So, did you all get some pyro last night? Despite the rain, we definitely got our share. Our friends have an annual 4th of July party that has become legend in these parts, but this is the first time we have attended. Our host special orders, at great expense I imagine, professional fireworks, and sets them off in his BACK YARD. It was as good as any Disney display, and they were exploding right above my head. It was amazing.
But I digress. Where am I going with this? The Monday Movie Meme topic from The Bumbles today is in honor of all that pyro...special effects in movies. Now before I ruminate over my favorites, might I just add that Molly and Andy took the good ones. LOTR, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, The Matrix...and you would think I had completely lost my mind if I didn't say anything about them. But I do hate to copy, so I shall find my own! That is the challenge, is it not?
1. Avatar - James Cameron is pretty obnoxious, and this movie was about 45 minutes too long, but one thing you cannot take away from it is the effects. They were amazing. Unlike anything we'd ever seen - a spectacle for the eyes.
2. 2012 - Seeing this movie was like riding Universal's new coaster, Rip Ride Rocket. Strap yourself in, and hold on! The effects are what make this movie a total blast to watch, NOT the acting (all though we love ourselves some John Cusak). California sliding into the ocean! A tidal wave taking out Washington D.C.! Molten lava erupting from the ground in Yellowstone! Grab some popcorn and have fun with this one.
3. Titanic - I sense a James Cameron theme here. The man does value cutting- edge effects, as evidenced by his movies (wait, I have another one coming up in a minute). My daughter watches this movie ad nauseum for Leonardo, but I am left breathless with the images of the sinking of that ship. It is so lifelike, you feel like you are there, hanging on for your dear life.
4. The Abyss - Another Cameron film. It was a good enough movie, but my lasting impression of this film was that intelligent bubble thing that could mimic the faces of the underwater exploration crew. The first time I saw this, I thought it was mind-blowing.
5. Hayao Miyazaki films - These are not your typical effect movies, but I had to mention them because every time I watch one, it is like an abundant feast for my eyes and my mind. All of his movies are animated, and incorporate themes of interrelationships between mankind and nature, often with strong female characters. His most popular movie was Spirited Away, which won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature, but his other movies are equally as compelling...Kiki's Delivery Service, Howl's Moving Castle, Nausica, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, the recently released Ponyo, and many more. Do yourself a huge favor and rent Spirited Away, cast aside your inhibitions and prepare to be enchanted. Prepare to become a huge Miyazaki fan, like us!
I didn't mean to digress into a commercial-like spiel on Miyazaki, but that is the mood I'm in today. So have I missed any of the obvious ones?
Sandy, I agree with you on the Titanic sinking. Every time I watch it, I find myself hyperventilating and gripping the arms of my chair. Awesome effects.
I haven't seen the others, but I may have to watch 2012 just for a Cusack fix.
I don't know much about films, but I do know that Miyazaki creates some fantastic ones - it is always nice to see someone promoting him :-)
Sandy love the 2012 comparison to a roller coaster - as the plane dipped, fell, then came up again - we should have all raised our hands over our heard in the theater and screamed! :D
Except for Titanic, I'm with you on this post 100%. No matter how cool the sinking of that ship was, I couldn't get to the point of actually seeing it as I disliked the movie so much. So perhaps I can't disagree with you; I'm just woefully ignorant on what it actually looked like. ;)
Ah, Titanic. While the greatest special effects may have been Leo's charisma and the power of the story, the film making was exceptional, too. For weeks afterward my friends and I talked about "propeller man," the unfortunate passenger who, well, fell into the propeller. Which, we felt, was quicker and less painful than drowning. That one scene (probably less than a minute) could inspire conversation means it was very affecting indeed.
The only one of those movies I've seen is Titanic and I have to tell you, I thought that ship would never sink! I think it took longer to sink in the movie than it did in real life. I need to expand my movie horizons!
Probably should not admit this publicly but I love all the Marvel-inspired super hero stuff life Iron Man and The Hulk. Also the latest Star Trek movie. And Sandy, I am surprised you did not say Harry Potter films! I am also a huge Miyazaki fan and have been known to watch the movies without a child in sight. :) Glad your party was so much fun!
I just saw The A-Team last weekend, and would have to say that those special effects were fabulous, and that is a movie I would chose for this category. I also think your other choices are wonderful as well!
I wanted to list Titanic too. And Who Framed Roger Rabbit. But then it was getting a bit ridiculous. I didn't want to steal them all! Oh - and I didn't even get into the real fun ones like Men In Black or Die Hard or Terminator 2. I could go on and on! But I am surprised there is no Harry Potter here from you ;0)
So glad to see Miyazaki on your list! We love his movies and recommend them all the time.
We picked Titanic for the very same reasons, and Avatar is awesome, (although I think it's a bit over-rated in some instances), and as much as I'm not a big fan of cartoons, Miyozaki's work is magical! :) Great, great choices.
Avatar most definitely it is in my list.... Titanic awesome movie wish I had thought to add it to mine!
I agree with your choices and those of the meme hosts. I just saw The Last Airbender in the theater, and the special effects were very nice in that movie as well. I have to say though, that the cartoon is way better, and I think those who are fans to the cartoon will have a harder time enjoying the movie. Unless, of course, you are a young boy ages 5-10, in which case it won't matter. In other words, my boys loved the movie. :)
Ooh, I just saw the comment about the Star Trek & Harry Potter movies - I loved the special effects in those too.
Special effects... Hmm, I'd say Pan's Labyrinth. Maybe not so flashy but that imagery was something else!
Although the Bumbles had several great special effects movies on their list I think you listed some amazing movies, but you can't go wrong with James Cameron! I thought some of the scenes in Titanic were unbelievable - it just had to be seen on the large screen.
I'll have to see some Hayao Miyazaki films as I have never seen them but based on your recommendation I am missing something!
Great post!
~ Amy
Sandy, you forgot to mention the movies with the sparkly vampires! They actually make RPatt look semi-attractive.
Great choice!
I've watched a few Hayao Miyazaki films and I especially loved Spirited Away & Howl's Moving Castle! I've to check out the rest of his works!
Gosh, I had completely forgotten about The Abyss....it used to be one of my favorite movies!
And agreed re: Titanic. Say what you will about other aspects of the film, but the effects were absolutely spectacular.
We liked Avatar for its effects, too (what else was there?). Forgot about The Abyss. And I loved Howl's Moving Castle, which came highly recommended by the CS. Princess Mononoke is on my list. Guess I'll have to add Spirited Away, too. Thanks!
I really need to see Avatar. 2012 was awesome. My husband told me I should have included that one on my list.
Your comments on Avatar are exactly how I felt. I liked both Titanic and The Abyss more than Avatar, but the special effects are amazing.
I feel like I should see Avatar, because everybody raves about it, but I really don't have any desire to...
I love Avatar! Well, mostly I love Sam Worthington, but still... LOL!
Titanic still makes me cry buckets. I need to watch some of the Hayao Miyazaki movies!
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