Today's Monday Movie Meme from the Bumbles is all about the Oscars, of course. As I am writing this post (which, by the way, is my last night in Hawaii and I've been out celebrating, so please excuse), I know the winners of these esteemed awards. Molly and Andy want to know generally how we feel about these awards. They have given us a blank canvas to express our opinions. So here are mine:
1. The ceremony is a bloated, narcissistic display of self-indulgence.
In my younger years, I would watch this gross exhibition from beginning to end, with sweaty palms, anxious to find out if my picks fared well. Now I value my time. I'm interested in about six or eight awards. The rest is just stupid, except to those who have won the darned thing. Why do I care about best editing? I'd rather just Google the results after it is over.
2. The results are skewed and political.
Where to begin with this one? If you are a long-suffering yet recognized artist, and haven't held the gold man in awhile, or if you died while filming something, you probably will get an Oscar. If you are heavily marketed, you stand a pretty good chance too. Did you know that those sitting on the voting panel rarely see all of the qualifying movies? The whole thing is a huge sham. There are some movies that have been screwed over the years, for no really good reason. Brokeback Mountain, Shawshank Redemption, Good Fellas and Apocalypse Now are just a few films that are perfect examples of why the system doesn't work. And if the voting panel couldn't see five movies, what do you think happened this year when there were ten?
3. I'm not invested in the hosts.
Back in the Billy Crystal days, I would look forward to viewing the antics of the host. Now it makes no difference to me. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin? Are you kidding me? Just because they starred together in a flop of a movie?
4. Begrudgingly, I still allow some of the contenders to dictate what I watch.
I will admit, when the short lists come out, I tend to attempt to watch a few of them. There is a better chance if they have already been released on DVD.
5. On this year's nominees:
I didn't see all of the contenders, so I'm not the expert here. But what I did see didn't blow me away. Yes, Up was sweet. The Hurt Locker was intense. Inglourious Basterds was a good old Tarantino head trip. Sandra Bullock's rear end looked good in a white skirt and was snappy and cute. Avatar had a good concept and good effects. But Oscar worthy? What WAS Oscar-worthy this year? The best bet will be that I may give consideration to the Best Documentary and Best Foreign Film and add them to the Netflix Q someday. My only satisfaction gained is that Bigelow beat out her pompous ex Cameron in more than one category.
What are your thoughts? Do you even care?

1. The ceremony is a bloated, narcissistic display of self-indulgence.
In my younger years, I would watch this gross exhibition from beginning to end, with sweaty palms, anxious to find out if my picks fared well. Now I value my time. I'm interested in about six or eight awards. The rest is just stupid, except to those who have won the darned thing. Why do I care about best editing? I'd rather just Google the results after it is over.
2. The results are skewed and political.
Where to begin with this one? If you are a long-suffering yet recognized artist, and haven't held the gold man in awhile, or if you died while filming something, you probably will get an Oscar. If you are heavily marketed, you stand a pretty good chance too. Did you know that those sitting on the voting panel rarely see all of the qualifying movies? The whole thing is a huge sham. There are some movies that have been screwed over the years, for no really good reason. Brokeback Mountain, Shawshank Redemption, Good Fellas and Apocalypse Now are just a few films that are perfect examples of why the system doesn't work. And if the voting panel couldn't see five movies, what do you think happened this year when there were ten?
3. I'm not invested in the hosts.
Back in the Billy Crystal days, I would look forward to viewing the antics of the host. Now it makes no difference to me. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin? Are you kidding me? Just because they starred together in a flop of a movie?
4. Begrudgingly, I still allow some of the contenders to dictate what I watch.
I will admit, when the short lists come out, I tend to attempt to watch a few of them. There is a better chance if they have already been released on DVD.
5. On this year's nominees:
I didn't see all of the contenders, so I'm not the expert here. But what I did see didn't blow me away. Yes, Up was sweet. The Hurt Locker was intense. Inglourious Basterds was a good old Tarantino head trip. Sandra Bullock's rear end looked good in a white skirt and was snappy and cute. Avatar had a good concept and good effects. But Oscar worthy? What WAS Oscar-worthy this year? The best bet will be that I may give consideration to the Best Documentary and Best Foreign Film and add them to the Netflix Q someday. My only satisfaction gained is that Bigelow beat out her pompous ex Cameron in more than one category.
What are your thoughts? Do you even care?

lol - I can't say I care much either. I pretty much agree with everything you said.
Ummmm, tell us what you really think!
I love Steve Martin and don't really think of him as an actor because I've been watching him from his early, early days as a stand-up.
I used to watch this event too, when I was younger. But now I don't really care about it, as I don't really have too many favorite actors and I also don't like the movies that are made these days. I am more a fan of the old movies, with Audrey Hepburn, Doris Day and co:)
Steve Martin should have gone it alone, Baldwin was a total drag. I was really glad to see Bigelow beat out Cameron too. Don't even get me started on the lame Ben Stiller, Oy! *Shudder*
We must be twins! I totally agree with you - it's not worth watching all that junk to see the few minutes that interest me. The awards are all political anyway.
