Expecting a dog, that is. (You didn't think it was that kind of expecting did you? May the good Lord have mercy on my soul.) If you have been around long, you know about my love affair with animals. We have six cats, but haven't had a dog for 10 years. I've been begging for one, my the husband was the holdout. I'd always said that God would bring us a dog when the right time came, and I guess now was the time. Hubby seemed only amenable to one particular breed, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog (called PONs which stands for Polski Owczarek Nizinny), because it is a breed from his Motherland and is not widely bred in the US. I reached out to a couple of breeders...only a couple dozen in the country...and one in North Carolina called me and told me her female was in the process of having puppies. And that was all she wrote.
Once they get a little older and their temperaments established, we will decide which one we will get, but will most likely be a male. We will pick him up around the end of January. They are very smart dogs, they don't shed (although require a lot of brushing), and only get between 30 and 50 pounds. We are besides ourselves, and feel like we are having a baby.
Anyway! That was the excitement and the distraction this week! I had my last Polish class (although a new class starts back up again in January), had two doctor appointments, did A LOT of Christmas shopping, did yard work, had a book club meeting, and had two Christmas parties. Whew! Oh! AND OUR WALL GOT FIXED! This is the wall that was crashed into by a car last April. We still have to do the landscaping, but this is progress. I think things should be easier from here on out. Maybe.
My reading has been shite as usual. I did finally finish Uncle Stevie's "Revival" and it just didn't meet my expectations. He's always good at telling a story, but it was slow. Then I picked up "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy but I just couldn't get into it. It was strange. So I put it down and waffled about what to read. I finally started a true crime novel called "Monster". True crime always works for me when I'm in a fug.
My only audio this week was Lee Child's latest Jack Reacher installment "Personal". Maybe it was my mood or maybe I'm just tired of the same old thing, but the book bored me to death. Jack needs to change things up, find a girlfriend or something. I've now started "Empty Mansions" by Bill Dedman for book club, and it is fascinating and very well-narrated.
With all the focus on year-end lists this week (and authors who have a rage when they don't end up on them), I've been contemplating whether I should do mine. I think I will, they are fun to do. I just feel like this year might be slim pickings. We will see. Look for them soon.
We are off today to watch a pro golf tournament. After the weekend we've had I really just need a nap. Hope everyone is starting to feel the Christmas spirit and is enjoying their Sunday!
You know you make ME want a dog now! LOLOL
You are such a tease. Good thing I'd already seen your news on Facebook. I have no Christmas spirit this year and have bought exactly one present. I've done nothing else to get ready for the holiday either. I feel like Scrooge this year.
Congratulations! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the new little one in the new year. I've held off on reading King's Revival - the story didn't quite hold me, and several people have found it a "meh" experience, although I'll probably still give it a try. I had the same experience with Personal in audio - it just didn't grab me and I didn't finish it. First Reacher book I haven't finished.
HA! They are a bit like babies, you know...Congratulations!
Ahhhh! I'm so sxcited you're getting a pup! I can't wait to see pics.
I have Empty Mansions on my wish list; perhaps this should be my next audio?
Congrats on the dog!
Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all the news about your new arrival...but you remember that they're nearly as much work as a baby, right? ;-)
Empty Mansions was very well done on audio and the best part is that you get to hear the actual conversations with Huguette! It's a little slow going in the beginning with her father's history (although it's still pretty interesting), but I think that's important for overall understanding of her personality/situation etc.
Oh my gosh, that dog is amazing! I can't wait to see your little puppy.
Good luck with the pup-- they are adorable. I have cats and dogs together, no problem, the cats rule the dogs here :) Enjoy
I wonder how that mama dog can even SEE her pups.
I can't wait to see which little darling you end up with. Dogs are so different from cats, which I really did not understand until we got Otter Pup. Dogs are happy as shit to see you. Cats, not so much.
First - congrats on the dog.
Second - you have to do your year-end list - I look forward to it!
Third - I'm having a bit of a Uncle Stevie binge: listening to Duma Key on audio and reading A Good Marriage on my Kindle app. Speaking of Mr. King, did you notice that this week's Best of 2014 EW issue didn't have his bookish column? :(
Mr. BFR really wants a dog ... I'm the holdout. I know I'll be doing most of the dirty work...
PICTUUUUUUURES plz. Once my youngest is in school, I am getting THE SHIT out of a dog, but not before. *sits, waits*
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