As most of you know, as a book blogger, you get dozens of review requests each week. You have to pick and choose, otherwise you might just find yourself under a mountain of books, left for dead. When I received a request to review Read, Remember, Recommend, however, I deliberated for about...three seconds. I like books, I like lists, I like making notes and marks in little boxes (big shocker that I am a CPA, huh?). Hold onto your shorts, friends. This is a reading journal for book lovers!
I loved this excerpt in the Introduction:
It's late at night and you've just finished a great book. Ahhhh. What a feeling! The characters are still fresh in your imagination, friends you will keep and think back on from time to time. Questions and thoughts swirl in your mind. Did Holden "catch" Phoebe? In Cormac McCarthy's The Road, is the boy better off with his mother or father? Does Offred get out of Gilead and is she able to find her daughter? Kafka, why a roach? If set in modern times, would Elizabeth's and Mr. Darcy's social classes have helped or hindered their relationship? Was Pi telling the truth about his amazing adventure? As you reflect over the book's ending, a strange panic begins to form in your mind. What's next?
OK, I'll admit, this is where I guffawed. Me? Panic? About what to read next? Not a chance. But still, any fleeting book-related thought that might perchance go through your brain has a special place in this journal.
You want a list of all Pulitzers, National Book Awards, National Book Critics Circle Awards, Hemingway Foundation/PEN Awards, Governor General's Literary Awards, Scotiabank Giller Prizes, Trillium Book Awards, Man Bookers, Costas, Orange Prizes, Miles Franklins, New York Times Best Books of the Year, (and more but I'm starting to run out of breath) BY YEAR, here it is in one place. With little boxes next to each book that say "Own", "Recommend", "To Read" and "Want". Oooh, I want, I want, I want.
There is a tab where you can record books you want to read. A tab for journaling. A tab for books you want to recommend and to whom. A tab where you can keep track of books loaned and books borrowed. A tab of literary references, including websites for all book awards, literary terminology, and RECOMMENDED BOOK BLOGS. Yes you heard me. And many of these book blogs are some of you, my girlfriends. Kathy, Julie, Lisa, Trish, Natasha, Nicole, Amy, Wendy, Dawn...you are in here girls. So what am I? Chopped liver? I guess you know you've made it when you are on the list of recommended blogs! I guess I can aspire to such a thing!
I was so excited when I received this book, I drug it to the book fair and touched it and manically flipped through it (while I was supposed to be working!), giving my adult customers an unsolicited peek at my little treasure. Got a few squeals too, until they found out that no, it wasn't for sale on one of our tables.
So what is not to love? Happiness is curling up with a pencil and a glass of wine and marking up my little boxes!
I'd like to thank Carrie Gellin at Sourcebooks for offering me the opportunity to dig into this little gem!

This sounds like a dangerous book to own! I think it might cause me to try to complete more lists than I already do and be very bad for my bank balance. Is it very US focused? Are there any international prize lists? Many books in translation? I might have to get a copy anyway!
Lists? With boxes to tick? I want it! Though like Jackie, I fear it would be dangerous :P
You got me with the lists and little boxes to tick, too - lol! This sounds like a 'must own'!!
I so wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to review this book, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to meet the deadline. It sounds fabulous!
Sandy, I think you should be in that recommended list. But I'm so happy to see many of our other buddies in there.
I have this for review as well.
I love this book too! As much as I hate to write in books, I'll be writing in this one.
This sounds like a perfect gift! Maybe for the Christmas swap, all of us should give it to each other! :--)
What?! A section of book blogs?! You had me running up to grab my copy to see how in the world I missed that. Alas, Ihave an old version (copyright 2007). Rachelle lives here in Utah, actually not to far from me, and she handed out these books at our recent Utah Book Blogger Social. She's having a launch party here pretty soon so I will have to go and get my hands on the newer version to check it out.
But yes, this book IS dangerous. I LOVE lists.
I think all bloggers like lists. We like to record things. Makes sense. I write all over the books I own - and the ones I don't I put little scraps of paper between the pages. Then I record thoughts onto Goodreads. This sounds like an interesting resource/journal combo. And yes. You should be on a top book blogger list. Just remember this little 'ole Bumble when you hit the big time ;0)
Oooh, it's like a little book of bookish projects!
Oh heavens, you're killing me here (or rather, you're killing my Visa...I'll send you the bill, LOL). You knew very well that I wouldn't be able to resist this!
It was hard to say no this ARC right? :)
Sadly I still haven't gotten the chance to check it out as I've been so involved with some other books but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. It seems like everyone is really liking it!
Oh my gosh, this is one we all need!
I want! I want! Seeing that it has received so many seals of approval from my favorite book bloggers, I gotta have this!
I've stapled an addendum to my copy of the book; you're in there now!
I was pleased to see this at the cash wrap at our local indie, and the kids' version was there, too.
I love this book too! I haven't had a chance to go through it as thoroughly as I want yet, but I'm planning on it soon! Great resource for book lovers.
I have yet to see this book because I couldn't find it anywhere. But I agree with Jackie that this would be a dangerous book to own. I'm curious what titles are included in here.
I've heard a few negatives about these books but I'm with Nymeth -- I wanna check off the boxes.
I had to say yes when I was too offered the chance to review this journal! Sounds too good to be true, eh? :)
I am so super excited about this book/journal and can't wait to get my hands on a copy for myself! I am so glad that you love it and are having fun with it!
I jumped at this one, too. I'll be posting my thoughts soon. I must say that as soon as I opened the envelope and pulled the book out, I grabbed my pen and hit the lists!
Diary of an Eccentric
OH WOW! This sounds fantastic!
I couldn't do this as I am completely unable to write in books! Now, an online version would be wonderful...
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