I actually love award shows - the boy and I watch all of them. There's something exciting about them. Sure, some of the people seem like it's annoying to be there, but others look so excited - it's nice to see them up there. I didn't actually see any of the best picture nominees, with the exception of An Education and Up, but I pretty much agreed with the winners. Except I wanted way more Colin Firth shots. Swoon.
I usually feel the same way but last night's show was the best one yet! They really mixed it up. No big production numbers and past co-stars gave mini-speeches on the best actor nominees. Martin and Baldwin did really well too. AND the folks that should have won, actually won! A first!
We watched the last few awards of the ceremony last night. We haven't seen most of the movies. We're just not into the violence and gore that usually comes with Tarantino films. And I kept thinking, is the Hurt Locker really that good?
I went to my first Oscar party last night, several of my friends got together to watch the Academy award show and snack on tasty movie themed snacks. I had a lot of fun, but it was the fellowship with my friends that made it so.
Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin were about as entertaining and funny as a blank wall.
The highlight was Sandra Bullock's thank you speech.
I was very disappointed in this year's Oscars. It looked cheaply produced, most of the laughs fell completely flat, and--this is the absolutely worst part, imo--the movie people were even bored with it!
Do I personally care what movie get what Oscar? No, not really. But the fun part about the Oscars is watching movie people get all gussied up and go all out and be like, "YEA! Movies are the best thing evar and we love our jobs!!!" Instead, this year when they showed shots of the audience, it looked like everyone was falling asleep!! Seriously, it was like they were a bunch of high school seniors being forced to come to class on Ditch Day. Like wtf Hollywood?
I never really watch the show, but I am really surprised to hear that the judges don't even watch all of the movies! How then, are they even qualified to judge them?? That just blows me away with it's craziness! I loved this post and must admit, I learned something too! I don't think there were very many movies worth the award this year, but, the show must go on I guess!
Do you really want to know my thoughts, Miss Sandy? Because I disagreed with everything you said. BUT it's your blog, so your word does and should rule the day. Except for one thing: It's Complicated, with Streep, Martin and Baldwin is no flop -- it's made nearly $200 million worldwide. This is important to me because I think it's neat that a movie starring three actors way, way too old to be in a High School Musical or vampire movie ended up being so profitable.
I have to agree with your assessment of the telecast. I watched parts of it but more to see what people were wearing (shallow I know) than anything else. The only of the movies in contention for Best Picture that I managed to see was Up in the Air. I thought is was really good but can't imagine it was 1 of the 10 best for the whole year.
I used to be totally into the Oscars and it doesn't even register on my radar anymore. And it does seem hard to believe these are the 10 best movies!!!
Hi Sandy, I plan to watch THE HURT LOCKER this week. I've been eyeing it for some time and I'm glad it won!
Ah - you're just cranky you had to leave Hawaii ;0)
You're so wonderful, Sandy. LOL
The Academy Awards are about the only award show I really follow all that much--more or less. I think this is the first year I actually didn't watch the show at all--usually I catch it all or most of it. I don't think much of the politics and can't really say I care. I enjoy movies, the good, the bad, and everything in between; simple as that.
I watched it at work..yes, work...with half an eye. I like Sandra Bullock and was happy she won, but since I did not see the movie I have no idea id=f she should have.
and I too was very happy "Bigelow beat out her pompous ex Cameron". He is so full of himself, I just loved to see her win.
The hosts....totally forgettable.
The speeches...totally forgettable.
The fashions...forgettable or ugly.
I'm with you on all of that...except I absolutely loved Inglourious Basterds. I thought it was very clever, which is what I look for when I think about Oscar-worthy movies. The best part of the whole show was watching Cameron lose...and the fact that it was his ex made it even more entertaining!
Diary of an Eccentric
Couldnt agree more, none of the Oscar pictures bowled me over. I liked Inglorious Basterds because it was fun seeing history as it should have been. For all the money Cameron spent on Avator, he could have spent some on a good screenwriter. There is a part of me that would love for Bigelow to beat our Cameron, it brings a bit of a smile to my face!
I don't watch them--and I loved your comments :)
First of all, I was really glad to see Bigelow beat out Cameron. I didn't care about Avatar but I am surprised that Avatar didn't take Best Picture home because it was almost favored universally across the board.
Now about the ceremony. Alec baldwin is a drag but I don't mind his being the host. I find the dance numbers that prelude the Best Original Score very bizarre and unbefitting, especially Sherlock Holmes.
For the first time I went to an Oscar party with prediction ballot contest. For someone who has totally not kept up with entertainment scoops, I have only missed one and that was the Best Picture. I am glad to see Sandra Bullock win even though I thought The Blind Side is a bit of a cliche as Vanessa Williams has commented on The View the next morning.
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