Melody has one of those blogs you really want to add to your blogroll. No matter where your literary interests lie, she has probably read and reviewed something in that genre. And, of course, she is incredibly friendly. I want to thank Beth @ Beth Fish Reads for turning my attention to Melody earlier this year via an awards post (I think she introduced me not only to Melody in this post, but also Jackie @ Farm Lane Books and Dar @ Peeking Between the Pages - I hit the jackpot!).

Now I get to nominate bloggers for this award and pass along the love. I don't really follow the rules here normally. I know I am supposed to pass these along to a certain number of people, but have always found it more meaningful to concentrate my attention on one person. In this case, that would be Kathy @ BermudaOnion. If you haven't seen Kathy around, then pay closer attention...she's there. In fact, she is everywhere. It is hard to find a blog where she isn't commenting. I recently connected with her right around BBAW time, and since then, she makes the rounds to my blog as well, every day. Always thoughtful, she even comments on the posts announcing winners with a friendly "way to go". Not only that, but I've received e-mails from her with encouraging words and side conversations. She is really the essence of the blogging community, and has a big heart. (Oh just as an aside from all this gushing, she has a fabulous blog.) If you are one of the few that haven't met Kathy, head on over.
I love music, so I had to find something to share with you relating to the post. Since we are talking about talking, how about a video from "Talk Talk"??? Who didn't love this song in the '80s?
Talk Talk - It's My Life
Uploaded by cladstrife. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

I love Melody's blog too! She introduced me to Natsuo Kirino and so I am very grateful! Congratulations on your awards
Congratulations. This is a well deserved award. I've been neglecting my commenting duties of late and need to get back to them.
Not "duties", but you know what I mean.
Enjoyed the song. Thanks.
You are very deserving -- congratulations. And Kathy is definitely the queen of commenting!
So happy to have helped you make some connections. I love doing that.
I see you everywhere too! Kathy is a wonderful blogger and a very supportive one too!
You are so sweet, Sandy! You've made me blush this morning - but, I'm truly flattered. I appreciate your kind words so much! (I consider you the queen of commenting.) You just made my day!
Congrats on the awards! Can't say as I remember the song (one of those "where was I" moments!) but I did like the video.
Congrats on your awards! You are definitely a great commenter!
Congratulations on your awards!I always look forward to your comments--they are a bright spot on the blog!
Cool video; I'd forgotten the song.Thanks! Happy Halloween...
Kathy certianly deserves the award!
She is a commenting fool.
...and a blogging fool.
...and a twitter fool.
Actually, I think she may really be 3 or 4 people. ;-)
Congratulations! And I'm glad you passed it along to Kathy. She's one of my faves :)
I'm blushing now...Sandy! :P I love reading your blog too! Congrats on all your awards! They are all well-deserved! :)
You and Melody are both great commentators! You definitely deserve a commentator award. ^_^
Congratulations, Sandy!
Melody has been my blog buddy for almost 3 years and she's one of the earliest friends I made in the blogosphere. Kathy is fabulous too. I'm glad to know all of you!
Congratulations on your award Sandy! I don't know Melody's blog but I'll be sure to check it out.
Kathy of bermudaonion is awesome, always there with a kind, supportive comment. I don't know how she does it all!
Wonderful post, Sandy!
I agree with you 100% on Bermudaonion! How does she do it?????
Congrats on the awards. You and Kathy are everywhere!
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