Perhaps the holidays are already getting to our beloved Bumbles, as the topic this week for the Monday Movie Meme is "movies that make us want to travel". You know, the ones that you watch, then turn to your friend or partner and say "I have got to visit that place!".
As usual, Molly and Andy picked one of our top picks in the Nawrot household, Lord of the Rings - Return of the King. Who knew New Zealand was so beautiful??? Watching that movie makes you want to take off your shoes and tromp over hill and dale. Besides that one, here are some that added some destinations to our lists:
1. Under the Tuscan Sun - total fantasy movie, and most likely one that appealed to the female persuasion. Move to Tuscany, buy a villa, fix it up, make friends with the locals, have a fling with a hot Italian dude? Who wouldn't?
2. Mamma Mia - another fantasy movie, only this time, I'm moving to a Greek island to run a bed and breakfast. The scenery is absolutely, breathtakingly romantic, enhanced by the fact that Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnan are fighting over me.
3. Motorcycle Diaries - South America never popped up on my radar before this movie. In fact it seemed kinda scary (ever watch City of God?). But then I watched this charismatic travelogue of a young Che Guevara, and I decided it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
4. Out of Africa - bugs and wild animals aside, few red-blooded humans could watch this sweeping, Kenyan landscape and not want a piece of it. Assuming there would be running water...
5. MacKenna's Gold - this one is my husband's addition. Apparently, he saw this movie when he was 9 years old, a poor little kid in Communist Poland. 40 years later, he still remembers it as his inspiration to see the Wild Wild West. I can't vouch for it, but it stars Gregory Peck and Omar Sharif, so it can't be all that shabby.
Which movies have inspired you? Do we have any of the same travel fantasies?
As usual, Molly and Andy picked one of our top picks in the Nawrot household, Lord of the Rings - Return of the King. Who knew New Zealand was so beautiful??? Watching that movie makes you want to take off your shoes and tromp over hill and dale. Besides that one, here are some that added some destinations to our lists:
1. Under the Tuscan Sun - total fantasy movie, and most likely one that appealed to the female persuasion. Move to Tuscany, buy a villa, fix it up, make friends with the locals, have a fling with a hot Italian dude? Who wouldn't?
2. Mamma Mia - another fantasy movie, only this time, I'm moving to a Greek island to run a bed and breakfast. The scenery is absolutely, breathtakingly romantic, enhanced by the fact that Colin Firth and Pierce Brosnan are fighting over me.
3. Motorcycle Diaries - South America never popped up on my radar before this movie. In fact it seemed kinda scary (ever watch City of God?). But then I watched this charismatic travelogue of a young Che Guevara, and I decided it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.
4. Out of Africa - bugs and wild animals aside, few red-blooded humans could watch this sweeping, Kenyan landscape and not want a piece of it. Assuming there would be running water...
5. MacKenna's Gold - this one is my husband's addition. Apparently, he saw this movie when he was 9 years old, a poor little kid in Communist Poland. 40 years later, he still remembers it as his inspiration to see the Wild Wild West. I can't vouch for it, but it stars Gregory Peck and Omar Sharif, so it can't be all that shabby.
Which movies have inspired you? Do we have any of the same travel fantasies?
South America is beautiful (well, Peru is). I love all your choices.
I'd add Brigadoon!
Funny story about Mama Mia: a friend of mine hosted a Mama Mia party and we all had to sing and dance as the movie was playing. This was a problem for me, as I know absolutely no Abba songs. But no worries! She turned on the captions and we were all ok! We have pictures of my husband singing along wearing a feather boa and dancing. These are blackmail pictures, for sure!
I like your choices and would have to agree that New Zealand is just a gorgeous place!
Out of Africa as a really really rich person would be awesome! While I did not really like the movie, I would not mind having a seriously extended vacation on The Beach in that DiCaprio movie. I would, of course, stay well away from the pot farmers...
Mama Mia is the only one that I've seen and it did make me want to go there. Whenever I see New York or Paris in a movie I want to go there too.
Greece and Italy ... I saw both movies and had the same feeling as you--let's go! The only one in our family that's been to both places is one of our daughters, who went with People-to-People when she was 15. As might be expected for someone that age, it was less about feeling fortunate and blessed for the opportunity to see the sites, and more about gaining the attention of cute guys and popularity. But now, looking back on it, I think she's more appreciative.
Mamma Mia, of course! Great choice!
Motorcycle Diaries and Out of Africa, too!
Love your list! And I'm glad to see you share my choice of Under the Tuscan Sun!
New Zealand is indeed beautiful! I wouldn't mind visiting again!! :)
I really want to travel to South America, in particular Argentina! I loved the Motorcycle Diaries and Under the Tuscan Sun. Good choices.
Enchanted April is also a good one for getting your mind in travel mode!
I love Under the Tuscan Sun. Definitely a fantasy I wouldn't mind seeing happen. lol.
Nope, haven't watched any of them. *sigh*
Most Woody Allen movies make me want to visit New York. I love New York.
A few years ago there was a movie that was really 18 or so short films that took place in Paris. Paris, Je Teim, maybe? That one had me dreaming of Paris.
Typically, movies about a place make me want to re-visit places I've already been.
I added New Zealand to my list of places to travel after seeing LOTR. I bet tourism shot way up in that country after those movies were made!
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