The last week of summer has passed. Back to school, back to waking up early, back to driving hundreds of miles a week, back to separate sports schedules and homework. Back to peace and serenity during the day. Ahhhh!
So how did we spend the week? The kids and I went to Universal twice...once to finally see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (post coming on the 26th!) and once to ride everything else. It was hotter than all get out, but it pleased the little cherubs temporarily. We also completed the second week of daily football practices, in between some ugly storms that were a result of that Tropical Depression that pushed off into the gulf. I got a little more yard work done. Overall, we were pretty lazy, but I was willing to chalk it up to enjoying the last bit of irresponsibility.
Last Sunday evening, my friend Marianne and I went to see "The Girl Who Played With Fire" for our high-octane shot of Lisbeth, AND we met up with Heather/Zibilee from Raging Bibliomania. I will be posting my review of the movie and our adventure tomorrow, in place of the Monday Movie Meme. Suffice it to say, however, Heather is a sweetheart and I so enjoyed meeting her!
You would think that with all that laying around being a slug, I would have finished a dozen books, but for some reason I was in slow motion. I did finally finish the audio of "Middlesex", and Jenners and I are working on a little co-review of that piece of literary brilliance. The kids and I also finished "How I Live Now" on audio, and we loved it. So what audios are on the agenda for next week? The kids and I will listen to Carlos Ruiz Zafon's newly released "The Prince of Mist", and I will be listening to Joshilyn Jackson's "Gods of Alabama". (These are both short audios, which is what the doctor ordered after "The Passage" and "Middlesex", which both were turning into careers!!!)
On the print side of things, I just wrapped up "Body Work" by Sara Paretsky and then made a beeline to "The Gendarme" by Mark Mustian, the newest Amy Einhorn book. I've got other things I really need to be reading, but I just couldn't resist really.
I was contacted this week by a lady who works at our country club. She wanted to know if I would be interested in helping start up a Literary Society at the club. I jumped at the chance! I was particularly intrigued by the use of the term "literary", which I am hoping means that I don't have to read any Nicholas Sparks?! (I am so bad, I should be ashamed.) We will be able to use the board room for our meetings, it will be held over the lunch hour (aka no babysitting issues) and will provide a great opportunity to perhaps conference or Skype in an author or two. Since my current book club always meets at a noisy restaurant, we've never been able to do this, so I am pumped.
I am waiting for The Girl Who Played With Fire to be released here.
TSS: Celebrating India's 64th Independence Day.
OH - I am so jealous of all the entertainment attraction close to you. Hopefully we will be able to visit the HP park next year :)
What a wonderful opportunity at your country club! I hope you post about the meetings so I can vicariously attend.
I hope everyone has a good back-to-school week!
So much excitement. I don't know what thrills me more -- seeing Harry Potter at Universal or getting asked to start a literary society!
Not only Nicholas Sparks, but zombie books! Sounds like great fun!
My husband and I are going to see the movie this week too. (I didn't realize it was out till I saw Heather's post and then checked the paper and sure enough, there it was!) And who says blogging isn't beneficial?
That literary society sounds like it will be fun. I can't wait to hear more about it. Iahve been reading Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks in really small bites and I love it, but I agree with you that this is an especially slow reading time.
You stay so busy - my head spins just thinking about it all!!
I envy you the Disney and Universal...and my fav, Sea World.
The heat you can have.
But wait! Are you saying Mr. Sparks is not literary fiction? I am shocked!
I love the sound of your literary society! I hope that it is a big success for you :-)
It always surprises me the number of schools that start so early in August. I don't go back until September. I am with you on Nick Sparks, his kind of literature is just not for me. Currently I am reading Colombine by Dave Cullen and am listening to A Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult.
School seems to be starting extra early this year. I know quite a few started this past week in my county and several more will be starting up in the next week or so.
Sounds like you had a great exit to the summer break--full of activities and fun.
I can't wait to read your thoughts on Middlesex. I haven't yet read The Girl Who Played With Fire. As much as I loved the first book in the trilogy, I needed a little break from it and just haven't found my way back yet.
