I've heard about it since I started blogging, but the timing was never right. Alas, with my fingers crossed, I think this time it's going to work out! I will be officially participating in Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-thon a week from today! The festivities start 8AM Eastern Standard Time on April 10th. The Adult Literacy League "Reading Between the Wines" event will be over the night before. The kids will still be on Spring Break, so there will be no volleyball games. No dinner parties. No play dates. It's on baby!
So here is the plan. My daughter is going to hang with me as long as she can (or until she gets moody and decides I don't know anything). My non-reading son also thinks he wants to try. We will set up shop at my parent's house next door, so we will be free of distractions from the peanut gallery (my husband). We will be stocked up on snacks and easy-to-fix meals. I'll have my computer at the ready, to participate in mini-challenges and provide updates. And we will have stacks and stacks of books. Here is a list that might make the cut:
Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri
Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs
Precious - Sapphire
The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
The Summer of Moonlight Secrets - Danette Haworth
The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton
Fat chance I will get through even half of them, but it is good to have choices! Plus, all of these books fill a need, either through an ARC commitment, or for a reading challenge.
Here are the books my daughter has picked out:
The Lacemaker and the Princess - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Forget Me Not - Coleen Murtagh Paratore
The Key to Rondo - Emily Rodda
Every Soul a Star - Wendy Mass
The King in the Window - Adam Gopnik
12 Finally - Wendy Mass
And my son's list:
The Trumpeter of Krakow - Eric P. Kelly
Ghost of a Hanged Man - Vivian Vande Velde
The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells
The Hardy Boys Casefiles - Franklin W. Dixon
Breathe - Cliff McNish
Arch Enemy - Frank Beddor
So are you going to participate this time around? Do you have any tips?

It is great to see that your family are taking part too. My boys are too young still so I'm afraid I can't take part. I'll try to cheer you on though - good luck!
Good lucky, Sandy! My only tip is to have fun, really, which I know you don't need to be told :P Also, take breaks when you need them - and naps too if you get too tired!
Good for you, Sandy! All the best and have fun!
I wish I could, but with the baby, I really can't. But I am glad you will take part, and also it's really great that your kids are joining you!
I just know that within 5 hours, I would fall asleep.
Of course, when Lent is over and I go back on my tea I may be awake for days, weeks.
You and your kids are going to have so much fun! Very cool that they both want to participate (are the snacks luring your non-reading son? Whatever gets him there ...)
I love that this will be a family activity, and know you'll all have a great time (even if you don't read all those books). I'll participate in a readathon one of these times - next Saturday we have 2 confirmations and the ACT...
Congrats1 I have also joined the marathon so I guess will se each others comments, etc. You have rally good book lined up. I love how you made this a family event. That's great! Good luck to the three of you. Maybe your husband will join you guys later...
What fun to have others to do this with (not to mention, a sanctuary to go to!) I think that would make me participate. By myself, it's too easy to give up and go to bed!
That is so cool. I love this idea. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Precious (I will hold my remarks until you've read it) and you reminded me of a book I loved as a teen--The Outsiders!
Congrats! I think you have a great stash of books. Unfortunately, I can't seem to fit one of these into my schedule! I'll be rooting for you.
October was my first, and I made it all 24 hours, reading for 14 hours and finishing 8 books. It was beautiful. I can't wait for next weekend! My readathon posts can be found here to give you an idea of what it's like.
I'm excited you are doing this!
Yeah! It is great that you are all getting involved. Have fun, don't stress and keep water and good snacks handy.
What fun to do this as a family! I'll be cheering off and on throughout the day.
It's great to see you and your children joining in. It raises the status of reading books up a few levels, at least it did in the eyes of my two granddaughters when they participated with me last October. I like the lists the kids have developed. Good luck to all of you.
I'm so glad that you will be doing the read-a-thon...I hope you have a great time...Love that you got the kids participating...lets hope their attention is maintained.
How fun--a family readathon! Do you think your kids are going to participate in some of the mini-challenges, too?
Good luck Sandy! I bet it'll be a lot of fun doing it with the kids. I'll pop by with some encouragement. I'm unofficially participating.
You guys are going to have so much fun! I wish there was someone in my house who enjoyed reading, but since there isn't, I shall be reading in solitude in the nook.
Check out Margo's post for some great snack ideas; have a variety of books on your list so that there is always something you can be reading; plan ahead how much to spend on the computer vs how much time you want to read. Those are all the tips I got :)
I hope you have a great time with your kids!
When I taught 5/6 self-contained classroom I used to have regular read-a-thon days. I recommend sleeping bags on the floor and maybe a fort made from sheets and dining room chairs. Honestly. It will help the kids.
Maybe a big stack of comic books or something like that.
And have lots of fun with it.
I have been dying to participate in one of these, but the timing has just never worked out with my work schedule. One of these days, though, the stars will align and I'll get to have fun, too. Good luck, Sandy, I'm rooting for you!
I'll be cheering you all on!
Have loads of fun, and happy reading, Sandy!
Don't go too heavy or too long in your books, lighter and shorter tends to work best. The Unaccustomed Earth will be good, since it is short stories.
I loved Unaccustomed Earth .It might be a good one to mix in between other books since it's made up of short stories. The Outsiders is good and moves quickly. I wasn't a fan of Running with Scissors. The Things They Carried is amazing, but again it's easy to read one or two stories and put it down to read something else. Good luck!
I am not sure if I will be participating this time around, but I hope you have a great time and get your whole list read! And by the way, your picks look wonderful!
Running With Scissors is a good choice - captivating - in a train wreck sort of way - and therefore a quick read. I'll root you and the kids on - I always am so happy to hear your efforts on involving reading in their lives. What a cool mom.
Those are some great lists! The O'Brien book is also on mine. Running With Scissors sure is interesting...good luck with that one!
Have a great time!
Diary of an Eccentric
Oh how fun, you're getting your kids involved! I've done the read-a-thon a couple of times and it's been so much fun. Granted, I didn't read as much as I thought I would as I spent a lot of time updating the blog and visiting other participants! haha.. Not sure if I can join this year as I may have a friend in town but if she doesn't come visit then I'll have to do the read-a-thon! Have fun Sandy!
First of all, "Unaccustomed Earth" is a fantastic choice! The stories are A+ material and the short story format is ideal!!
Second, do take breaks for walking and to get outside. You'll need it.
Third, how awesome that you are doing this with your kids! That is wonderful!
Good luck! I'll be rooting for you.
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