Made you look twice with that post title, didn't I? Well, I sensed a theme as I trudged through this past week, and it was too good not to share. But before I go there, I'll fill you in on my exciting week.
I can sum it up in four words: football, sleepovers, appointments and yard work. My baby just started tackle football practice, 5 days a week for over two hours a day. Because it is in the high 90's every day, he has to start hydrating around noon, with a strategic eating and stretching schedule. We've also had three sleepovers this week (two at my house and one elsewhere), hopefully satisfying the kids' needs for youthful interaction. We had several appointments, just stuff that gets ignored over the summer. And speaking of ignored, the weeds were taking over my house, so that had to be addressed. With all of that hilarity, now, you can imagine why I got so tickled with the online naughtiness. Let me share.
First, most of us know Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog (the gal who threatens to throws her panties at the more exciting authors, to signify their rock-star status). Well, she featured a post this week called A Midsummer Night's Panty Party, where guest blogger selects the type of panties that may have been worn by our favorite literary characters...Jane Eyre, Holly Golightly, or even Scarlett O'Hara. With pictures and everything. Gold stars all around for the creativity in this post!
Secondly, one of my favorite bloggers, The Bumbles, had a priceless post this week as well. When Molly was at one of her husband's functions, she decided to pass the time by taking pictures of various types of men's butts. That Molly, she is quite the observant little Bumble, and I laughed for an hour at her astute examples of all the different backsides that God has created for us to ogle, or not, as it were.
Then my friend Craig the wine store owner called me in a dither because he had found the perfect wine accessory called The Wine Rack. Did I want to try one? He sent me the link, and here is what I see:

Yes, you too can enhance your cup size AND drink your wine on-the-go with this innovative product. Simply fill up the bra with up to a bottle of wine, and away you go. You can impress the boys with your buxomness and get conveniently tanked all at once. And it can be yours for only $29.95!!!!
I primly told Craig I didn't need any enhancements, thanks, but I was intrigued with the wine on-the-go idea...
I did suggest that it might be fun to cross-market this product with one of those thingies that you can attach to your leg and relieve yourself in without standing up and running to the bathroom.
So besides chortling over all of this slightly trashy fun, I did a little reading and a little blogging. I've been in a review-writing slump lately, so I made a deal with myself to write one review a day until I get caught up. I've been sticking to it, and only have one more review to write. I can't guarantee that they are witty and clever, but they are done. Bear with me friends. This malaise should pass.
I finished "So Cold the River" by Michael Koryta, "Dangerous Neighbors" by Beth Kephart (her new one being released soon) and "Pyongyang" by Guy Delisle (at the top of the graphic novel awesome pyramid in my opinion). I just started the latest Sara Paretsky ARC "Body Work". It has been awhile since I've read anything from her V.I. Warshawski series, and it is good to be back. I FINALLY finished "The Passage" on audio, and now am about halfway through "Middlesex", which I am finding extremely entertaining (is it me, or does it feel an awful lot like My Big Fat Greek Wedding?). The kids and I are about 3/4 of the way through the audio "How I Live Now", which is sad because it is only 4 discs long and has taken us a week and a half to get this far. I just can't get them both in the car with me at once, but we are loving this story.
I'm also serving as a judge for the BBAW long lists, and I've been attempting to work through a few each day in order to pace myself. It is so much fun to discover all the wonderful new blogs during this process! If you haven't signed up to participate in the Book Blogger Appreciation Weed fun, do so now! It is an incredible way to meet new bloggers, build your readership and have a blast while doing it.
Last but not least, guess what movie I'm seeing tonight? You betcha. The Girl That Played With Fire, showing at Orlando's one and only indie theater. My review forthcoming!
Hope you all have a great, relaxing Sunday. What are you up to today?
I can sum it up in four words: football, sleepovers, appointments and yard work. My baby just started tackle football practice, 5 days a week for over two hours a day. Because it is in the high 90's every day, he has to start hydrating around noon, with a strategic eating and stretching schedule. We've also had three sleepovers this week (two at my house and one elsewhere), hopefully satisfying the kids' needs for youthful interaction. We had several appointments, just stuff that gets ignored over the summer. And speaking of ignored, the weeds were taking over my house, so that had to be addressed. With all of that hilarity, now, you can imagine why I got so tickled with the online naughtiness. Let me share.
First, most of us know Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog (the gal who threatens to throws her panties at the more exciting authors, to signify their rock-star status). Well, she featured a post this week called A Midsummer Night's Panty Party, where guest blogger selects the type of panties that may have been worn by our favorite literary characters...Jane Eyre, Holly Golightly, or even Scarlett O'Hara. With pictures and everything. Gold stars all around for the creativity in this post!
Secondly, one of my favorite bloggers, The Bumbles, had a priceless post this week as well. When Molly was at one of her husband's functions, she decided to pass the time by taking pictures of various types of men's butts. That Molly, she is quite the observant little Bumble, and I laughed for an hour at her astute examples of all the different backsides that God has created for us to ogle, or not, as it were.
Then my friend Craig the wine store owner called me in a dither because he had found the perfect wine accessory called The Wine Rack. Did I want to try one? He sent me the link, and here is what I see:

