We're back to reality here at the Nawrot abode! We arrived back from our vacation late Monday night, fell into bed and barely moved for the rest of the week. Well, that is not exactly true but almost. My daughter did have a babysitting class on Tuesday and Thursday, I cleaned like a maniac on Tuesday, but beyond that we were slugs. Kids slept until noon. I caught up on posts. I did laundry and got a few groceries. And I was at peace with it - no guilt, baby! It IS summer, after all.
For all the laying around that I did, I got very little reading done. I did finish "Columbine" on the flight home (all I have to say is WOW), and dug immediately into "101 Things I Learned in Film School", a book I won from Trisha, which was sitting on my doorstep when I arrived home. Right after that, I started "A Hundred Feet Over Hell", a highly recommended Vietnam novel. I'm STILL working my way through the rather long audio "This Body of Death" by Elizabeth George (an EW Summer Reading book) and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm just jumping out of my skin because I have both "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" and "The Passage" waiting for me. Do you think I could listen to one in each ear?
So what the heck was I doing, if not reading? Catching up with other blogs, posting my Wordless Wednesdays for the next two months, doing recaps on my trips, writing reviews I'd gotten behind on. Sheesh. You'd think it was a job!
Starting tomorrow and lasting all week, I will be celebrating Audio Book Week with some of my blogging friends. I am besotted with audio books, so I didn't have to deliberate very long on my involvement in this project. I will be kicking off the week tomorrow with Sandy's Audies, my own list of the best audios I've listened to in the last year. Throughout the week, all of my reviews will be on audios. And I will be also peppering the week with various memes and discussion starters, organized by Jen at Devourer of Books. You should join us (pssst...there's prizes!).
I'm off to call my dad and wish him a happy Father's Day, then we are off to the beach! Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday a little early! Hope you have a great one!
You always find the most wonderful vacation spots! I must admit that I am a bit jealous.....
Audio week is perfect timing for me as my hubby and I are going to try to get away for a few days to celebrate our 28th anniversary. Nothing nearly as exotic as the Florida Coast or Grand Canyon, but we are planning to drive to St. Louis (5 hours) and then Chicago (anothre 5 hours). I thought a nice audio book or two might be perfect for the trip. I will anxiously wait for your post tomorrow.
Happy Birthday!!!
I'm glad you had a nice time and enjoy your Father's Day and birthday celebrations! and all of those great books! ;)
"The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" and "The Passage"...gosh why don't you pick a couple of big books.
one of those I loved...one not so much. the not so loved one's review will be up this week.
Welcome home and happy birthday.
Sounds like a great way to spend the week - except for that cleaning stuff. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Have a wonderful birthday - what a great setting!
I finished 2 books on audio and loved them - Waer for Elephants and The Swan Thieves. Some books are great to listening to. Here's my Sunday Salon.
Books and the beach. Color me jealous. I get books and the pool today, but it's not quite the same thing. :)
LOL! Do you guys ever stay home?!! Sounds like a great place to play in the ocean. Enjoy your time there!
Have a wonderful birthday, Sandy. I can't wait to read what you think of Columbine.
Happy Birthday, Sandy!
Hope you've a wonderful week ahead and I can't wait to hear what you'll think of The Passage!
I'm so glad you made it back safely and happy...
And Happy Birthday to you, my lovely bloggy friend!
Whew! Even when you're "laying low" you're busier than three people, Sandy. Glad you had such a wonderful vacation.
Happy Birthday!
Sometimes, it's just good to be home, especially after all that traveling.
Hope you enjoyed your beach day. We had a perfect beach day. Warm but with cool breezes, not a cloud in the sky.
It sounds like you got a much needed rest! Happy Birthday to you, and I hope that you have an excellent week!
Happy Birthday! I hope that you are having a fantastic day!
Sounds like even though you haven't been reading and reviewing and just been laying around. . . you were still very busy...did you have a little bloggiesta with all those wordless Wednesdays?!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone's Audiobook posts.
Happy Birthday!
Sounds like a great vacation Sandy and a nice week last week, too. A good way to usher in your birthday!
Your audios list is great! I haven't caught on to the listening to books thing but after reading Jen;s posts and yours I'm thinking I might be missing out and it's time to try it! I have a few books on tape here so....
Happy Belated Birthday!
~ Amy
Happy Birthday Girl! Hope you guys had a wonderful time on the beach. And, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the Larsson book. I was actually disappointed. We'll have to share notes after you read and I do hope you'll enjoy it. Maybe it was just me. Who knows.
Wasn't "Columbine" just amazing? I need to write my review of it soon. I had nightmares about school shootings though when I was reading it.
And guess what ... the John Sandford book arrived today!! So thank you!
Welcome back to reality (HAHA!) and happy birthday, Sandy!
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