There is no smell on earth that compares to that of fresh, country air, in the middle of corn fields. Growing up, I took it all for granted. Only now, when I come back to these fields in the summer with my kids, do I appreciate it. On Wednesday, the three of us left daddy back in Orlando to work and pay our bills, and headed for my parents' farm in Indiana for three weeks.
Almost instantly, my son heads out on the Gator (a cross between a tractor and a golf cart) with my dad, to look things over, check out the crops or whatever. I crash on the deck with my book. My daughter tames a wild kitten or two.

We shot off fireworks, made smores in the fire pit. We went to Indianapolis one evening to a dinner theater to watch a production of High School Musical, which was a fun experience. We went to a book signing of "Coming Back Stronger" by Drew Brees, Purdue's pride and joy (now the New Orleans Saints' pride and joy). It was looking like every bit of a two hour wait, so I sent my parents and kids on to the mall for power shopping, and I pulled out my Kindle and enjoyed some found idle time.
It is during my trips to Indiana that I become semi-productive with my reading. I finished "Unaccustomed Earth" by Jhumpa Lahiri (breathtaking as always). I started and finished "Cape Seduction" by Anne Carter (Pam Ripling), an author I adore personally and professionally. Dudes. She writes paranormal romances with LIGHTHOUSES! What's not to like? Influenced by the ever-persuasive Jen at Devourer of Books, I just started "The Nobodies Album" by Carolyn Parkhurst. I'm already tickled and giddy with the cleverness of it all.
And audios! You know I am up to my knees in those too. The kids and I finished The Hobbit just in time, before we left, and raced back to the library to get The Fellowship of the Ring. Here where my parents' live, it takes an hour round trip just to go to the grocery store, so I have high hopes of cranking through a nice chunk of this one.
But here is the real fun. Every morning, I get up and walk the country roads, and listen to The Passage. All alone on the roads, hearing about Apocalypse-By-Vampires. I keep nervously glancing at the tree-tops. It totally ROCKS. Yes, it is long-winded but this is really my thing. I cut my teeth (ha) on The Stand, after all.

We have a very full agenda over the next two and a half weeks, but I won't spoil the coolness of our plans. I shall slather you will pictures instead. Stay tuned!

Almost instantly, my son heads out on the Gator (a cross between a tractor and a golf cart) with my dad, to look things over, check out the crops or whatever. I crash on the deck with my book. My daughter tames a wild kitten or two.
We shot off fireworks, made smores in the fire pit. We went to Indianapolis one evening to a dinner theater to watch a production of High School Musical, which was a fun experience. We went to a book signing of "Coming Back Stronger" by Drew Brees, Purdue's pride and joy (now the New Orleans Saints' pride and joy). It was looking like every bit of a two hour wait, so I sent my parents and kids on to the mall for power shopping, and I pulled out my Kindle and enjoyed some found idle time.
It is during my trips to Indiana that I become semi-productive with my reading. I finished "Unaccustomed Earth" by Jhumpa Lahiri (breathtaking as always). I started and finished "Cape Seduction" by Anne Carter (Pam Ripling), an author I adore personally and professionally. Dudes. She writes paranormal romances with LIGHTHOUSES! What's not to like? Influenced by the ever-persuasive Jen at Devourer of Books, I just started "The Nobodies Album" by Carolyn Parkhurst. I'm already tickled and giddy with the cleverness of it all.
And audios! You know I am up to my knees in those too. The kids and I finished The Hobbit just in time, before we left, and raced back to the library to get The Fellowship of the Ring. Here where my parents' live, it takes an hour round trip just to go to the grocery store, so I have high hopes of cranking through a nice chunk of this one.
But here is the real fun. Every morning, I get up and walk the country roads, and listen to The Passage. All alone on the roads, hearing about Apocalypse-By-Vampires. I keep nervously glancing at the tree-tops. It totally ROCKS. Yes, it is long-winded but this is really my thing. I cut my teeth (ha) on The Stand, after all.
We have a very full agenda over the next two and a half weeks, but I won't spoil the coolness of our plans. I shall slather you will pictures instead. Stay tuned!

