We are in our third and final week of our Indiana trip, and we are filled with a sadness that it is almost over. We also miss home, our kitties and piggy and daddy. Our returning home also reminds us that school is only a few weeks away. Sheesh. That went fast. I am currently asking myself "am I excited about re-discovering this thing they call a schedule, or am I dreading the chaos of homework and two independent sports schedules?". Can't answer that one. But I think maybe both.
We did some more fishing this week, and caught enough for a couple of meals for the five of us. We saw the movie Inception, and LOVED it. Mind-twisting is good for a brain on summer vacation! We then headed off for one of my favorite childhood playgrounds - Turkey Run State Park. We rented a couple of cabins, threw caution and hygiene to the wind, and hiked this park's famous trails in the 90 degree heat and 98 percent humidity. We got wet, muddy and exhausted. We rode horses. We saw a covered bridge. Then we swam when we couldn't stand ourselves anymore. I barely noticed that I had no Internet.

What am I reading, you ask? Well, my poor audiobooks. I have about ten more discs to go with The Passage. Slowly but surely. I guess the key to audio productivity is alot of house-cleaning and errand-running (the only upside I guess). And Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring has stalled completely. The kids have decided they prefer to watch movies in the car, and have turned their backs on it. While The Hobbit was sweet and dear, and allowed us to overlook the narrator issues, it is a problem now. It makes me want to poke a stick in my eye. Maybe once we get home, we'll be able to pick it back up. Urgh.
I finished "One Day" by David Nicholls, at the expense of sleep and blogging. But it was oh, so worth it! I just wanted to eat that book up with a spoon. I also read "Rules of the Lake", the prequel to Irene Ziegler's "Ashes to Water" in less than 24 hours. That was another one I wanted to roll around in - all that great Floridian atmosphere. I am now entrenched in "The Girls From Ames", a story about eleven women who grew up together in the midwest and are still friends now when they are in their forties. There are many parallels with my friends from high school, and I'm finding the read to be extremely enjoyable.
What is up with you this fine Sunday?
We did some more fishing this week, and caught enough for a couple of meals for the five of us. We saw the movie Inception, and LOVED it. Mind-twisting is good for a brain on summer vacation! We then headed off for one of my favorite childhood playgrounds - Turkey Run State Park. We rented a couple of cabins, threw caution and hygiene to the wind, and hiked this park's famous trails in the 90 degree heat and 98 percent humidity. We got wet, muddy and exhausted. We rode horses. We saw a covered bridge. Then we swam when we couldn't stand ourselves anymore. I barely noticed that I had no Internet.
What am I reading, you ask? Well, my poor audiobooks. I have about ten more discs to go with The Passage. Slowly but surely. I guess the key to audio productivity is alot of house-cleaning and errand-running (the only upside I guess). And Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring has stalled completely. The kids have decided they prefer to watch movies in the car, and have turned their backs on it. While The Hobbit was sweet and dear, and allowed us to overlook the narrator issues, it is a problem now. It makes me want to poke a stick in my eye. Maybe once we get home, we'll be able to pick it back up. Urgh.
I finished "One Day" by David Nicholls, at the expense of sleep and blogging. But it was oh, so worth it! I just wanted to eat that book up with a spoon. I also read "Rules of the Lake", the prequel to Irene Ziegler's "Ashes to Water" in less than 24 hours. That was another one I wanted to roll around in - all that great Floridian atmosphere. I am now entrenched in "The Girls From Ames", a story about eleven women who grew up together in the midwest and are still friends now when they are in their forties. There are many parallels with my friends from high school, and I'm finding the read to be extremely enjoyable.
What is up with you this fine Sunday?
The summer always does go by way too fast! It sounds like you're having a wonderful time, though. As always, LOVE the pictures.
Sounds like you've had a lovely time back home, in spite of the heat and humidity. Sweating out all those impurities is good for you! :)
We had a grueling day of yard work at our son's yesterday in the 95 degree heat. They're having an open house today. So today I'm resting and taking it easy. It nearly did us in.
Love the covered bridge!