I hope you have a great week, Sandy. Hubby and I are meeting with friends for breakfast this morning and other than that, my day is free. I'm hoping to fit in some reading today.
I'm eagerly waiting for your review of the movie!
That is way too cool about the literary society. Had to giggle about the Sparks comment. I'm with you on that :) Good luck tomorrow as everything gets going again!
I had no idea that Carlos Ruiz Zafon had a new book out! I just put it on hold at the library. :)
I can't wait to see your take on the new Harry Potter world.
And I am trying very hard not to be jealous of the literary society. I'm involved with a book club (which I love), but I wish there was something literary in our small town.
You will get so much done once the youngest loved ones are back in school during the day! And despite all the crazy schedules, life will fall back into sync. At least that is how it works for me. I require structure to be imposed upon me unlike when in the summer it is up to me and everything slows to a crawl.
Good luck with the new literary society too! Sounds like a great posibility. Happy reading!
I can't wait to read what you and Jenners have to say about Middlesex! Did I mention it's my all-time favourite novel?
Also, that's wonderful you got to meet Heather! You're both among my very favourite bloggers, and I can imagine what a wonderful time you must have had :)
About the end of summer, Frances took the words from my mouth. I actually manage to accomplish a lot more when my life is more structured.
Your kids start school a week earlier than ours do, it seems. We have been running our butts off trying to get everything done in time! I have a week to go, but oh, so much more to do! I am excited that you are reading The Gendarme. I have heard great things about it and I will be really interested in hearing what you think of it. I also enjoyed Middlesex awhile back, though it wasn't the audio. Great story, that one. I am going to be trying to make some time for Girl Who Played with Fire very soon, and my husband has agreed to read it too! Like I told you earlier, he wasn't that crazy about the first one, but I convinced him that Lisbeth kicked ass all over the place, and he relented. This literary society sounds awesome! You will have to let me know more as it progresses. I hope you have a great week and get lots done, but knowing you, you will!
Oh how cool that you get to help set up a literary society!! That sounds amazing!!!
And I think you need to give your ears a rest after all those long audios.
We are still 3 weeks away from school starting.. ARGH!
Back to school is so early! We have a few more weeks left of summer vacation. I finished Summer by Edith Wharton today and loved it!
I look forward to your post on your trip to Universal! I had great fun visiting Universal over here a few months ago but I was disappointed that its main attraction (a roller coaster) wasn't open for the guests so it looks like we'll visit again next time!
I still haven't read "The Girl Who Played With Fire" despite reading so much rave reviews about this series, and for this I've either to blame on my mood and/or the fear of reading a chunkster. In spite of this, I'll read them since I've all the books in my pile, it's just a matter of time. Oh well.
Hope you've a wonderful week ahead!
Glad you enjoyed your last precious days of summer. Hope you have a great first week back to school! Remember to embrace the chaos. That's my new motto!
sounds like summer fun is still going strong in your house.
I am jealous you went to wizarding world of harry potter! I want to go! ah, maybe next year!
The Literary Society sounds like a great opportunity! I agree with you on the NS no-go. Hopefully since you are helping to start up the club, you will have a lot of say in what books are included.
It doesn't sound to me like you were slug-like at all this week! You get so much accomplished in a week including lots of reading & listening! Holy cow! I'm looking forward to your reviews, esp. your review of Middlesex with Jenners, such a great book.
I'm surprised school starts already for your kids. Quiet time for you, I hope!
~ Amy
Good grief, woman! Your idea of lazing around is another's whirlwind! Can't wait to read about HP and the new Paretsky.
Hope the country club literary meetings will go well. With you at the helm, they will definitely have a great selection!
You call that lazy? The literary society looks like a great opportunity! Woo hoo.
Sorry I haven't been around much lately -- I'm digging out of overwork a little bit at a time.
Geez, I'm not sure which is better - seeing Harry Potter at Universal which I'd love, love, love to do or getting asked to host the Literary Society. Lucky you!
The Literary Society sounds very, very good. Err.... I actually enjoy Nicholas Sparks' books. I cried buckets each time and I seem to like crying buckets...
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