Good morning! I was back in the saddle this week, with the kids in school after a nice Spring Break. Blogging-wise, it took me a day or two to recover from the 24-hour read-a-thon, but the overwhelming opinion of the event in the Nawrot house is that it was fun and we must do it again!
So it was back to after-school sports, a couple of doctor's appointments, an all-school retreat, a little golf, some exercise accompanied by my beloved iPod, and a good solid day of housecleaning.
Inspired by Connie May, I have been attempting to make contact with a local domestic abuse shelter in town, so that I might donate books as well as some other items. No luck on that yet, but I will not give up easily. It really shouldn't be this hard though, wouldn't you think?
I also attended a three-hour follow-up to my Cursillo retreat, called "The Fourth Day". It was great to reconnect with all of my new friends, and remind ourselves of the magic that was created several weeks ago, and also remind ourselves why we are put on this earth.
The kids and I are making great progress with the 6th Harry Potter audio. I think we are subconsciously fueled by the excitement of getting to Book 7, which we have read only once! I also finished "Let the Great World Spin" on audio (my head almost exploded it was so good) and am about halfway through Connelly's "Nine Dragons" (pretty meh, except that I do love Harry Bosch). I finished up "A Painter's Life", which was a unique little review copy that was way overdue. I then cast aside everything I SHOULD be reading and picked up "On Folly Beach" by Karen White, because I couldn't wait a moment longer. I haven't had alot of time to sit lately, but I'm hoping to get it finished this week.
Simon Vance alert! I was able to order "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" on audio yesterday from our library. I don't know when exactly they will receive this audio, but I am THIRD IN LINE! I want to stand up and do a mad, spastic dance at the thought of getting my hands on this audio. And speaking of this series, there is a Swedish version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in a small number of theaters right now. My sister has seen it and has given it a thumbs up (and apparently Lisbeth Salander has been well-cast). It will be coming to our little art house cinema in Orlando in early May (girls' night out!). Sony has apparently picked up the rights to make a US version of the movie as well, but no word on when. I shan't be waiting around, folks. I have no patience for waiting for anything related to this series.
I wish you all the best of Sundays, and a fruitful week next week, filled with lots of reading!

So it was back to after-school sports, a couple of doctor's appointments, an all-school retreat, a little golf, some exercise accompanied by my beloved iPod, and a good solid day of housecleaning.
Inspired by Connie May, I have been attempting to make contact with a local domestic abuse shelter in town, so that I might donate books as well as some other items. No luck on that yet, but I will not give up easily. It really shouldn't be this hard though, wouldn't you think?
I also attended a three-hour follow-up to my Cursillo retreat, called "The Fourth Day". It was great to reconnect with all of my new friends, and remind ourselves of the magic that was created several weeks ago, and also remind ourselves why we are put on this earth.
The kids and I are making great progress with the 6th Harry Potter audio. I think we are subconsciously fueled by the excitement of getting to Book 7, which we have read only once! I also finished "Let the Great World Spin" on audio (my head almost exploded it was so good) and am about halfway through Connelly's "Nine Dragons" (pretty meh, except that I do love Harry Bosch). I finished up "A Painter's Life", which was a unique little review copy that was way overdue. I then cast aside everything I SHOULD be reading and picked up "On Folly Beach" by Karen White, because I couldn't wait a moment longer. I haven't had alot of time to sit lately, but I'm hoping to get it finished this week.
Simon Vance alert! I was able to order "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" on audio yesterday from our library. I don't know when exactly they will receive this audio, but I am THIRD IN LINE! I want to stand up and do a mad, spastic dance at the thought of getting my hands on this audio. And speaking of this series, there is a Swedish version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in a small number of theaters right now. My sister has seen it and has given it a thumbs up (and apparently Lisbeth Salander has been well-cast). It will be coming to our little art house cinema in Orlando in early May (girls' night out!). Sony has apparently picked up the rights to make a US version of the movie as well, but no word on when. I shan't be waiting around, folks. I have no patience for waiting for anything related to this series.
I wish you all the best of Sundays, and a fruitful week next week, filled with lots of reading!

I have an audio copy of the Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. I would be happy to upload it somewhere for you. I am just about finished and it's pretty great. I do have a hard time keeping all the characters straight sometimes, though.
Your life sounds busy but fulfilling, Sandy. As it should be. :-)
I think I probably need to listen to the Larsson books on audio as well. I've found that when I follow up my reading of special books with audio, it enhances the journey and I pick up on things I might have missed. I really loved that series.
