This week's theme for the Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about those star-studded ensembles. Now if you ask me, this can often go very very wrong. Lately, the more stars in a flick, the worse it is (ahem...Valentine's Day...ahem). Still, there are plenty of Bumble-worthy films that are chock-full of recognizable faces. Here are some of my favorites that were not snapped up by Molly and Andy:
1. The Hurt Locker - I just had to mention this film. It isn't necessarily FULL of big names, but the big names they did use were quickly knocked off. I was impressed. You mean Ralph Fiennes isn't going to save the day???
2. The Outsiders - granted most of the actors hadn't gotten their big breaks yet, but in hindsight? Wow. Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Ralph Maccho and Diane Lane. Think I'm going to have to do a book/movie event soon with this one.
3. Pulp Fiction - too many names to list, most of them in minor roles, I could watch this one over and over again. And always left wanting for blueberry pancakes.
4. The Departed - what's not to love about a couple of hours worth of Nicholson, DiCaprio, Damon, Baldwin and Sheen? Apparently the Academy thought so too.
5. 80's Brat Pack movies - The Breakfast Club, St. Elmo's Fire and Sixteen Candles come to mind, but I'm sure there are more. These films defined our youth.
5. 70's disaster films - there is something cozy about watching these movies. They're campy and predictable and full of top actors in their day. Towering Inferno (I actually saw that one at the theater!), various striations of Airport, Poseidon Adventure, The Swarm...I could go on.
6. Oceans series - I'm not a huge fan of these movies, but I had to mention them, as they will inevitably be at top of mind in this category. Certainly they were better than Valentines Day or He's Just Not That Into You, and full of eye-candy.
So what say you? Any ensembles that you are particularly fond of?

the first one that comes to mind, one of my favs, is The Big Chill. Love that soundtrack.
I have seen The Departed and I liked it.
When "That Guy from Memento" died in The Hurt Locker, I was all like, 'what?' Okay back to normal people speak...
The Departed was the first film that came to mind when I read the prompt. Ahhh, a movie full of delicious men. Ditto for The Outsiders.
I just watched Big Fish and that had some odd cameos from people as well.
I had forgotten how many stars were in The Outsiders.
Can you believe that the only 80's brat pack movie I've seen is The Breakfast Club? I seriously need to Netflix some of the others.
I picked Oceans too, but I didn't love the movies either.
Numbers 2 and 4...excellent choices! The Breakfast Club is the only one we have in common this week. My list is here.
yay! The Poseidon Adventure. I love that and The Departed.
Yes, you really should do an Outsiders thingy....I would so be here for that! They were oh-so-young in that movie...nowadays that just reminds me how old I'm getting, but it's worth it just to see Rob Lowe. :)
Oh, and ensemble movie? St. Elmo's Fire, of course.
Oh, The Outsiders - I love that film to this day!
To be honest, not really a fan. Every ensemble movie I can think of, I hated.
You know, I probably watched The Outsiders at least 100 times when I was a teenager. I still consider it one of my favorite movies, and I know all the lines by heart! Great picks this week. I haven't seen all of them, which I need to remedy soon!
I always think of Woody Allen films and Robert Altman films when I think ensemble casts.
The Breakfast Club! Wish I'd thought of that. And St. Elmo's Fire. Love those 80's movies. I also thought of Pulp Fiction.
Oh I loved Ocean's Eleven. The next one? Not so much. That's a great choice this week.
I never read The Outsiders - I only drooled over the movie version. Matt Dillon was juicy good.
Alas, I am a fan of the Ocean movies (we rented the original Rat Pack version & were bored out of our skulls; Clooney & co. are a vast improvement!). And The Hurt Locker was excellent.
Great list, as always!
Seems like all the recent comedies have a cameo from Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson. Not that I'm complaining!
I'm not sure the stars in it are 'studded' enough to count but how about What's Up Doc? Ryan O'Neal and Barbara Streisand and bunches of other familiar faces.
Also, one of our favorites is It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. By no means a good movie, but we somehow manage to have lots of fun with it every time we watch. Probably because it has Ethel Merman in it.
Hey Sandy, I enjoyed THE HURT LOCKER. I've heard of the rest but haven't watched them!
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