinner, quality time with the kids, reading, and the perfect ending to the week: good food, good wine, and good music :)
Happy Happy Birthday to You (a week or so late....)
Happy Belated Birthday Sandy! Mine is around the corner - yikes! I've heard so much about Elizabeth George but have yet to read a book by her. Seems a lot of people like her writing though.
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