Yes, you too can enhance your cup size AND drink your wine on-the-go with this innovative product. Simply fill up the bra with up to a bottle of wine, and away you go. You can impress the boys with your buxomness and get conveniently tanked all at once. And it can be yours for only $29.95!!!!
I primly told Craig I didn't need any enhancements, thanks, but I was intrigued with the wine on-the-go idea...
I did suggest that it might be fun to cross-market this product with one of those thingies that you can attach to your leg and relieve yourself in without standing up and running to the bathroom.
So besides chortling over all of this slightly trashy fun, I did a little reading and a little blogging. I've been in a review-writing slump lately, so I made a deal with myself to write one review a day until I get caught up. I've been sticking to it, and only have one more review to write. I can't guarantee that they are witty and clever, but they are done. Bear with me friends. This malaise should pass.
I finished "So Cold the River" by Michael Koryta, "Dangerous Neighbors" by Beth Kephart (her new one being released soon) and "Pyongyang" by Guy Delisle (at the top of the graphic novel awesome pyramid in my opinion). I just started the latest Sara Paretsky ARC "Body Work". It has been awhile since I've read anything from her V.I. Warshawski series, and it is good to be back. I FINALLY finished "The Passage" on audio, and now am about halfway through "Middlesex", which I am finding extremely entertaining (is it me, or does it feel an awful lot like My Big Fat Greek Wedding?). The kids and I are about 3/4 of the way through the audio "How I Live Now", which is sad because it is only 4 discs long and has taken us a week and a half to get this far. I just can't get them both in the car with me at once, but we are loving this story.
I'm also serving as a judge for the BBAW long lists, and I've been attempting to work through a few each day in order to pace myself. It is so much fun to discover all the wonderful new blogs during this process! If you haven't signed up to participate in the Book Blogger Appreciation Weed fun, do so now! It is an incredible way to meet new bloggers, build your readership and have a blast while doing it.
Last but not least, guess what movie I'm seeing tonight? You betcha. The Girl That Played With Fire, showing at Orlando's one and only indie theater. My review forthcoming!
Hope you all have a great, relaxing Sunday. What are you up to today?

LOL! Are you sure you're supposed to put wine in that thing? Isn't it meant for soft drinks while you're exercising?
Too funny! I love the wine rack!
I am just amazed at how much you get done in addition to reading! and 2 sleepovers - what fun! (maybe not so much for you!)
What a week... thanks for the morning laugh!
I had to go check out the Bumbles blog and I want to know what Carl was doing at that event - I know that was his butt in there! I guess the wine rack is intended for red wine with all that body heat close by! Have a great week!
The wine rack is hysterical! Do you shrink as the day goes on? LOL
You found so many hilarious things this week. Cool, cool, cool. It made my day. Thanks for the links to the other posts, as well.
Too freaking funny! Love this!
I thought Molly's photo butts were hysterical!
I won't comment on the wine rack --- but I do like the idea of wine on the go :)
I hope you have a good week - and are able to stay somewhat cool.
You've got me wondering what literary character would wear the wine rack now...
Glad you liked the post I wrote for Rebecca - it was a lot of fun to research (and tempting for the ol' wallet too!)
Chortle, chortle, chortle, chortle, *snort* Between Molly's butt pics & your wine rack I have enough hilarity stored to get through the next week and then some. Thanks!
Cannot WAIT to read the new VI (when does it come out?). Keep your baby well hydrated and have a great week!
I am amazed at the products some people come up with!
I wonder if making a similar deal with myself would work... I'm behind on reviews and I think I'm in a slump as well :\
So glad you're enjoying Middlesex and How I Live Now!
Rebecca should rename her blog The Panty Worthy Book Blog. ;)
Naughty Sandy! But I totally get that in need of distractions kind of blogging malaise you are sharing here. Maybe after the school year starts life will return to normal but I have been unusually unmotivated lately. Enjoy the movie and glad to hear Middlesex is working out because I need a little push in that regard. Happy reading!
What a fun post! Lots of things to make you smile this week, I see. My particular favorite are the butt pictures. Going to have to go check that out! I hope that you have an amazing week and that your son does indeed stay hydrated out there. That sun is just a killer!
ZOMG! The Wine Rack. That is amazing. I need one for Book Blogger Con next year so Christina and I won't have to hide in the back with our thermos of vodka tonics. We'll be wearing our wine racks!
Love all the debauchery you shared!!
And I just don't understand how you do what you do with all that you do. (If that makes ANY sense at all.)
And it has been awhile since I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding but now I kind of get what you're saying. I LOVED Middlesex!! I'm so glad we are reading it together!
And I'm jealous of your catching up on reviews. I need to get that done.
What a great round-up of debauchery! I'm impressed that your local wine store knows you by name and keeps you up-to-date on the latest trends :)
yay for tackling the "to be reviewed" stack; sounds like you've got a plan to conquer them.
Oh Sandy, you never fail to entertain. Panties, butts and drinking, all in one post!
Nice rack! Too bad I didn't have that gadget while I was sitting around photographing guys' butts!
LOL. Thanks for banishing all my Tuesday blues with this post, since yesterday was a public holiday for us here and I'm struggling with the catching up on blog hopping and everything. :P
lol- hilarious wine rack!
As usual you've had a crazy week that leaves me exhausted just reading about it.
I just saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I'm a little behind the times. I still need to read the books. lol.
There's so much I can comment on here but that last bit... the girl who played with fire is playing at a movie theater near you?! I need to come for a visit!! I didn't know the movie for that was out already. How exciting. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that.
I'm so behind in blog reading and review writing that I'm pretty sure I'll never get caught up! Thanks for pointing me towards a couple of must read posts!
I have no chest (or a really tiny pair) so er... I need all the enhancements I could get. LOL!
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