As most of you may know, we are animal lovers in the Nawrot house. While we will be forever grieving over our Labrador Meggie who is now in doggy heaven, we are home to four cats and the sweetest guinea pig that God ever made.
We must send out signals that only those creatures in the animal kingdom can sense, as it seems wayward dogs and cats, and the occasional duck or egret, wander down our lane, looking for refuge. We provide it, and then they move on, usually when we aren't looking.

When we arrived home around 1:00am from Poland in early July, we noticed a big bushy tail disappear into the bushes as we drove down our lane. My guess was it was a raccoon. They like to hang around and get their share of the cat food. Instead, it was this frightened, skinny little cat, probably about 6 months old. We fed it, of course, and it decided it wanted to stay. I think it figured it had won the kitty lottery. So off he went, christened "Ziggy", to the vet to have his shots and his male particulars removed. He has since become an integral part of our ever-growing family, and delighting us with his kitten-ness and sweet nature. What's another mouth to feed, when you get so much in return?
We must send out signals that only those creatures in the animal kingdom can sense, as it seems wayward dogs and cats, and the occasional duck or egret, wander down our lane, looking for refuge. We provide it, and then they move on, usually when we aren't looking.
When we arrived home around 1:00am from Poland in early July, we noticed a big bushy tail disappear into the bushes as we drove down our lane. My guess was it was a raccoon. They like to hang around and get their share of the cat food. Instead, it was this frightened, skinny little cat, probably about 6 months old. We fed it, of course, and it decided it wanted to stay. I think it figured it had won the kitty lottery. So off he went, christened "Ziggy", to the vet to have his shots and his male particulars removed. He has since become an integral part of our ever-growing family, and delighting us with his kitten-ness and sweet nature. What's another mouth to feed, when you get so much in return?
Girlfriend, you are up early! Aren't you on the West Coast? BTW, thanks for those little e-mails you just sent me!
If I was lost and hungry I think I'd wander down your lane too! Give all your animals a hug from me!
OMG! He's so cute!!!! We had a stray attach herself to us a few years ago -- right at a time when we just couldn't take on a new kitten. I did find her home, though. We had her only three weeks and I still miss her!
He looks like he's in great health now. I used to have a thing about cats, but fostering little Bruno last year opened my eyes.
They are wonderful pets.
Jackie - if you came down our lane, we would take you in. This is the Nawrot policy!
Beth - I know, its the ones that drift in and then back out of our lives that get you. We had an old labrador retriever show up at our door once, and we were prepared to keep her. We gave her a bath and fed her and brushed her. Then one day she took off again. We were devestated!
James - I remember Bruno. You had him when I first started following you. I didn't want him to go!!!! Kittens are amazing creatures. Having a kitten in the house is like having a toddler in the house! Things get destroyed, but they are pure, unadulterated joy.
Awww, Ziggy is beautiful!
Kathy - thank you! We think he pretty sweet, and probably the most normal of all of our cats. He has made himself right at home. BTW, no idea why I don't have you on my blogroll. I see you everywhere. I'm going to remedy that right now...
He is beautiful. What a lucky cat to have wandered down your lane. I wish my dog was not so violently opposed to cats!
Lucky,lucky Ziggy!! Our two cats began as fosters from the local shelter...and stayed. CS became attached to one, and the other "adopted" me. We are so happy they are here.
He sure is handsome. I love kitties.
OMG your household is so kind and lovely! How is the new member adjusting to domestic life? :)
It reminds me of Dewey Readmore from the library kitty book.
Gavin - thank you...we think so! If we had dogs, we might have a different environment. As it is, of the other four cats, three of them HATE Ziggy. Poor baby.
ds - we are big supporters of the animal shelter or "find them wandering and take them in" motto. Even with the Guinea Pig, we drove all the way to Cocoa (about an hour away) to get him from a shelter, versus buying one from Petsmart.
Jeane - I KNOW you love kitties! I love your little grey one! I can't resist them, with those big eyes!
Matt - Ziggy is adjusting better than you would ever expect. Once we got him fixed, we tentatively let him in to wander around (afraid of spraying!). Now he comes in every morning and immediately runs upstairs and snuggles Emma before she wakes up for school. He comes in, he goes out. Very stable, adjusted kitty that has bulked up already. Eats like a horse. Our little Dewey!
What a cutie. I LOVE people like you Sandy. I use to volunteer at the Animal Rescue League (we now have 4 cats --sucker for a sweet furry face). We love them all - Bless yOu.
Ohh! I want a cat like that. My children and I have been trying to convince my husband but he has not taken the bait yet. We even emailed him a photo of a cute kitten this week. I think he may eventually weaken though. Bigger heart than he likes to let on. Almost as big as yours!
"his male particulars removed" I am sorry Ziggy, but I found the phrasing
Awww..Ziggy is beautiful! And your house sounds exactly like mine! We currently have 4 cats and 3 dogs, all of which were strays. I dread the day when another one shows up, because I can't say no and those vet bills do pile up... But you're absolutely right: what you get in return is priceless.
Such a sweet cat. Now I miss my cat even more:(
Ziggy is a cutie!!!
He's cute...and looks like he is right at home!
I wish I could take in some pets!!! One day..
Aw, that's wonderful! Sounds like Ziggy was just meant to be a part of the family :)
So cute pet i just love pet animals thanks for sharing..
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What a wonderful addition to your family.
Diary of an Eccentric
He's beautiful! I love his markings!
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