You know, when my kids were younger I would always look forward to the end of school and lax schedule; but by August I was always ready for the routine to begin again. Now that they are older - and I am teaching - I am more likely to want to linger in the lazy summer months just a bit longer :)
Sounds like a wonderful time is being had by all. Enjoy this last week to the max!
I just got ONE DAY and can't wait to read it! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
The pictures look great even though I know you all were dripping with the humidity! It's too bad TLOTR didn't work out, but the movies are very good, as long as they're into movies!
I used to dread the end of summer when Vance was in school and it seemed to come faster and faster. Enjoy the rest of your time at your parents.
I keep hearing amazing things about Inception. I hope I can watch it soon. I have a copy of One Day and because I loved Starter for Ten I have been looking forward to reading it. I look forward to reading your review :-)
I for one, am looking forward to being back on a schedule. I have been as lazy as my kids, and I do not like it! The Passage has got me completely freaked out!
I am currently stalled in the print version of THE PASSAGE. Shrug. I made my LOTR comments on a different post. I'm sad that you hate the books.
Sorry to hear that your summer is almost over. Once my son returns to school on August 23rd I know mine will be too! I know what you mean about being ambivalent about getting back to the crazy schedule of school activities, sports, and homework! Glad you have enjoyed your time on the farm and surrounding areas. I love the picture of the covered bridge!
Definitely not ready for the end of summer. Even with the high heat & humidity your camping trip sounds great! Love that covered bridge.
Oh, interesting to see the covered bridge. I've already scheduled to show the covered bridge in our area on Wednesday.
I used to enjoy getting back into a routine when the kids went back to school. Once they start driving, the ferry load lightens. That helps.
Glad you liked Inception!! What a trip it was, huh?
And I loved "One Day" too. I guess I should have seen the end coming but I didn't.
Sounds like a wonderful trip! And oh, I want to watch Inception!! I've heard nothing but rave reviews on that one, so I really look forward to it.
I can't wait to read your review on One Day; I bought that book after reading a few good reviews on it and I'm interested to hear what you'll think of it!
Oh no! I was really hoping that LOTR would be a good audiobook because I think that's the only way I'm ever going to read it.
The photos you shared are gorgeous, and it looks like you guys had a fab vacation!
I can't wait until school starts, but am not looking forward to the early mornings.
So glad that you loved Inception! I thought it was such a great movie. It sounds as if you are still having a great time out there, and though it will be hard to leave, I bet it will be great to get home as well. I hope that you are able to get your kids back into LOTR. Maybe once the excitement of the vacation is over, things will be a bit more ripe for it!
Oooohhhh, schoooooollll. Don't remind me. I am so not ready for classes to start. Seriously, I have nothing prepared. I'm such a slacker.
Looks like you guys had a great adventure! Hope there are still few more to be had before you make your trip back home :)
Beautiful pictures! I love the bridges. I can't imagine hiking in such heat.
love that red bridge..
must see Inception. ASAP
daddy must be so happy that he is missed. right after the "kitties and piggy"..lol
love that red bridge..
must see Inception. ASAP
daddy must be so happy that he is missed. right after the "kitties and piggy"..lol
I LOVE covered bridges!
Your 3 weeks there sure went by fast. I can't believe how fast summer is flying by. I just heard a commercial for winter already on tv the other day. Yikes.
Sounds like you're all having a wonderful time and those pictures are just great Sandy.
sounds like you've been having a great time and kept yourselves very busy despite not having the internet. Isn't it great to get hot and sweaty and dirty once in a while...just for the fun of it? great photos!
Oh I love Turkey Run. I have many fond memories of camping there. I second your love of Inception and I'm also making my way (slowly) through 29 discs of The Passage. Happy Hoosier days!
Inception. Gotta watch it. I haven't but I want to rectify that. I went all oooh and ahhhh on your post. Summer is so nice. Love the pictures, Sandy! I spend the whole morning today reading your posts and I'm glad I did because there's so much feel-good factor in it. :D
Those pics are gorgeous - well worth the questionable hygiene to walk around there for a few days!
My best friend from FOREVER (really, 40+ years!) gave me THE GIRLS FROM AMES for my bday. She loved it and felt it was very appropriate to share w/me. Yes, I'll be tucking it in the bag for vacation.
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