Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about monsters that have both delighted us and frightened us. Of course, Molly and Andy were inspired to use this theme after the monstrous loss of the Patriots this weekend. (I can't say I'm all that upset about it personally!) Here are some monsters that immediately came to mind:
Count Orlok (Nesferatu) - to me, this is the real image of Dracula, and it is terrifying. Nothing sexy or romantic here, people. Sookie or Bella wouldn't have wanted anything to do with this guy. He looks like he would have really bad breath too.
Hannibal Lechter (Silence of the Lambs) - one of Anthony Hopkins' best performances in my opinion. I know he's human, but anyone who eats their victims with fava beans and Chianti is a monster, nonetheless.
Dr. Frankenstein's Monster (Frankenstein) - no matter which version I see of this movie, I always feel sorry for the poor guy. After all, he didn't get to choose what parts were used on him or what he looked like. He just wanted to fit in and have a girlfriend.
Godzilla (Godzilla) - didn't this guy start the whole monster craze? I can't even tell you if I've sat through one of these movies beginning to end, but is so campy, it's fun for awhile, especially with a couple of beers.
Cannibalistic cave-dweller thingies (The Descent) - this movie was a ton of fun, and got the 'ol ticker pumping. Hard bodied women with some emotional baggage go spelunking and find these...thingies. You want a rush, rent this one.
Jaws (Jaws) - ha! It had been awhile since I'd listed this movie, so I thought it was time to resurrect it. This was no fish, this was a mutated monster, which, in later movies, could reason and strategize, and track people for thousands of miles for the sake of revenge.
Using the term "monster" loosely, you can go anywhere with this. Which are your favorites?

We saved Hannibal for you ;0) Only Hopkins could make such a monster have sympathetic moments. The truly heinous ones are like that though - they lull you with their charm and then strike with horror. Excellent choice.
I love horror movies, probably my favourite genre. Silence of the Lambs was brilliant and Jaws will always be in my top ten movies of all time. Great list :)
I don't like scary movies at all, so these movies aren't for me.
Jaws! I can't believe you listed that! ((rolleyes)) LOL. I agree that Bruce was a heinous one!
I don't really like monster movies, except the friendly ones like Monsters, Inc. and Shrek. Lovable monsters with a heart of gold...now you got something!
I definitely think Hannibal Lecter is about the scariest thing on your list, followed by Jaws. I always find the true to life stuff to be particularly creepy.
Silence of the Lambs really scared me, but actually the other two movies in the series, Hannibal Rising, and The Red Dragon, scared me way more!
Lechter has to be the most appealing monster. I feel dirty even saying that.
I would add another "human" monster to this list...the warden in Shawshank Redemption.
I love horror movies. Silence of the Lambs is great and I really like Frankenstein movies as well as the Jaws movies.
Okay, let's say you've tricked me into it this time ;) Monsters running around on Graasland!
I didn't pick Nosferatu because you already mentioned him -- good one though! Just a shadow, but still...
Great choices! I got Dr. Lechter, too. Count Orlok is an excellent choice.
Re: Frankenstein: which one was really the monster?
hannibal seems to be a favorite--he was a terrible monster. Jaws is a good one :) Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
I have to agree with your choice of Hannibal Lecter, he is an terrifying monster! I remember watching Nesferatu in my high school film class, and I remember being totally sickened by that version of Dracula. It's really interesting to me the way the Dracula of modern days has been so romanticized.
I love the Jaws movies. I think we celebrated more than 1 of your birthdays as children by seeing these movies!
My son loves King Kong too. All versions available. He has seen them all. Funny the things kids attach themselves to, right?
I'm with Susan. I prefer cuddly animated monsters.
Shame on me! The only one I remembered watching was JAWS. SIGH... I really need to catch up on my movie watching.
Count Orlok was/is one of the all time creepies! Even the actor that played him was creepy.
Fava beans and a nice Chianti? Wonderful choice (which I watched under duress, but Mr L-S loved). But I adore Anthony Hopkins in any role...
Hanibal made my list too :)
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