I love the sound of your life in Indiana - that outside living is so much fun. I love the thought of you keeping an eye out for vampires on your walks - it shows the book has really engaged you :-) Enjoy the rest of your holiday there!
Sandy, Indiana looks beautiful this time of year. I'm envious as we're not making the trip (boo!)..maybe for the holidays. I hear vampires especially like the country as there are so many places to hide. You're a brave soul!
PS - I've nominated your blog for the best hobby blog at bloggers choice awards 2010. Log in for the widget code to post on your blog. Good luck, Sandy! I think you and your blog deserve to win!
The pictures are great. I look forward to more, as you promise!
Here is my TSS/Weekly Geeks post!
Lonely walks and vampires! Sounds like spine tingling fun. Enjoy Indiana!
I love the midwest -- you lucky people to be on the farm for a few weeks! We hope to get to Ohio sometime soon.
It sounds like you're having a blast! That kitten is adorable!
It sounds like the idyllic get-away. I look forward to hearing your other plans --- and seeing the photos :)
Oh, have so much fun in Indiana, and enjoy "The Nobodies Album"!
It sounds like you are having such a terrific time! Enjoy!
A perfect summer get-away!! Enjoy your stay. Unaccustomed Earth was the best!
Cute kitten picture! I'll be interested to hear what you think of The Passage vs. The Stand (I may have told you but we're posting our comparison post on King's birthday!)
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time, Sandy. I love the photo!
I need to polish my review of The Nobodies Album and get that posted this week.
Have a great week, Sandy. Happy reading.
Welcome back to my neck of the woods! The midwest is a wonderful place to be - even if it does get ridiculously cold in the winter.
There is nothing sweeter than the smell of newly-mown hay or newly turned soil, especially when it is your own, home soil. Enjoy every bit of your visit, Sandy! Can't wait for more pictures.
You sound blissfully happy. I love your pictures, and was intrigued that you read and posted (earlier) about a book on film making. Might writing a screenplay be in your not-too-distant future?
That sounds like the perfect way to read The Passage which I've been hearing about all over the place. I'll admit to wanting to wait on reading it myself at least until the hype dies down a bit. Enjoy!!
cute kitty.
hey, did you mention lighthouses?? ;-)
I'm glad you all had a wonderful time in Indiana, Sandy! Love your pics too!
I've driven past cornfields around here, but have never stood in one. I just know the next time I drive past one I'm going to have to slow down, roll down the window and breathe deep to see what it smells like. :)
Ahhhh, the smell of country in the Midwest...can't be beat! Sounds like you're really enjoying your relaxing visit. Y'know, Indy isn't very far from me.....just sayin'.
Aw, what a wonderful way to get away from it all and enjoy life! Hope you and the kids are having a blast and can't wait to hear more about all those cool plans you guys have :)
Sounds like you are having a great time...and taming wild kitties...hilarious...sounds like something I would do.
I haven't been to the midwest yet, but someday!
It sounds like it's going to be an excellent vacation for you guys, and the pictures are just beautiful! I hope that you have a wonderful time with your folks out there, and I can't wait to hear what you think of The Passage!
Gator's are great! It must be so nice to have a familiar place to take such a wonderful vacation.
I'm so glad you had a great time in Indiana. I'd love to be able to head to the midwest myself. We're going to Myrtle Beach instead this year.
Dev got me to buy The Nobodies Album, too. :) I'll be starting that next. I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it!
I just have to chuckle thinking of you scanning the treetops for virals!
Enjoy being back home again!
Sandy, it just looks so wonderful out there. That little kitty looks so sweet! Enjoy your quiet time and your visit with your family.
Sounds like a wonderful vacation. Glad you had a good time.
You and your audios! You're too funny. LOL! I love your pics. I love countryside. That picture of your daughter with the kitten is golden. I love the look on that kitty!
Wow, somehow I missed this post! Thanks for the lovely mention!!
Hello to Caite, too!
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