This week's Monday Movie Meme from The Bumbles is all about movie screen legends. The topic came from a classic movie buff, The Gal Herself, but instead of focusing on the "no-brainers", like Meryl or Denzel, we are turning our attention to the younger set. Who is out there, rambling around, that you think has the potential to be a legend 20, 30, 50 years from now? Would you have been the one to spot the potential in Tom Hanks when he was starring in Splash or Big?
I struggled with this question more than I should have, but I took it seriously. Because there are good actors (Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Amy Adams), then there are the ones that make you all tingly (Viggo, Clive, George), but in this exercise, I really wanted to scrutinize the ones with depth, the ones we will never forget. I practiced restraint and limited myself to two females and two males:
1. Edward Norton - I didn't even have to think about the topic for three minutes when Ed came to mind. It really doesn't matter what movie he graces, he is captivating. Don't get me wrong, he is easy on the eyes, but it is his acting that consistently causes me to sit with my mouth hanging open when I am watching him. He first came to my attention with his role in Primal Fear (a movie I own on my iPod for convenient watching). Trust me on this one...his performance is brilliant. Follow that up with The Illusionist, Fight Club, and American History X, and you will have yourself an entertaining weekend.
2. Leonardo Di Caprio - It almost pains me to put Leo on this list, because for years I scoffed at him. I thought him a punk, a twerp, a little boy trying to pretend he is a big, method movie star. I will swallow my pride and admit that he actually has some serious acting chops. He was pretty impressive with What's Eating Gilbert Grape, but really came into his own with The Aviator, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Shutter Island and most recently Inception. I can't take a thing away from him, he has a grit that moves me.
3. Cate Blanchett - I consider Cate the next Meryl. She is classically beautiful, poised and graceful. She consistently makes good decisions, and she puts her all into every one of them, whether she is playing a minor role of Galadriel in Lord of the Rings, or carrying a movie playing Queen Elizabeth. Most notable in my mind was her role in Notes on a Scandal, where she portrays a teacher that has an affair with a student. Gut wrenching performance. She was also pretty spot-on as Katherine Hepburn in The Aviator.
4. Julia Roberts - Isn't Julia already a legend? I will reserve judgement on Eat, Pray, Love (probably for the best as I have a little bit of an attitude on that movie) but I believe she has already made her mark...Erin Brokovich was nothing less than a marvel. Some of her movie choices have been questionable, but she still brings a certain effervescence and light to everything she does. She is likable; the girl next door.
Who are your picks for legends in the making? 
We have Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett in common. I agree with Julia Roberts and Edward Norton. =)
Mine's here.
Ooooh, two of my favorite actors listed! Edward Norton is one of my all-time fave actors; his acting knows no limits, and his movie 25th Hour hit me deep! Have you checked out his development for charity and volunteer work? If not, check out (it's his baby), and you can check his page out at the site via :)
I would definitely have to agree with Leo and Ed, but I would also maybe add Kate Winslet. I think she has real staying power and is an incredible actress. I also agree with your choice of Cate Blanchett, and think her portrayal of Elizabeth was just spectacular!
Ed Norton has true staying power! Love him! I'm also a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal. As for the women, Huge fan of Jennifer Connelley, Ann Hathoway, Reese Witherspoon and the youngest...Selena Gomez. I think she's going to do well for herself...pretty, actress and she has the Disney machine promoting her every move.
We not only both listed Leo and Julia, we posted the same photos! I have been an "Ed Head" ever since Primal Fear, too. And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who saw Notes on a Scandal.
Absolute yes to your top three! While I have to admit that Roberts is probably up there on the legend list, I just have a pesky problem with her. She seriously annoys me for some reason.
I think your choice of Cate Blanchett is brilliant! She's a wonderful actress and she does a variety of films.
Edward Norton is another great choice.
I understand you thinking about this a lot, it's hard to choose, particularly as there are many great actors but screen legends are a different category.
I know I've been thinking about it for a while!
~ Amy
Also Kate Winslet, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Anne Hathaway.
I totally agree with Leonardo DiCaprio!
Cate bugs the crap out of me. I don't know why. She just always seems so snooty to me. I would put Kate Winslet in there instead - but I'm not sure she's built up enough work to support the legend projection yet.
I can't believe you included Leo! Glad to see you have come around. He is one of the best out there.
Ed's roles have been such fun to watch. I think he makes great choices and hope he keeps it up.
Julia is everyone's favorite - and she should be. I always enjoyed her in Steel Magnolias - she held her own and stood out enough amongst that power all-star cast to prove to me she had what it took to be great.
I don't go to enough current movies to make a prediction here. Though I do like your choices.
One question I have is can one "do" the actor. Movie legends are almost always people we can imitate easily. Think Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Clint Eastwood, Katherine Hepburn, Bette Davis.
If Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd had a walk we could immitate like Chaplin did, they'd be household names, too.
yes, I have to agree with Leonardo DiCaprio as well...and it pains me a bit too. But he really is turning out to be an excellent actor. What a
I definitely agree with all your choices, especially Leo. His performance in The Departed was one for the books, IMO. I haven't seen Inception yet, but I'm going to remedy that soon. Love Cate Blanchett, such a classic beauty. And Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich...of course, you probably already knew that's my favorite of her roles.
I agree with you about Julia Roberts. I also think George Clooney will still be famous to the next generation--he kind of has a Robert Redford vibe going on lately, no?
I like your choices. Leo really had grown into himself, hasn't he? And Cate is divine. There is nothing she cannot do and do well. And I kind of lost touch with Ed ... but he always interests me when I see him. And as for Julia ... well, I cannot WAIT to see Eat, Pray Love. She looks so awesome in it!
My first thought was Leonardo DiCaprio. I don't know if he'll ever live down those days on Growing Pains (and that's where I saw him first, so that's what I always think of, followed by Titanic). But he really has been doing better and more serious roles the older he gets.
Great selections! I used to object to Leonardo diCaprio because he has such a baby face (I thought, for instance, he looked like he could have played Kate's little brother in Titanic) but he really is a darn good actor!
An enthusiastic yes to both of your women; I don't know anything about Edward Norton. As for Leo, no. Can't do it. Something about him just...bothers me. Sorry. Do agree with Frances about Philip Seymour Hoffman. He is brilliant!
Hummm this would be so tough. I have no complaints with your choices. I have always had mixed feelings about Julia Roberts -- sometimes she is just brilliant but other times, I don't know.
I like the guy choices a lot... Definitely Cate Blanchett but I'd go with Kate Winslet over Julia. I'm sorry! :)
And, yes, wasn't Cate Blanchett incredible in Notes from a Scandal? I need to read the book still but I can imagine I'll have a hard time not picturing her when I read it. She was just so good.
I actually agree with your selections. I really think that you are right about their acting depth.
You've picked some good ones. I love Edward Norton and can't think of anything I've seen him in lately.
I was skeptical of Leo at first too, but I think he's done some great stuff lately!
I love your selections. Leo is the way to go! I've seen him on other people's list too. Yahoo!
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