It's always surprising when various organizations make it really difficult to donate things! Especially books - they're so small and portable.
I read the third Larsson book...I could not wait and ordered it from England.
Now, I too, am waiting for the Swedish movie to make it to the boonies on south Jersey. I saw a cool trailer. when I get the review up...shortly (surprise. I loved it)..I will have to post the trailer too.
Yes, it sounds like such a busy life. But then, with kids, it's always busy:)
Have a great Sunday, Sandy. Enjoy!
I'm really pleased to hear how much you enjoyed Let the Great World Spin - I look forward to reading your review. I might start reading it next week!
Good luck in donating the books.
Sounds like you are getting back to normal. I'm glad your entire family enjoyed the read-a-thon.
Good to hear you liked Let the Great World Spin. As you know, it was my favorite book last year. Just blew me away. Even plan on reading it again sometime soon. Also glad to hear that your busy life has returned to normal. Always a good thing. Happy reading!
I have got to get on this The Girl Who thing. I keep hearing about these books, but for some reason I've been resisting putting them on the TBR list...and I have no idea why. Happy Reading!
How great that your whole family enjoyed the readathon. And I didn't realize you'd had a followup to your retreat -- that sounds like a super thing. Oh and I need to get to the other books in the Larsson series.I need to make some real time for myself.
I'm putting Let The Great World Spin on the top of my TBR stack as soon as I finish typing this.
I'm back to school tomorrow myself.
Exploding head? I have *got* to find time to work it in soon!
I'm glad to know that someone saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and approved. The theater down the street from my house is showing it and I was debating on whether or not to see it.
Hey Sandy,
In regards to your comment on trying to contact/donate to the local domestic abuse shelter -- typically the shelter location is kept a secret, for obvious reasons. I know I had to sign a confidentiality clause for my job which requires me to know the shelter location. As for donating what I suggest is calling your local violence intervention/domestic abuse program. What they can do is tell you where to drop off the donation -- which would not typically be at the same location as the house, and you'll probably fill out an in-kind receipt, so they can send you a thank you letter and in turn you'd use that letter for tax purposes since charity donations are usually tax deductible.
You stay so busy, reading your posts makes me feel like a slug. As far as the domestic abuse shelter goes, you should be able to make contact, but their location is probably kept secret, so that the abusing spouses can't find it.
Sounds like you have had a wonderfully productive week. I hope you are able to make contact with the shelter so you can donate some books. You are right, it shouldn't be that hard.
Such a busy girl you are! I'm glad things are getting back to normal. I'm still listening to The Help and loving it. Have a great week.
I just checked and it is playing around here! I'm going to have to see if I can go! I saw the movie poster and Lisbeth looks pretty awesome!
You sound busy, but I'm glad to hear things are back to normal for you again. :)
Oh, I'm jealous that you've a copy of On Folly Beach because I love Karen White's books!!
Sandy, it amazes me that you can do so much blogging-wise when you've been so busy. Want to give me a crash-course on time management in preparation for September? ;)
Almost made your head explode? I think I ought to check out Let the Great World Spin :P
Let the Great World Spin is next on my list as I have a book tour coming up in May.
It's criminal but the publisher sent me The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest like two months ago but I promised a friend I would read it with him at the same time and he has to wait for it to come out. I may have to crack it open as I felt so special receiving it and now... well...
I just kicked off my exercise routine (again) after falling off the wagon this past month. Why is it so hard?
Sounds like you had a pretty good week! I also just got a copy of On Folly Beach, and can't wait to get to it. It sounds great, and I know at least some of it revolves around a bookstore!! I also bought a copy of Let the Great World Spin a few weeks ago, and I can't wait to see your review of it. I know it's going to be a wonderful read for me. I also am going to be planning on seeing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when it gets here. I hope this week is just wonderful for you and that you get some wonderful reading done!
I wonder why they are doing a US version of the film. I think I'd much rather see the original with subtitles. I haven't paid attention to what's out at the movies lately but I definitely need to find out if/when that will be out here.
Anyway have a happy start of the week, Sandy!
You are always such a busy lady. I'm glad you all enjoyed doing the read-a-thon. It would be much more fun to do it with someone. I can't wait to see your review of Let The Great World Spin -so good your head almost exploded. lol. I have that book hanging around somewhere - note to self to pull it out. Hope you have a fantastic week!
I want to get a copy of Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest but will wait until the mass paperback edition is out. :)
Ugh, I feel like I am never going to have time to read all the books I want to! I haven't read ANY Harry Potter or the Larsson books.
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