As I mentioned last week, our friends the Bumbles went on a massive road trip vacation and returned yesterday. They were a little nervous as to what condition they would find their house, with their precious little kitties left to run amuck while they were gone. (There is a story here!) But instead were greeted by nothing but sweet meows. Inspired by this Hallmark moment, this week's theme is all about reunions in film. This one was pretty challenging for me, because most of the reunion-themed movies I just don't like! With a struggle, this is what I came up with:
The Big Chill - this is the ultimate example of how crazy things can get when you gather old friends together in one confined space. There are things in this movie that disturb me!
Peggy Sue Got Married - what girl gets a second chance to make things right? What did any of us ever DO right in high school, really? My 25th high school reunion actually just took place this past weekend (which I did not attend). I wonder if any of my old friends wished they were Peggy Sue!
Same Time Next Year - I always enjoyed this movie, but again was always a little troubled by the idea of a multiple decades-long affair that occurred once a year every year.
The Shawshank Redemption - One of the best scenes of all time! When Red and Andy finally meet back up outside the prison walls, it just. gets. me. right. there!
Homeward Bound - I've never been able to watch the final scene, when the animals find their way home to their owners, without a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat.
Before Sunset - I just thought of this one, and it is probably my favorite of the bunch. This is a sequel to Before Sunrise, where Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have a romantic tryst over a long evening. Nine years later, in this film, they get back together for a few hours to catch up, review their lives, and ponder why it didn't work out between them. Fabulous, fabulous movie.
Well there you go. That is the best I could drag out of myself this morning. Do any of you have any better ideas? I need help on this one!
Peggy Sue Got Married - what girl gets a second chance to make things right? What did any of us ever DO right in high school, really? My 25th high school reunion actually just took place this past weekend (which I did not attend). I wonder if any of my old friends wished they were Peggy Sue!
Same Time Next Year - I always enjoyed this movie, but again was always a little troubled by the idea of a multiple decades-long affair that occurred once a year every year.
The Shawshank Redemption - One of the best scenes of all time! When Red and Andy finally meet back up outside the prison walls, it just. gets. me. right. there!
Homeward Bound - I've never been able to watch the final scene, when the animals find their way home to their owners, without a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat.
Before Sunset - I just thought of this one, and it is probably my favorite of the bunch. This is a sequel to Before Sunrise, where Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have a romantic tryst over a long evening. Nine years later, in this film, they get back together for a few hours to catch up, review their lives, and ponder why it didn't work out between them. Fabulous, fabulous movie.
Well there you go. That is the best I could drag out of myself this morning. Do any of you have any better ideas? I need help on this one!
I loved the Big Chill!! Shawshank is also one of my all-time favorites.
I also liked Peggy Sue and Homeward Bound. Same Time Next Year, was only so-so to me.
I've never seen Sunset.
Aww, Before Sunset is such a lovely movie. Great choice! I loved Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. Then, at our reunion, two girls totally reminded me of the main characters in the film!
LOVE Peggy Sue and Got Married!
Reunion films, hmm. I have to agree with Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. So silly and yet so fun.
I've never seen Peggy Sue Got Married all the way through. I've seen bits and pieces here and there, but never the complete movie.
I kept trying to think of animal reunion movies but other than Lassie and Benji, kept drawing a blank. Homeward Bound is a good one!
I love The Big Chill...but a large part of that love is about the music.
Before Sunset..I know I saw it..I can remember scenes from it but beyond that I draw a blank.
Homeward Bound...I can not watch movies where animals, especially dogs, are in peril or hurt. Nope. ;-)
This is a tough one. I liked The Return of the Secacus Seven which is the independant movie The Big Chill is more or less based on.
That's all I can think of this time.
Almost done with Blindness. Sheesh!
I have never heard of Same Time Next Year - but it instantly made me think of Brokeback Mountain - where they would meet up in the mountains every year to reunite in peace. Now I am kicking myself for forgetting all about that one.
Beth - If you want a nice double feature, watch Before Sunrise, then Before Sunset. These are not high action films, but a thinking-person's film. Lots of dialogue, and subtlties, and very romantic!
Amy - I've never seen Romy and Michele. It looked goofy, which is OK, as long as I'm in the right mood!
Lauren - yeah, Peggy Sue was one of those films that could turn into a fantasy if you aren't careful!
Wendy - those darned animal movies...I know when I start them I'm going to be emotionally manipulated, and I watch them anyway!
Caite - you are right, its all about the music, NOT sleeping with your best friend's husband to get pregnant!
James - I've never seen that movie, but if it inspired The Big Chill, I pretty much know what to expect. I am very anxious to start dialoguing with you on Blindness. I finished it a few days ago, and haven't written anything down, and am getting twitchy!
Bumbles - duh. I didn't either! See, this is the downside of doing this meme at 5:30 in the morning!!! My brain isn't working yet. Same Time Next Year stars Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn, and was done back in the '70's. It left its imprint on me for some reason.
Love The Big Chill! Believe it or not, that's the only film on your list that I've seen.
But, now ... that crazy Peaches & Herb song won't leave my head! Argh!
I love Homeward Bound! Michael J Fox was the perfect pick for the scampy voice.
I've been meaning to rent Before Sunset for such a long time and your post reminds me to do it. But first, I must watch New In Town, which I just rented.
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