After 3 hours of sleep, I'm back at Hour 20 (3:00am)! Don't know for how long...after all, I do need to be in top form to hit the road at 8am for my 2 hour drive to Sarasota. But I figure, do a post, read a little more, sleep a little more, see where it takes me.
There are a couple of mini challenges going on out there that I will attempt. The first is "Go INDIE", where we need to extol the virtues of our favorite independent bookstore. Sad story, that. In Orlando, FL, we only had one indie store called Urban Think, and they have recently closed their doors. They were an amazing little store, downtown, walkable from my kids' school. But as many indie stores do these days, they just couldn't make ends meet. How can a community of over a million people not be able to support an indie store? Are we that lacking of culture? Or are we just addicted to Barnes & Noble and Borders?
The other mini challenge is called Hungry for More, where we are to discuss the foods that are keeping us awake. Well, as you know, I haven't been awake. No food (not even Ben & Jerry's) was working. Right now, I'm waffling between tater tots and whole coffee beans. The tater tots might just be too much work.
I'm going to see if I can get any closer to finishing my book before I crash again. Good luck to the rest of you!

Hold your eyelids up! Almost at the finish line! You can do it!!
3 hours of sleep - not really much. It reminds me of the time when Emma was 2 months old and she slept that much. Now she's 5 months and finally sleeps through the night. If she wouldn't, I wouldn't be able to read and to blog:)
Wonderful job on the Read-a-Thon! Way to go! I'll be looking forward to reading with you on October. Keep on rocking and reading, read-a-thoner! It's been lots of fun! :D
I was so sick yesterday I didn't read nor visit blogs :( --- so I am trying to play catch up today.
I LOVE the official white board. It sounds like it was truly a family affair and all had a fun time.
You did great! Of course, that foot rub couldn't have hurt! :--)
many indies close. but then many of all sorts of small businesses close for a number of reason. I once heard the figure of 80-90% of small businesses do not survive.
as to book stores in particular, we must remember that many, many people do not read AT ALL. shocking, but true.
We don't have any Indies in our town, so I chose Powell's. :P
You lasted longer than me. I thought I could sleep for a bit and then get up, but that didn't happen. Glad you all had a lot of fun!
Diary of an Eccentric
I've been brain dead all week last week trying to recover from personal circumstances. I didn't get to join the read-a-thon and am excited to read the recaps. Hope you caught up with sleep! :)
I think you did great!
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